Collaborative Filtering: Searching and Retrieving Web Information Together Huimin Lu December 2, 2004 INF 385D Fall 2004 Instructor: Don Turnbull Outline • • • • • • • • Introduction Collaborative Search Family Collaborative Filtering Systems Process Algorithm Problems & Solutions Privacy Collaborative Search into IR World • Inverted Index • Yellow-pages-like information gateway & Internet search engine (Sun, 1999) • Needs for collaborative retrieval • Information-resources-focused systems - By CSCW: structuring mechanisms & recommendation techniques • User-preferences-focused systems Collaborative Search Types • Collaborative browsing • Mediated searching • Collaborative information filtering • Collaborative agents - meda-search engines • Collaborative re-use of results (Setten, 2000) Collaborative Filtering • User-based filtering • Collects the taste information from users who like to collaborate in the process of searching and automatically predict or filter the relevant information to users (Wikipedia, 2004). • Store profile & preferences • Build users’ database • Recommended list by collaborative filter Collaborative Filtering Systems • Commercial - Amazon - Barnes and Noble - Netflix • Non-commercial - Moonranker - MovieLens - AmphetaRate - Audioscrobbler - Findory - Gnomoradio - iRATE radio System Example I: Recommendation page Back System Example II: ranking page Back System Example I: rating page Back Collaborative Filtering Process Collaborative Filtering Algorithm • Goal - Suggest new items/predict the utility based on previous likings (Sarwar, 2001) • Memory-based - use entire user-item database - Pearson-correlation based approach, vector similarity based approach, the extended generalized vector space model • Model-based - develop a model of user rating - Bayesian network approach, the aspect model Problems and Solutions • Memory-based algorithm problems - Sparsity: insufficient user rating information - Scalability: nearest neighbor algorithm (compute user number and item number) - Solution: automatic weighting scheme by MSU & CMU • Model-based algorithm problem - Inherent static structure: updating problem & learning exact cluster number and specifying user classes problem • Systems problems - Scarcity: less rating for some items - Early-rater: no recommendations for new items - Solution: collaborative information filtering (communicating agents, correlating profile, and filterbots - automated rating robots) Privacy • Unsafe server-based system • Monopolies • Peer-to-peer architecture - Multi-party computation Conclusion The computer environment turns to be more ubiquitous and pervasive. 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