Content Management Systems INF385E Fall 2004 Helena Loh 21 September 2004 What is Content? • The intellectual information transmitted in or by a resource, information package, or metadata; content is distinguished from the encoding, packaging, or framework used for transmission (Taylor, 2004) • …used to refer to any kind of audiovisual, visual, sound, or textual information….(Mauthe and Thomas, 2004) • …the stuff on your web site. (Rosenfeld and Morville, 2002) What is Content Management? • …[a] process for collecting, managing, and publishing content to any outlet. (Boiko, 2002) • …is about organizing, categorizing and structuring information resources so that they can be stored, retrieved, published and reused in multiple ways . (Hackos, 2002) A Content Management System… • …is a software tool designed to manage and track the location of, and relationships among, content at the element level in a central repository. • …supports the creation, management, distribution, publishing and retrieval of corporate information. A CMS addresses the complete lifecycle of content as it moves through the organization" ( A (Very) Brief Look at CM History • Formal content management • In terms of IT, imaging technology in 1980s replaced large-scale filing • 1990s - explosion of personal computer use • Control over electronic content - document management • Mid-1990s - widespread adoption of the Internet forced evolution of “document mgmt” to “web content mgmt” • Variations of content management exist based on similar principles, but with different objectives in mind CM - Lifecycle Developing and Managing a CM solution: • Identifying the need for a CM solution and its overall goals • Evaluating and selecting a suitable CM solution • Developing and deploying the selected CM solution • Expanding the CM solution • Fully integrating of the CM solution within the environment CM - Requirements and Steps • Authoring • Repository • Assembly and Linking • Publishing CM -Authoring • Information sources • Forms • Labels CM - Repository • Databases • Library Services • CM System - a layer of software controlling a database management system that stores either the content resources themselves or references to those in a file-management system. (Hackos, 2002) CM - Assembly and Linking • Assembly - Manipulation of smaller components to create compound documents • Greater control • Increased flexibility for use in multiple contexts • Linking - through cross referencing CM - Publishing • should be able to publish documents in multiple styles for multiple delivery media – Use an existing style provided by authoring tool - convert to style for another medium – Begin with a neutral document without style tags and add format during publishing process The Marriage of CM and IA • IA portrays a “snapshot” or spatial view of an information system while CM describes a temporal view by showing how information should flow into, around, and out of that same system over time.” (Rosenfeld and Morville, 2002) CMS - Resources • Rosenfeld, Louis and Morville, Peter (2002). Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates. • Hackos, Joann T (2002). Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. • Mauthe, Andreas and Thomas, Peter (2004). Professional Content Management Systems: Handling digital media assets. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. • • Some other definitions • Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information. When information is packaged or used for understanding or doing something, it is known as knowledge. (