Week 25

Week 25
P.E. IPG’s
Bounces a large ball and catches it.
Dribble: Hand
Bounce the big ball down and catch it again.
Bounce the ball down hard and see how high it will bounce.
Throw to yourself and catch.
Throw and catch the ball after it bounces.
Throw a ball against a wall and catch it.
Playground balls, tennis balls, yarn balls
Beanbags, balloons, and scarves
Day 1
Scatter hula-hoops throughout the playing area. Assign each student to a hoop. Each student
should have 1 playground -size ball. On the start signal, the students should drop the ball into the
hoop and then catch it after it bounces 2 times. Repeat. When the students become proficient,
have the students drop the ball and allow it to only bounce 1 time before catching it. Repeat.
Move to a smaller ball (tennis-size) if the students are successful.
Day 2
Review Day 1. Remove the hula-hoops from the playing area. Have each student toss the ball up
into the air and then catch it after it bounces 1 time. Repeat. When the students become
proficient, have them use a smaller ball such as a tennis ball.
Day 3
Review the previous days. Have the students catch the ball a certain number of times (10) and
then switch what they do. Tasks: toss ball up bounce 1 time/ catch, toss ball up bounce 2
times/catch, toss ball up bounce 3 times/catch, toss ball up bounce 4 times/catch, toss ball up clap
1 time catch on 1 bounce, toss ball up clap 2 times catch on 1 bounce, toss ball up clap 3 times
catch on 1 bounce, toss ball up clap 4 times catch on 1 bounce, toss ball up turn around catch on 1
bounce, etc.
Day 4
Review previous days. Assign each student a partner. Give each partner group 1 ball. One
person in the group tosses the ball up and the other partner catches the ball after it bounces 1 time.
When the group becomes proficient, give both students a ball. On the start signal, both students
toss the balls up in the air and then they switch places and catch the balls after they bounce 1 time.
This will take lots of practice before the students will be proficient. Make sure that the students
are tossing the ball straight up in the air and watching out for their partners when they switch
Day 5
Review the previous days. Today, the students are going to toss objects in the air and then attempt
to catch them before they bounce. Have them begin with a balloon and then progress as they
become proficient. They may then toss and catch their favorite object for the remaining time.
Objects to toss: balloons, playground balls, yarn balls, tennis balls, scarves, and beanbags.
Teacher Notes
No obstructions on the floor.
If your students cannot catch the ball and are chasing it, then give them something that does not
bounce or roll (beanbag, scarf).
Watch to see if problems catching are caused by poor throws/tosses.
Restrict your students to small-defined personal (hula hoops) space if they have problems with
control of the object.
© Austin Independent School District
Hot Potato
A Module of the Sport For All Program