Planning of distribution system By. Dr. Youcef Berrouche Primary feeder 380kV 380kV 33kv or 13kv 110/200V Primary feeder Radial Primary feeder The tie Loop Type Voltage of the feeder V=1pu V=2pu V=1pu V=1pu Voltage of the feeder Example 1) A feeder has a voltage of 13kV Line to neutral and a length of 1000 m. This feeder is feeding a 514 kvar of loads a) If we increase the voltage to 33kV, What is the new length if we keep the same load b) If we increase the voltage to 33kV and the load to 700kVar What is the new length c) If we increase the voltage to 33k and we keep the same length. What is the new load that we can add Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with uniform load The main dI/dx=k Laterals l Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with uniform load Is : sending current Ir: receiving current =0 Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with uniform load k=Is/l I(x)=Is(1-x/l) VD(x)=Is.z.x.(1-x/2l) VD(l)=0.5.Is.z.l PLosses =1/3.Is.Is.r.l Design of the feeder Example : A 11kv feeder has a length`` l=1km``. It is feeding 40 3-phases loads as presented in the schematic bellow. Assume that all the loads have the same power of 125kvar. The power factor is assumed 0.9 The impedance of the line is given as :z=(0.31+0.06J)/km Vl-n=13kv Design of the feeder Example : 1.Calculate the current in each lateral 2.Calculate the sending current of the main 3.Calculate the constant k 4.Calculate the voltage drop on the main. 5.Calculate the current of the main at 500m Design of the feeder Example 1 : Solution 1. The current of each lateral is given as : So : Ilateral = 125*4/(1.73*13)=22.2A 2. The current of the main is : Is=5* Ilateral =111A 3. k=Is/l==111/1000=0.111 A/m 4. z=squrt (R2+X2)=0.316 Therfore : VD=0.316*111/2=17.538v 5. I (500m)=111(1-500/1000)=55.5A Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with non uniform load l Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with non uniform load Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with non uniform load Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with non uniform load Example 2 : A feeder has a main length of 1.5 km and a 33kv. It is loading 6000kvar. It has z=(0.12+0.044J)/km. Calculate the voltage drop of its main if is has non uniform distribution Design of the feeder Case 1 : radial feeder with non uniform load Example 2 : Is=6000/33=181A Z=sqrt(0.12*0.12+0.044*0.044)=0.126 ohm VD=2/3*0.126*1.5/1*181=22.8 V AWG Tables AWG Tables Current Resistanc Load DiameterDiameter Square e Ratings ( amps)1) AWG (ohm/10 (mm) (in) (mm2) A 00m) 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0 (1/0) 00 (2/0) 0.51 0.64 0.81 1.02 1.29 1.63 1.80 2.05 2.59 3.25 4.115 5.189 4,752 6.543 7.348 8.252 9.266 0.02 0.025 0.032 0.04 0.051 0.064 0.072 0.081 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.20 0,22 0.26 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.20 0.33 0.50 0.82 1.3 2.0 2.6 3.3 5.26 8.30 13.30 21.15 26.65 33.62 42.41 53.49 67.43 87.5 51.7 34.1 21.9 13.0 8.54 6.76 5.4 3.4 2.2 1.5 0.8 0,6 0.5 0.4 0.31 0.25 3.5 5.0 6.0 9.5 20 24 30 34 52 75 95 120 154 170 180 200 225 Design of the feeders : main and lateral Getting Information : loads picks, Main length, lateral length.... Design of the lateral : the section conductor TAB 1 Design of the Main: the section conductor TAB 1 No Is VD ok Yes Design of the feeders : main and lateral Example : A 11kv feeder has a length`` l=1km``. It is feeding 40 3-phases loads as presented in the schematic bellow. Assume that all the loads have the same power of 125kvar. The power factor is assumed 0.9 The impedance of the line is given as :z=(0.31+0.06J)/km