Referral process for APE services

Referral process for APE service:
Initial evaluations are conducted when a student has failed to make progress in his/her
grade level in general physical education class with accommodations for a grading
a) Initial eligibility requirements for service provision
1. A student must have an APE Evaluation completed prior to ARD meeting
addressing need for APE services.
2. Students who are placed in APE must have a disability and special needs
that cannot be met in general physical education classes.
3. APE is a more restrictive environment; therefore, students must go through
the ARD committee decision-making process prior to placement in classes.
4. Referral for an evaluation must take place in an ARD meeting with
appropriate forms completed.
(b) Reevaluation- Eligibility Review
1. The ARD committee conducts reevaluations every three years for each
2. Three-year reevaluations are usually held in conjunction with an ARD. When
a student is due for a three-year reevaluation an APE re-evaluation report
must be filed on SEEDS and a signed copy must be given to the case
3. APE teacher contacts the case manager to get the date of the 3-year
reevaluation- planning meeting or ARD meeting
4. APE teacher fills out the Adapted Physical Education Evaluation Report form
and sends it to the case manager and diagnostician on SEEDS.
(c) Transfers
Students who move into AISD will continue services on based on their IEP, unless
recommended changes by APE teacher.
1. The ARD committee will hold a temporary ARD to accept or reject incoming
placement and goals. At that time the ARD committee will gain consent to
assess for all needed areas.
2. Adapted PE teacher may begin servicing student in concordance with the
placement and goals accepted in the temporary IEP. (If the ARD committee
accepts the former placement of direct Adapted PE service, then the temporary
IEP will reflect that with the appropriate time adjusted for AISD requirements on
the schedule page)
3. APE teacher has 60 days to assess the student using standard assessment
tools, observation, and/or information received from former school district.
4. APE teacher is responsible for:
 Filing an APE evaluation report on SEEDS and giving the cases manager
a signed copy for the audit folder
Posting the results on the summary page on SEEDS (ie: “Student
qualifies for direct adapted PE services.”
Entering goals and objectives on Goals page of SEEDS
Entering service and time on this Year Schedule page on SEEDS
Placing date of evaluation on first page of ARD/IEP
Notifying the case manager and diagnostician of results and information
placed in draft IEP on SEEDS
(d) Dismissals
Students may be dismissed from the APE program based on the following criteria:
1. Student has attained all goals and objectives for Adapted Physical Education
2. A review of data indicates the student’s educational needs can now be met in a
Collaborative setting between the APE teacher and General PE teacher. The
student will continue to have an IEP
3. A review of data indicates the student’s educational needs can now be met in the
general physical education setting.
Note: Physical Education Classification Consideration (Policy-EHAA)
Both general and special education students do not have to physically demonstrate the
course objectives if he/she is classified as Restrictive or Adapted under the Physical
Education Classification policy. A student with the Restrictive or Adapted classification
must have documentation from a member of the healing arts stating specifically what
this student can and cannot physically do based on his/her disability or injury. A copy of
the Physical Limitation Report must be completed and return to the campus Physical
Education teacher or Adapted Physical Education teacher.