Majmaah University College of Science in Zolfi Dept. of Computer Science &Info. تجسير علوم حاسب First Home Work on Data Mining Name : Time: 1 Hr 28-12-1436 ID: 1- Why Data mining (Scientific view)? 2- Data mining may help scientists in: ab- ...................... is an essential process where intelligent methods are applied to extract data patterns that is also referred to Knowledge discovery in database . a) Data warehousing b) Data mining C) Text mining d) Data selection 1. 2. 3. a) b) c) d) 4. a) b) c) d) Two fundamental goals of Data Mining are _______ and _________. a) Analysis and Description a) Data cleaning and organizing the data b) Prediction and Description c) Data cleaning and organizing the data ............................. is the process of finding a model that describes and distinguishes data classes or concepts. Data Characterization Data Classification Data clustering Data selection Cluster is-------------------------------------------------------------------------Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects Operations on a database to transform or simplify data in order to prepare it for a machinelearning algorithm Symbolic representation of facts or ideas from which information can potentially be extracted None of these 1 5. 6. a) b) c) d) In the clustering algorithm the distance between cluster centroid to each object is calculated using _______________ method. e) Euclidean distance b) Clustering distance c)Central distance d) Cluster Classification task referred to --------------A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain theory The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples None of these 3a) b) c) d) What is Data Mining and not Data Mining? Look up phone number in phone directory ( ) Query a Web search engine for information about “Amazon ( ) Certain names are more prevalent in certain US locations( ) Group together similar documents returned by search engine according to their context ( ) 4- Draws ideas from Machine learning/AI, Pattern recognition, Statistics, and Data mining ? 5- What are Data Mining Tasks? 12345- 6- Define Data Classification ? 2 Test Set 7- This figure is model of ---------------------------------- Training Set – Learn Classifier Model This Application on ( - the image (star or galaxy ---) Segment----------------------------------------------------------------- Measure -------------------------------------------------------------------. Model the ---------------------------------------------------------------- Success Story--------------------------------------------------------------! 8- Define Data Clustering ? 9- What are Similarity Measures of Clustering? 10- What are Challenges of Data Mining ? 3