3rd Six Weeks Emails

CATCH Messages – Third six weeks
Instructions: District Lead, please email the following messages to Champions for the third six
weeks. The first message is for you to send to all Champions/Teams. The second message is
for the Champion or Team member to send to all staff.
CATCH/CSH Champion/Team:
Good day CATCH Champions/Teams,
As you prepare for Theme III – Speaking the Language of CATCH, please remember the
 Use the CATCH Team Coordination Guide to see the big picture of campus-wide
implementation. Utilize the Big Picture document (found on pg. 13) and Theme III
checklist (found on pgs. 14 – 15) as the agenda for your Team meeting;
 Invite your stakeholders (cafeteria manager, principal/asst. principal(s), parent
leader, physical education, specialized and support staff, etc.) to your team meeting;
 Email the faculty and staff their star tasks and resources; and
 Please remind the individuals on your team to review their star tasks (found on pg.
13 of the CATCH Team Coordination Guide and pg. 7 in their Component Folder) for
Theme III and distribute to the other staff in their discipline.
Thank you for helping to make the healthy choice the easy choice in (insert school district)
Campus Staff message: please forward the message below to faculty and staff on your
campus this six weeks.
According to the CATCH Coordination Kit, we are now in the third theme of the year: Theme
III – Speaking the Language of CATCH to promote healthy eating and physical activity
Attached you will find the following CATCH tools/resources for the third six weeks:
 Theme III Star Tasks for classroom teachers, PE teachers, administrators,
specialized & support staff, child nutrition services and parent leaders;
 Activity Breaks; and
 The 3rd CATCH Parent Newsletter (English on one side & Spanish on the other).
Almost 80% of young people do not eat the recommended number of servings of fruits and
vegetables (2004, YRBS). The language of CATCH is a great way to teach and encourage our
students to make healthy choices every day. Please implement your star tasks and
distribute the CATCH Parent Newsletter to your students.
NOTE: All CATCH materials and resources can be found in your component folder and on the
shared drive at (insert link).
CATCH Messages – Third six weeks
Thank you for creating and sustaining a healthy school environment at (insert school