CATCH Coordination Toolkit A Snapshot of Suggestions and Additional Champion Resources Theme I Suggestions: 1. Gather your CSH Team Members for a meeting during your in-service time before school starts and/or start forming a CSH Team during that time. 2. Ask the Principal for a few minutes in front of all faculty & staff to briefly introduce CATCH/CSH and announce when the Kick Off Week will be held (second week in September). Depending on how much time you have, an overview presentation is provided. 3. Send an email and/or use other communication methods to remind everyone about the Kick Off Week and connect them to where they can locate their individual resource. If possible, email them their resource directly as an attachment. Sample Email: Hello Everyone, Here is a quick reminder about our CATCH efforts for the 1st nine weeks of school. During this theme, the goals are to: Build awareness of the CATCH Program and its goals: to encourage students to eat healthier foods and get regular physical activity; Start to develop CATCH MVP students, families, and staff; and, Begin to create an environment in which the healthy choice is the easy choice. The main thing we will try to accomplish during this theme is to have a CATCH Kick Off Week to get started on creating our CATCH MVP School and introduce CATCH to our students and families. The Kick Off Week is scheduled for the second week in September. Please take a look below and find the MAIN task we are asking you to do during CATCH Kick Off Week. Each task is designed to be easy and will not take a lot of time to do, plus there are ready-made resources to help you carry out your task. If you have any questions about your task or resource, please contact me (CSH/CATCH) Champion or one of the CSH team members on campus. • • • • • • Principals & Administrators – Read the CATCH Kick Off Morning Announcements Classroom Teachers – Teach lessons from your CATCH Grade Level Curriculum during Kick Off Week (a basic sample lesson is provided). Locate your CATCH Lessons in Schoolnet. PE Teachers – Play the CATCH MVP Games during CATCH Kick Off Week. Food Service – Post the CATCH MVP Character Signs each day during the Kick Off Week. Parent Leaders – Send home the CATCH MVP Newsletter during CATCH Kick Off Week. Specialized & Support Staff – Post your Why I’m A CATCH MVP sign during the Kick Off Week. *REMEMBER: Everyone’s task has a ready-made resource – all we ask is that you do your best to use it during the CATCH Kick Off Week. As always, thank you to everyone for their efforts to support health & wellness and for all you do to teach kids healthy habits! Thank you, CSH Champion & Team Theme II Suggestions: 1. Meet with your CSH Team at the end of Theme I or the first week of Theme II to discuss Theme II and delegate tasks. 2. Provide an update to all faculty & staff in the first week or two of the theme. Inform them of their tasks and review where they can access their resources. 3. Send an email and/or use other communication methods to remind everyone about their individual tasks and connect them to where they can locate their individual resource. If possible, email them their resource directly as an attachment. 4. If possible, arrange to make as many extra copies of the CATCH Eat Smart/Be Active posters as you can (laminating all copies of the posters is recommended). Sample Email: Hello Everyone, Here is a quick reminder about our CATCH efforts for the 2nd nine weeks of school. During this theme, we will be focusing on the “Language of CATCH”, specifically: Building student awareness about GO, SLOW, and WHOA Foods, which is how CATCH categorizes food; and, The importance of physical activity – and its different levels of intensity (vigorous, moderate, and sedentary. The number one goal for this nine weeks is to get signage up in the school to begin raising awareness about GO, SLOW, and WHOA Foods and physical activity so that we can start communicating about these things with a common vocabulary. Therefore, this theme’s task is the same for EVERYONE on campus: post the CATCH Eat Smart & Be Active posters (available in English & Spanish) in your area. You can print the posters in color or black & white. Of course, once you’ve posted your posters, if you have more time during the nine weeks you can always take another step and complete your other star tasks! Just ask me or one of the CSH team members on campus about where to locate your other resources. As always, thank you to everyone for their efforts to support health & wellness and for all you do to teach kids healthy habits! Thank you, CSH Champion & Team Theme III Suggestions: 1. Meet with your CSH Team at the end of Theme II or the first week of Theme III to discuss Theme III and delegate tasks. 2. Provide an update to all faculty & staff in the first week or two of the theme. Inform them of their tasks and review where they can access their resources. 3. Send an email and/or use other communication methods to remind everyone about their individual tasks and connect them to where they can locate their individual resource. If possible, email them their resource directly as an attachment. 4. If possible, arrange to make as many extra copies of the “Caught You Being Healthy” postcards as you can to give each teacher a handful to start. Sample Email: Hi Everyone, Well, the school year is about half over now, and we are starting the 3rd nine weeks. As a reminder of our CATCH efforts, during this nine weeks we will be focusing on the “The Home Team: Family Matters.” Specifically, we want to: Build a strong bridge between campus efforts to promote healthy habits and the home to help reinforce them and sustain them. The main activity we will be focusing on this theme will be to “CATCH” students being healthy. We have “Caught You Being Healthy” postcards to positively reinforce students for eating healthy and being physically active AND send those postcards home so that parents know what their child is doing to be healthy and can reinforce those behaviors at home! You can use the electronic copies of the postcard and print out some hardcopies as well to have on hand when you “CATCH” a student being healthy. If you need help locating the postcard resource, just ask me or one of the CSH team members. Remember, if you are interested, you can always take another step toward reinforcing a healthy environment by trying to complete your other star tasks – you have the whole nine weeks to do it! Just ask me or one of the CSH team members on campus about where to locate your other resources. We appreciate everyone’s efforts so far to implement CATCH – it really is making a difference and helping our students learn to be healthy for a lifetime! Thank you! Yours in Health, CSH Champion & Team Theme IV Suggestions: 1. Meet with your CSH Team at the end of Theme III or the first week of Theme IV to discuss Theme IV and delegate tasks. 2. Provide an update to all faculty & staff in the first week or two of the theme. Inform them of their tasks and review where they can access their resources. 3. Send an email and/or use other communication methods to remind everyone about their individual tasks and connect them to where they can locate their individual resource. If possible, email them their resource directly as an attachment. 4. If possible, arrange to distribute the “CATCH My Healthy Living Commitment” signs during a faulty meeting and ask folks to complete it then. 5. Consider recognizing a faculty or staff member at the meeting as a CATCH MVP and present him/her with a certificate. Sample Email: Hi Everyone, This is the last nine weeks of school and this is our last theme for CATCH. During these last weeks of school, we want to celebrate health and our CATCH MVPs. Specifically, the focus is on: Celebrating the success of the CATCH Program this year; Recognizing faculty and staff who have contributed; and, Honoring students who put the lessons of CATCH into action. Therefore, the main task we are asking of everyone is to complete and post the “CATCH My Healthy Living Commitment” sign for everyone to see. Additionally, if possible, we would like to showcase our other CATCH MVPs – the students – with several other promotions (e.g., MVP Certificates, contest, etc.). Any resource you would need to highlight CATCH MVPs is provided in your Coordination Folder in your Resource section. Ask me, or one of the other CSH team members, if you need assistance locating your folder or resources. It’s been a busy year, but we have made a lot of strides to implement Coordinated School Health and CATCH. Thank you for all you have done – you are all CATCH MVPs! Thank you, CSH Champion & Team