Biography Project Criteria

Handout for: A Standing Cube 3-D Biographical Display Project
Biography Project Criteria
Portrait - Side 1:
 Birth date
 Birthplace
 One sentence that describes Abner Cook
20 points
Introductory paragraph - Side 2:
25 points
Introduce Abner Cook and include a sentence about
what made him famous and important to Austin’s
history. Mention which time period in Texas history
that he lived and died.
Accomplishments - Side 3:
In detail, discuss his accomplishments (other
notable homes or buildings) and why he
was important to the Austin community.
25 points
Conclusion - Side 4:
In this concluding paragraph sum up what you
learned about Abner Cook and give your opinion
about him.
25 points
Parent Project Notification returned
5 points
Possible grade for this project………………..........105 points