Cost Assessment By. Dr. Youcef Berrouche Counters type Electromechanical Digital The bill Prices Fixed price Current price Investment cost : breakers transformers, cables .... Operating cost, maintenance, fuel prices ..... The bill Calculation of the bill is based on: 1. Energy in kWh 2. Active power kW 3. Apparent power in kVAR The bill 1. Calculation of the bill is based on the Energy Customer 1 Customer 2 Power =10W Power =10W Time :2H Time : 5H Energy :20WH Energy 50WH $ $$$ The bill 1. Calculation of the bill is based on the Energy Example Home appliance Power Hours /day Energy wh TV 1 60W 10 600 TV 2 120W 2 240 Refrigerator 50W 24 1200 Air conditioner 1 1995 24 47880 Air conditioner 2 1995 12 23940 Air conditioner 3 2500 6 15000 Lampe 1 30 15 450 Lampe 2 30 15 450 Lampe 3 10 15 450 Washing machine 200 1 200 Dryer 3500 1 3500 Total =93910w/day=225kw /month The bill 1. Calculation of the bill is based on the Energy Consumption kwh 1-1000 2000-1001 3000-2001 4000-3001 5000-4001 6000-5001 7000-6001 8000-7001 9000-8001 10000-9001 More than 10000 Price (Halalah /kWH) 5 5 10 10 12 12 15 20 22 24 26 The bill 1. Calculation of the bill is based on the Energy Example : A big house is consuming 6500kWH for the month of June. Calculate the price of this current energy . The bill 2. Calculation of the bill is based on the active power pick The bill 2. Measuring of the active power pick measures the active power pick and the energy The bill 2. The solution for the factories Power controller disconnects the no used loads during the pick The bill 3. Calculation of the bill is based on the apparent power Factory X: PF=100% Factory Y : PF=50% The bill 3. Calculation of the bill is based on the apparent power Line current is proportional to S. So the conductor section is bigger for the small PF Saudi electricity company Any consumer of electricity classified within the industrial, governmental consumption or commercial consumption, and whose contractual load is over one mega volt ampere (1 MVA), should adhere to the minimum electrical power factor of (0.85) The bill 3. Calculation of the bill is based on the apparent power Factory Solution The bill 3. Calculation of the bill is based on the apparent power Factory Solutions: example A factory absorbs apparent power of 300kVA with PF of 65%. Calculate the capacitor with kVAR that should be installed to increase the PF to a) 100% b) 90% The bill 4. Calculation of the bill is based on the customer category Defined by Saudi Electricity Company • For all the categories Monthly fee of Meters: • Class 1: Residential, Commercial, Governmental, Charities and Agricultural • • Class 2: Industrial, Private Educational Facilities, Private Medical Facilities Cass 3 Time Of Use (TOU) Tariff for Commercial : • Cass 4: Electricity Tariff for the Temporary Meters : The bill For all the categories Monthly fee of Meters: Saudi Electricity Company charges a constant monthly amount based on the capacity of breakers. Each month, the company charges this amount due to meter reading, meter maintenance and bill preparation. As the following table: The bill • Class 1: Residential, Commercial, Governmental, Charities and Agricultural The bill The bill Example 1 : a city mosque on the prince Naif ben abdulaziz road has consumed 8020 kwh for the month of January. Calculate the price of the current energy Example 2: Almajmaah university : has consumed 8000 kwh for the month of march. Calculate the price of the current energy The bill • Class 2: Industrial,Private Educational Facilities, Private Medical Facilities The bill The bill Inefficient Energy Consumption Tariff : 1. Any consumer of electricity classified within the industrial, governmental consumption or commercial consumption, and whose contractual load is over one mega volt ampere (1 MVA), should adhere to the minimum electrical power factor of (0.85). 2. Inefficient Energy Consumption tariff applied at (5) Halalas per every additional (K.Var.H.), when the monthly consumption of the ineffective power exceeds (62%) of the effective power consumption (power factor coefficient is less than 0.85). The bill Example 1 ; In the month of June, the Indian school of Al Majmaah has consumed 7000kwh. The school still using a n electromechanical counter. Calculate the current bill Example 2 ; In the month of November , the Sedir clinic of Al Majmaah has consumed 5000kwh. The clinic is using an digital counter. Calculate the current bill The bill Case 3: Time Of Use (TOU) Tariff for Commercial : Time Of Use (TOU) tariff for commercial is optionally applied to the commercial customers as follows : 1. (17 Halalas) off-peak times, and (65 Halalas) within peak times. Peak time is defined (from 12:00 noon until 5:00 afternoon), Saturday through Thursday, and will be applied as of May until September (i.e. five months a year). 2. This tariff is subject to an annual reevaluation process. The bill Example : Panda of Almajmmah has decided to choose the case 3 for the bill. Its daily power consummation ( Saturday –Friday) is given in the table bellow. Calculate the bill for the month of June. HourThe bill Hour am Power pm Power 1 100 1 300 2 100 2 300 3 100 3 300 4 100 4 300 5 100 5 300 6 100 6 300 7 100 7 300 8 100 8 200 9 200 9 200 10 200 10 100 11 300 11 100 12 300 12 100 The bill • Cass 4: Electricity Tariff for the Temporary Meters : The bill Example A temporary work is installed for the month of April. It has consumed 7200kWh. Calculate the current bill The bill