Bureaucracy The bureaucratic model developed because some people wanted to dominate others in business and other activities. They organized men and materials for achieving objectives for their personal benefits. This theory was given a formal shape by a German Sociologist, Max Weber, who believed that bureaucracy was an ideal weapon to harness human and physical resources. It is a formative model of organization characterized by a large and complex atmosphere with impersonal detachment from human resources. Rules, regulations, rigid hierarchy and specialized functions are important feature of bureaucracy. It is the epitome of structural relationship to control. Features : The hierarchy of authority involving the superior-subordinate relationship is the main feature of bureaucracy. The superior has more authority to control the subordinate. There is a chain of superior-subordinate relations. There is a clear-cut division of work upon which the structural organization is based, for getting the benefits of specialization and functionalization. Rules, regulations and procedure are considered to be important functional guidelines for management. The importance of routine, objectivity, uniformity and consistency are stressed under bureaucracy. Behavior is controlled by rules and regulations. The discipline is judged from the extent of following of rules and regulations. Impersonal attachment is always observed in this type of organization. Personal, interpersonal and mutual relations have no place in the bureaucracy. Organizational forms, speed, use of files and strict subordination are observed in this type of organization. Rigidity and uniformity are basic principles of bureaucracy. Authority and power rest with the office. Persons occupying an office have all the legal power and authority of the office. The person is secondary and the methods are primary. Assessment of bureaucracy : The bureaucracy model is unsuitable to the present requirements of management. It is just a machine model wherein people have to follow the methods and modes of the organization. It may be preferred where change is not needed. Government and military organizations are adopting this principle because their main purposes are discipline and complete follow up of the rules. It is not suitable in a business organization because of rigidity, its impersonal nature and mechanical methods of control. There is difficulty of coordination and control. It does not give satisfaction to employees because it does not give importance to their needs and motives. The bureaucracy model is present in military organizations, government officialdom’s and so on. Its disadvantages are being realized these days in public administration also. MBA - Knowledge base