Course Overview and Introductions

Semantic Web Technologies
• Week 1 Schedule
- Web Site
- Syllabus Review
- Personal Introductions
The Big Question(s)
• What is the Semantic Web?
• How do semantic technologies work?
- What are Web services?
- What are the information structures and formats
for semantic data?
• What are Web 2.0 applications?
• How can Semantic Web technologies be used
to improve and develop information access?
Syllabus and Topics Overview
• Weekly Work
- Readings
• Primary
• Secondary
- Blogging
- Tagging
- Class Work
- Discussions
• Participation is the key to getting something
out of this course
• Cooperation & Collaboration with others in
• Discussions
- Class discussions
- Class blog
- Shared tags
• Presentations
- Weekly review of readings
- Final presentation of paper or project
• Research Papers
• Development Projects
Rules for Assignments
- All assignments due at the absolute beginning of class (do
not be late)
- Late assignments are penalized 20% per 24 hour period after
the beginning of class
• You are responsible for making sure the assignment is
• E.g. Due at Noon today, turned in tomorrow at Noon = 20%. Turned in a week later = 0.
• Arrangements can be agreed upon for known issues
- Travel, Serious Illness or Work
- Do not mail attachments to me unless agreed upon
- Make assignments Web accessible
• When required, notify class of your assignment via blog
or class listserv
• Posting or sent email times count as submission times
Tools for this course
• Web browser (HTTP)
- Firefox
• News or Feed Reader (RSS, Atom)
- Web Based
• Google Feed Reader
- Windows
• FeedDemon
• Thunderbird (also for email)
- Macintosh
• NetNewsWire (Lite version)
• Blog posting tool (XML-RPC)
- MarsEdit
- Ecto
More tools
• Tagging systems
• Development tools
CSS Editors
Javascript templates
Ontology and Taxonomy creation tools
Web API templates and frameworks
Tools for Graduate School
• Text creation & editing tool
Spell & Grammar checking (not a substitute for proofreading)
Formatting & Style markup
XHTML Output (not MS Word)
Learn one tool well, over many tools a little
• Bibliography (Information Database)
PIM Tools
Text files
• Analysis
- Calculations
- Charts
• Tools make the rules
- The functionality of what you use defines the possibilities of
your work
- Learning a few tools well makes work more productive
• Use tools that support collaboration
- Open file formats
- Easy availability
• Where to find tools
iSchool IT Lab
Campus Computer Store &
• Blog, Web blog, weblogs, online journal, Web
site, Web page…
• A Brief History of Weblogs
- A portal of commentary & links about a person or
group with (sets of somehow) related topics
- Reverse Chronological Postings (newest first)
- Web accessible (search engine access)
- Commentable (Trackback, email, form post)
- Syndicated feeds (RSS and Atom)
• Example:
Blog Setup
- Choose an id for this class
- Let’s walk through a blog post
• Blog content
• Commentary with your own thoughts
• Analysis of someone else’s ideas
- Fellow class members
- About our class readings
- From another web page or blog post
• Recommendations (with explanation & commentary
- Links to other web pages or blog posts
- Referring to other information sources
• People, meetings, news, software…
• Queries for help or discussion
- Ask others for their insights into an issue or problem
Tags and Tagging Systems
• What are they used for?
• Let’s look at two systems
- How do they help with organization?
• Personal
• Collaborative
- How do they provide information?
• Browsing (Visualization)
• Searching
Personal Introductions
• What’s your background?
- Where are you from?
- What have you researched or done that might be
related to this course?
• Why this course?
• What do you think the Semantic Web or
semantic web technologies are?
• Do you use any semantic web tools or
technologies now?
Topic Selection (next week)
• Choose a topic (week) to overview and
discuss our readings
- What was interesting about the readings?
- What were the great ideas?
- What were bad ideas?
• How can these Semantic Web standards and
technologies help coordinate, discover,
organize information and knowledge?
• Your own point of view about the practicality
& promise of these tools and procedures