First Nine Weeks KEY CONCEPTS CONTENT AND SKILLS Fifth Grade Social Studies Yearly Overview Second Nine Weeks Third Nine Weeks Rules and Citizenship Labor Day The Pledge/U.S. Symbols/50 States U.S. Regions/Native Americans Celebrate Freedom Week Exploration Labor Day & Columbus Day Early Settlers Meaning and understanding of the Pledge of Allegiance Identify and describe the regions of the U.S., as well as the Native Americans indigenous to each region Identify the 50 states by region Economic motivation for European exploration and settlement Labor Day activities (TE p. H1) Columbus Day (TE p. H2) RESOURCES SUGGESTED STUDENT PRODUCTS Harcourt Horizons Chapters: 17, Unit 1 Chapters 1-2, Unit 2 Ch. 3-4, Lessons 1-3 History Alive! Lessons 1-6 Time for Kids Readers “Fifty Nifty” by Ray Charles “You’re a Grand Ole Flag” Horizons CDs and video (use with appropriate lesson throughout the year) Rewritten Pledge with student language Diorama displaying four of our patriotic symbols Brochure “advertising” one of the political regions of the U.S. Native American writing, project, or presentation of study Explorer poster/presentation/podcast Salt dough maps of land and regions © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 Colonial Life American Revolution Constitution The election process Governing a new nation Veteran’s Day Explain the details of colonial life in America and differentiate between the three colonial groups. Colonial Fair Discuss the causes and effects of the American Revolution on the people. The reasons for, and development of, a constitution. How the election process works and ways it exemplifies the concept of democracy. Veteran’s Day Activities (TE p. H3 Harcourt Horizons Unit 2 Ch. 4 Lessons 4-5, Unit 3 Ch. 6-7, Unit 4, Ch. 8-9, Unit 5 Ch. 10 We the People History Alive! Lessons 7-15 “Yankee Doodle” p. 262 Schoolhouse Rocks America video Time for Kids Readers Colonial Journal Colonial Fair Group presentations on one of the three colonial groups Revolution Newspapers (Class project in which each student contributes one or more articles Three Branches of government poster Small group writing project- Create constitutions for the students’ school Student-selected projects displaying challenges and issues of governing a new nation: protection of “freedoms”, government responsibilities, etc. Fourth Nine Weeks Causes and effects of the westward movement in America Industrial Revolution Civil War Reconstruction Industrialization MLK Jr. Day President’s Day The impact of westward movement in the early 1800s and the key people and events of that time period Positive and negative influences of the first Industrial Revolution in America. Causes, effects, people, and battles of the Civil War Understanding the process of Reconstruction and how its impact was different for different groups of people MLK Jr. Day (TE p. H8) President’s Day (TE p. H9) Harcourt Horizons Unit 5 ch. 11, Unit 6 Ch. 12-13 Time for Kids Readers History Alive! Lessons 16-19 “Star Spangled Banner” p. 393 Student selected writing/projects/presentations on westward movement Timeline delineating events, people, and documents important to the westward movement in the early 1800s Students prepare for and debate both sides of Civil War conflict Students “contract” to create 5 products to demonstrate an understanding of causes, effects, and important people and events during the Civil War period. Post-Civil War Reconstruction poster. Industrialization The emergence of modern America The Great Depression and WWII Postwar United Living in the 20th and 21st Centuries Memorial Day Development of an industrial economy, including positive and negative impacts The emergence of modern America (early technology, etc.) Causes and effects of both The Great Depression and WWII Postwar United States (the impact of the war and the Depression; changes in everyday life and in government) Living in the 20th and 21st centuries (technology, society, and business changes) Memorial Day Activities (TE p. H10) Harcourt Horizons Unit 7 Ch. 1416 Time for Kids Readers History Alive! Lesson 20 Discuss the people, agricultural & economic changes, cultural reflections & technological advances of the Industrial Revolution using “big books.” Create illustrated timelines of significant events over 200 years and 20th Century to compare and contrast key events History Fair projects presenting information about one of the decades of the 20th century or the first years of the 21st 1 Fifth Grade Social Studies Yearly Overview TECHNOLOGY GeoSkills CD-ROM, Harcourt Clarisworks, Appleworks, or Microsoft (for brochures) © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 GeoSkills CD-ROM, Harcourt Powerpoint, Hyperstudio, or Storybook Weaver GeoSkills CD-ROM, Harcourt Clarisworks, Appleworks, or Microsoft (for brochures) GeoSkills CD-ROM, Harcourt Clarisworks, Appleworks, or Microsoft (for brochures) 2