What is inventory? What are its varieties? Inventory is the buffer between two related sequential activities. Between purchase and production, between the beginning and completion of production, and between production and marketing, buffers are needed. Buffer means a cushion to fall back on. Production should not suffer due to some difficulty in purchase of raw materials. Marketing should not suffer due to some difficulty in production. If the business has some stock of raw materials, a temporary difficulty in purchase will not affect production since the stock of raw materials can be used. If there is a stock of finished goods marketing will not be effected due to any temporary hurdle in production. The stocks of raw materials and finished goods, therefore serve as buffers absorbing the difficulties in purchase and production respectively. So, inventory takes different forms. Stocks of raw materials, work-inprocess and finished goods are prime inventory. Stocks of consumable stores (like cotton waste, lubricants, etc) maintenance materials (tools, jigs, etc), and packing materials are some secondary inventory. A business has to carry certain amount of inventory. Carrying too much or too little of inventory is bad. Inventory management is concerned with deciding of right quantity. MBA- Knowledge Base