Names _________________________________

Names _________________________________
Austin History Project
Instructions / Checklist
You and your partner will choose and research a topic from Austin’s history. Follow the checklist to
make sure you complete all parts of the project. Remember to follow the Writing Process, and
always do your best.
Our landmark/subject and person: _______________________________________
Our presentation product choice: ________________________________________
(Suggestions: PowerPoint slide show; pop-up book; poster; imovie; play/skit; mobile; 3-D model;
canned report)
We have chosen our landmark/subject and person to research.
We used our Austin History Project Notes/Outline paper to take good notes.
o We followed our good work chart for note taking.
o We remembered to spell important words we see correctly.
o We included all vital information in case we can’t find our resource again.
We drafted our writing, using our Notes/Outline paper as a guide to organize our writing,
and remembering to follow our good work chart for paragraph writing.
o Peer conference
o Teacher conference
We revised and edited our writing.
o Peer conference
o Teacher conference
We created our presentation product with care using great effort to do our best.
We scheduled a presentation time.
We practiced our presentation, including:
o Using a loud teacher voice
o Making eye contact
o Holding items away from face
o Being still so listeners focus on your presentation
o Using body language like facial expressions and arm movement