Unit Activity Planner

Social Studies – Unit Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
Grade: 4
Unit Length (Number of class periods):
Eight to ten Class Periods - 45 minute lessons per day.
Course: Texas History
Topic: Master Builder: Abner Cook
Required Technology:
One classroom computer for every two students with access to Austin: Past and Present DVD.
Epson Projector
Location/Place: Abner Cook built many historical homes
in Austin, Texas. The homes are a vital part of Texas and
Austin history during the mid 1800’s.
Unit Understandings:
 Abner Cook was a master builder who was
responsible for the building many historical homes
and buildings in Austin, Texas.
 The history and growth of Austin’s community
during the mid 1800’s is closely related to the
popularity and exceptional workmanship of Abner
 How building materials and construction have
changed over the past 150 years.
 Preserving these homes is important to future
generations of Austinites and Texans to understand
the history and growth of Austin past and present.
Austin Independent School District
Overarching question:
What important contributions can builders and architects make to the
location and place of a new city?
Unit Questions(s):
 Who was Abner Cook?
 What are some of the contributions made by Abner Cook?
 What common features do the homes have?
 Describe the construction, labor and materials used to build the
 What notable history took place in these homes?
 How are the homes being used today?
 Through what efforts has preservation saved these magnificent
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006
Social Studies – Unit Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
TEKS/TAKS Questions:
Matrix #102 – Create and interpret timelines. (Local)
Matrix #103 – Identify the major eras in Texas history and define absolute and relative chronology. (Local)
Matrix #108 – Apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant individuals, events and time periods.
Matrix # 132 – Identify and explain the significance of various community, state, and national landmarks. (Local)
Matrix #205 – Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, to construct and interpret
maps. (4.6A)
Matrix #214 – Translate geographic data into a variety of formats. (4.6B)
Matrix #223 – Analyze the consequences of human modification of the environment in Texas, past and present. (4.9C)
Matrix #228 – Explain patterns of settlement at different time periods in Texas. (4.8B)
Matrix #229 – Describe the location of cities in Texas and explain their distribution, past and present. (4.8C)
Matrix #314 – Describe the development of the free enterprise system in Texas. (4.12A)
Matrix #336 – Explain then impact of American ideas about progress and equality of opportunity on the economic development and
growth of Texas. (4.13F)
Matrix #619 – Summarize the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups in the development of Texas.
Matrix #811 – Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies.
Matrix #815 – Differentiate between, locate, and use of primary and secondary sources. (4.22A)
Matrix #818 – Identify different points of view about an issue or topic. (4.22D)
Matrix #819 – Identify the elements of frame of reference that influenced the participants in an event. (4.22E)
Matrix #824 – Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication. (4.23B)
Austin Independent School District
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006
Social Studies – Unit Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
Lesson 1:Abner Cook: Master Builder - A Standing Cube 3-D Biographical Display Project
 Technical requirement: 1 computer per 2 students with access to the Austin Past and Present DVD or a teacher computer with a projector.
 Colored construction paper
 Glue
 A copy of Abner Cook’s picture/photo.
 Project Rubric
 Grading Criteria Sheet
 Colored pencils, crayons and markers
Lesson 2: Four-Tab Book Time line of Abner Cook’s Historical Homes
 Technical requirement: 1 computer per 2 students with access to internet or a teacher computer with a projector.
 White or colored computer paper
 Handout of historical homes built by Abner Cook
 Project Rubric
 Grading Criteria Sheet
 Scissors
 Colored pencils, crayons and markers.
Lesson 3: Vocabulary Book and Two Pocket Organizer
 Technical requirement: 1 computer per 2 students with access to internet.
 One sheet of notebook paper
 One sheet of construction paper (any color)
 List of unit vocabulary words
 Scissors
 Pencil
 Project Rubric
 Grading Criteria Sheet
Austin Independent School District
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006
Social Studies – Unit Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
The Governor’s Mansion and the Neill-Cochran House
Use the picture of the Governor’s mansion from the Geo Tour Downtown section of the Austin Past and Present DVD. Begin an open
discussion of the mansion including its’ physical characteristics, location and historical significance. Next, show the Neill-Cochran house
from the Central section of the Austin Past and Present DVD. Create a T-chart labeled Governor’s mansion and Neill-Cochran house on
an overhead, chalkboard or chart tablet. Have the students point out similarities and differences of these two homes.
Discussions should lead to the discovery that these homes were probably built by the same person.
Introduce Abner Cook using the Austin Past and Present DVD.
Student activities that support the TEKS/TAKS :
Lesson 1:Abner Cook: Master Builder - A Standing Cube 3-D Biographical Display Project
Students will create a biographical display of Abner Cook’s life. The students will follow the writing process in order to complete a final
product. Research about Abner Cook will be necessary.
 sequence events in time based on the life and history of Abner Cook.
 explain patterns of settlement during Austin’s growth and the demand for upscale housing.
Lesson 2: Four-Tab Book Time line of Abner Cook’s Historical Homes
Students will create a five-tab time line that will include homes or buildings that Abner Cook built.
 create and interpret timelines based on the building of the homes or buildings.
 identify the major eras in Texas history that were taking place during the construction.
 identify and explain the significance of historical landmarks.
Lesson 3: Vocabulary Book and Two Pocket Organizer
Students will locate and identify terms that they are familiar and unfamiliar with in order to create a unit vocabulary reference book.
 create written and visual graphic organizers of words that are used in this unit study of Abner Cook.
 use the two-pocket organizer to categorize familiar and unfamiliar words.
Austin Independent School District
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006
Social Studies – Unit Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
Lesson 1: Abner Cook: Master Builder - A Standing Cube 3-D Biographical Display Project
a. Graphic Organizer: Who, What, When and Where: Students will write information learned about Abner Cook in well-written paragraphs.
b. Oral Report and Presentation of the Standing Cube 3-D Biographical Display Project: Students will give present their project to the class by
giving an oral report. (Criteria and Grading Rubric are provided)
Lesson 2: Four-Tab Book Time line of Abner Cook’s Historical Homes
Timeline Test: Students will organize information given about other Austin landmarks based on the time of construction. They will need to
correctly place the home/building in the correct location on the timeline.
Lesson 3: Vocabulary Book and Two Pocket Organizer
Students will use the vocabulary words from their vocabulary book to create new 8-10 word sentences. These complex sentences should reflect
what they learned in the unit.
Austin Independent School District
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006