Augmenting Web Search Valerie Gomez de la Torre INF 385F: WIRED Dr. Turnbull

Augmenting Web Search
Valerie Gomez de la Torre
Dr. Turnbull
November 4, 2004
How people search for information
Filtering Approaches
Recommendation Systems
• Content-Based Filtering
• Collaborative Filtering
• Tapestry
• SiteSeer
User models : How users search the
Maglio and Barrett
• users have a standard pattern of search
will recall previous searches in terms of their
standard routine
• nodes along a search path of unbroken links
• rely on key nodes and not the actual path
they took
Web agents based on user models
Maglio and Barrett
Agents – programs that collaborate with
human users to try to mimic their expectant
Short-cut agent
Waypoint agent
• used to extract repeated patterns
• tracks specific parts of a user’s history
• no back tracking
• connected by a sequence of links
WBI Tool Bar: using the Short-cut Agent
Maglio and Barrett
Content Based Filtering
Balabonovi and Shoham
Recommendations are made for a user
based solely on a profile built up by
analyzing the content of items which that
user has rated in the past.
very shallow analysis
over specialization
hard to elicit user feedback
Collaborative Filtering
Balabonovi and Shoham
Recommendations are made solely on the
basis of similarities to other users
• “nearest neighbors”
• new items in database won’t be
recommended until rated
new users begin with a “cold start”
lack of access to content can also prevent the
matching of “nearest neighbors”
PHOAKS: System for sharing
Hill, Amento, McDonald & Creter
“People Helping One Another Know Stuff”
Uses collaborative filtering to sift through
Usenet newsgroup messages
Principles of Role specialization and Reuse
PHOAKS: Rules for selecting
Terveen, Hill, Amento, McDonald & Creter
Cannot be cross-posted to too many news
URL cannot be a part of a poster’s signature
or signature file
Cannot be found in quoted sections of
previous text
Cannot be part of an advertisement
FAB: A hybrid recommendation system
Balabanovic &
Combines content-based & collaborative
filtering approaches
• collection agent: pages for a specific topic
• selection agent: pages for a specific user
• central router
FAB: Overview of how it works
Balabanovic &
Tapestry: Experimental mail system
Goldberg, Nichols,
Oki, and Terry
Uses content-based and collaborative
filtering for mailing lists
• allows a user to create filters that scan across
various lists for items of interest
• records user’s reactions to items in
these annotations are then able to be
searched by other users
Tapestry: The flow of documents
Goldberg, Nichols, Oki, and
Siteseer: Bookmarks for collaborative search
Rucker and Polanco
Recommendation system that uses a user’s
book marking system (bookmarks and
folders) to predict and recommend relevant
pages to other users.
Once Siteseer has learned each user’s
preference and category scheme – they can
become ‘reviewers’ for other users
Siteseer: How it works
Rucker and Polanco
Selects “reviewers”
• Compares user’s folders and bookmarks
looking for overlap
gives additional weight to obscure links
Does not focus on semantics
Forms “communities of interest”
• determines similarity by the overlap in content
Siteseer: Reviewers and Communities of
Rucker and Polanco
Augmenting search systems with
collaborative and content based filtering will
provide more interesting results for users
Focusing on users’ search behaviors &
pattern will help build systems that think like
they do
All we really need to know we learned in
kindergarten...Share everything!
Terveen, L., W. Hill, et al. (1997). PHOAKS: A System for Sharing
Recommendations. Communications of the ACM 40(3): 59-62.
Balabanovic, M. and Y. Shoham (1997). Fab: Content-Based,
Collaborative Recommendation. Communications of the ACM 40(3):
Goldberg, D., D. Nichols, et al. (1992). Using Collaborative Filtering to
Weave an Information Tapestry. Communications of the ACM 35(12):
Rucker, J. and M. J. Polanco (1997). Siteseer: Personalized
Navigation for the Web. Communications of the ACM 40(3): 73-75.
Maglio, P., & Barrett, R. (1996). How to Build Modeling Agents to
Support Web Searchers. Paper presented at the Sixth International
Conference on User Modeling, New York.