Regular Languages,Nonregular Languages, and The Pumping Lemma *

• Chapter 1:
• RE = Regular Languages,
• nonregular languages
• RL pumping lemma
• Chapter 2:
• Context-Free Languages (CFLs)
Regular Expressions (Def. 1.26)
Given an alphabet , R is a regular expression if:
R = a, with a
R = (R1R2), with R1 and R2 regular expressions
R = (R1R2), with R1 and R2 regular expressions
R = (R1*), with R1 a regular expression
Thm 1.28: RL ~ RE
We need to prove both ways:
• If a language is described by a regular expression,
then it is regular (Lemma 1.29)
(Last week we saw how we can convert a regular
expression R into an NFA M such that L(R)=L(M))
• Today we do the second part:
If a language is regular, then it can be described by
a regular expression (Lemma 1.32)
Generalized NFA
Generalized nondeterministic finite automaton
M=(Q, , , qstart, qaccept) with
• Q finite set of states
•  the input alphabet
• qstart the start state
• qaccept the accept state
• :(Q\{qaccept})(Q\{qstart})  R the transition function
• (R is the set of regular expressions over )
Example GNFA
0*  11
Characteristics of GNFA’s 
• :(Q\{qaccept})(Q\{qstart})  R
The interior Q\{qaccept,qstart} is fully connected by 
From qstart only ‘outgoing transitions’
To qaccept only ‘ingoing transitions’
Impossible qiqj transitions are “(qi,qj) = ”
Observation: This GNFA:
recognizes the
language L(R)
Proof Idea of Lemma 1.32
Proof idea (given a DFA M):
Construct an equivalent GNFA M’ with k2 states
Reduce one-by-one the internal states until k=2
This GNFA will be of the form
This regular expression R
will be such that L(R) = L(M)
DFA M  Equivalent GNFA M’
Let M have k states Q={q1,…,qk}
- Add two states qaccept and qstart
- Connect qstart to earlier q1:
qj 
qA - Connect old accepting states to qaccept
- Complete missing transitions by
- Join multiple transitions:
qi 01
Remove Internal state of GNFA
If the GNFA M has more than 2 states, ‘rip’
internal qrip to get equivalent GNFA M’ by:
- Removing state qrip: Q’=Q\{qrip}
- Changing the transition function  by
’(qi,qj) = (qi,qj)  ((qi,qrip)((qi,qj))*(qrip,qj))
for every qiQ’\{qaccept} and qjQ’\{qstart}
R1 q
Proof Lemma 1.32
Let M be DFA with k states
Create equivalent GNFA M’ with k+2 states
Reduce in k steps M’ to M’’ with 2 states
The resulting GNFA describes a single regular
expressions R
The regular language L(M) equals the language
L(R) of the regular expression R
Recap Regular Languages =
Regular Expressions
Let R be a regular expression, then there exists
an NFA M such that L(R) = L(M)
The language L(M) of a DFA M is equivalent to
a language L(M’) of a GNFA = M’, which can
be converted to a two-state M’’
The transition qstart R qacceptof M’’
obeys L(R) = L(M’’)
Hence: RE  NFA = DFA  GNFA  RE
Nonregular Languages §1.4
Which languages cannot be recognized by finite
Example: L={ 0n1n | nN }
• ‘Playing around’ with FA convinces you that the
‘finiteness’ of FA is problematic for “all nN”
• The problem occurs between the 0n and the 1n
• Informal: the memory of a FA is limited by the
the number of states |Q|
Repeating DFA Paths
Consider an accepting DFA M with size |Q|
On a string of length p, p+1 states get visited
For p|Q|, there must be a j such that the
computational path looks like: q1,…,qj,…,qj,…,qk
Repeating DFA Paths
The action of the DFA in qj is always the same.
If we repeat (or ignore) the qj,…,qj part, the new
path will again be an accepting path
Line of Reasoning
Proof by contradiction:
• Assume that L is regular
• Hence, there is a DFA M that recognizes L
• For strings of length  |Q| the DFA M has
to ‘repeat itself’
• Show that M will accept strings outside L
• Conclude that the assumption was wrong
Note that we use the simple DFA, not the
more elaborate (but equivalent) NFA or GNFA
Pumping Lemma (Thm 1.37)
For every regular language L, there is a
pumping length p, such that for any string
sL and |s|p, we can write s=xyz with
1) x yi z  L for every i{0,1,2,…}
2) |y|  1
3) |xy|  p
Note that 1) implies that xz  L
2) says that y cannot be the empty string 
Condition 3) is not always used
Formal Proof of Pumping Lemma
Let M = (Q,,,q1,F) with Q = {q1,…,qp}
Let s = s1…snL(M) with |s| = n  p
Computational path of M on s is the
sequence r1,…,rn+1  Qn+1 with
r1 = q1, rn+1F and rt+1= (rt,st) for 1tn
Because n+1  p+1, there are two states
such that rj = rk (with j<k and k  p+1)
Let x = s1…sj–1, y = sj…sk–1, and z = sk…sn+1
x takes M from q1=r1 to rj, y takes M from rj to rj,
and z takes M from rj to rn+1F
As a result: xyiz takes M from q1 to rn+1F (i  0)
Formal Proof of Pumping Lemma
Let M = (Q,,,q1,F) with Q = {q1,…,qp}
Let s = s1…snL(M) with |s| = n  p
Computational path of M on s is the
sequence r1,…,rn+1  Qn+1 with
r1 = q1, rn+1F and rt+1= (rt,st) for 1tn
Because n+1  p+1, there are two terms
such that rj = rk (with j<k
k  p+1)
|y| and
1 and
|xy|  p
Let x = s1…sj–1, y = sj…sk–1, and z = sk…sn+1
x takes M from q1=r1 to rj, y takes M from rj to rj,
and z takes M from rj to rn+1F
As a result: xy
M from
q1 to i{0,1,2,…}
rn+1F (i  0)
x iyzi takes
z  L(M)
for every
Pumping 0n1n (Ex. 1.38)
Assume that B = {0n1n | n0} is regular
Let p be the pumping length, and s = 0p1p  B
P.L.: s = xyz = 0p1p, with xyiz  B for all i0
Three options for y:
1) y=0k, hence xyyz = 0p+k1p  B
2) y=1k, hence xyyz = 0p1k+p  B
3) y=0k1l, hence xyyz = 0p1l0k1p  B
Conclusion: The pumping lemma does not hold,
the language B is not regular.
F = { ww | w{0,1}* } (Ex. 1.40)
Let p be the pumping length, and take s = 0p10p1
Let s = xyz = 0p10p1 with condition 3) |xy|p
Only one option: y=0k, with xyyz = 0p+k10p1  F
Without 3) this would have been a pain.
Intersecting Regular Languages
Let C = { w | # of 0s in w equals # of 1s in w}
Problem: If xyzC with yC, then xyizC
Idea: If C is regular and F is regular, then
the intersection CF has to be regular as well
Solution: Assume that C is regular
Take the regular F = { 0n1m | n,mN}, then
for the intersection: CF = { 0n1n | nN }
But we know that CF is not regular
Conclusion: C is not regular
Pumping Down E = { 0i1j | ij }
Problem: ‘pumping up’ s=0p1p with y=0k gives
xyyz = 0p+k1p, xy3z = 0p+2k1p, which are all in E
(hence do not give contradictions)
Solution: pump down to xz = 0p–k1p.
Overall for s = xyz = 0p1p (with |xy|p):
y=0k, hence xz = 0p–k1p  E
Contradiction: E is not regular
End Chapter One