DR MOHAMMED MALIK AFROZ CONTENTS X RAY MACHINE AND ITS COMPONENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. IOPA X RAY FILM – SIZE 0 IOPA X RAY FILM SIZE 2 OCCLUSAL X RAY FILM LEAD BARRIER LEAD APRON DEVELOPER SOLUTION FIXER SOLUTION X RAY FILM HOLDER DAY LIGHT DEVELOPER BOX X RAY TUBE DIAGRAM LEAD FOIL BLACK WRAPPING PAPER SPECIFIC LEARNING OBJECTIVE To know different equipments (materials) in x ray room Importance of each equipment Different components of Machine High frequency x ray generator 2. Mobile stand containing the main power board 3. Control timer unit 4. X ray exposure switch x ray exposure button 5. Horizontal arm 6. Rectangular arm 7. On/off switch with LED 8. Handle 9. Front Brakes 1. IOPA X RAY FILMS 1. CLASSIFICATION Based On Their Usage Direct Exposure Films Indirect Exposure Films Based On Their Size Based On Their Speed Base 1. Based On Their Exposure 2. 3. 4. Intraoral Films Extra Oral Films COMPOSITION 0.2mm thick Polyester Polyethylene Teraphthalate Emulsion 2. Silver Halide Grains Vehicle Matrix. IOPA X RAY FILMS – contd… LEAD FOIL – BLACK WRAPPING PAPER – USE – TO PROTECT X RAY EXPOSURE TO OTHER AREAS OF BODY USE – TO AVOID MOISTURE CONTAMINATION TO AVOID ACCIDENTAL LIGHT LEAKAGE A. Plastic Cover B. Lead Foil C. Black Wrapping Paper D. X ray film Digital X Ray Sensors RVG SENSORS – RADIO – VISIO – GRAPHY SENSORS It is a digital sensor which is connected by a wire to the computer The sensor transfers the image directly on the computer There is very less processing time involved as it is done by computer itself Disadvantage – cost and taking care of the sensors, difficult to place along with wire Advantages – less time, more sensitive than the x ray film Digital X Ray Sensors – contd… PSP SENSOR – photostimulable phosphor plate It is same size as that of x ray film More sensitive than the x ray film After taking a radiograph in the same way as x ray film The sensor is passed through a reader which is connected to the computer The reader transfers the image on to the computer Advantages – no wire hence easy to operate, more sensitive than x ray film and RVG, sensor is reusable, sensor is more flexible Disadvantages – cost, more processing time as it uses a reader to transfer the image on computer RADIATION PROTECTION LEAD APRON 1. 2. 3. 4. Should be worn by the operator always Pregnant patients should wear the lead apron before exposure It is not advisable to exposure the pregnant patient to radiation in her 1st and 3rd Trimester. If only one lead apron is available then it should be worn by the operator rather than the patient. RADIATION PROTECTION – contd.. LEAD BARRIER 1. 2. 3. 4. It is made up of lead and usually has wheels and a glass window in it It protects the operator and other persons from exposure to x rays Operator goes behind the shield before exposure after he arranges the patient and readies the machine The window in the shield helps the operator to see before exposure that the patient is in the correct position INTRA ORAL FILM HOLDERS PARALELLING X RAY FILM HOLDERS It has a ring and x ray holder which are connected to each other by a plastic or metal rod The ring is used to guide the x ray tube and is kept outside the patient’s mouth The x ray film holder is used to place the x ray film in it. The metal rod is used to increase or decrease the gap between x ray tube ring and x ray film holder There are different holders for anterior and posterior teeth. INTRA ORAL FILM HOLDERS – CONTD… IOPA X RAY FILM HOLDER/ SNAP ‘A’ RAY FILM HOLDER Use – to hold the x ray film in patient mouth It has got a larger beak and a small beak between which x ray film is placed The larger beak is where the patient bites on the film The other end of the holder is used to hold the x ray film for anterior teeth exposure PROCESSING OF X RAY FILM DEVELOPER FIXER SOLUTION SOLUTION COMPOSITION OF DEVELOPER SOLUTION FUNCTIONS OF EACH COMPONENT IN DEVELOPER SOLUTION COMPOSITION OF FIXER SOLUTION FUNCTION OF EACH COMPONENT IN FIXER SOLUTION Composition Of Developer Developer 1. Pyrazolone Derivatives(1 – Phenyl 3 Pyrazolidine) Hydroquinine – it provides an electron to reduce oxidized Phenidone to its original form. Function/use – Is the main component of developer solution which helps in developing the X ray film Activator – sodium or potassium hydrozide 2. Developer is active at alkaline pH Function/use – It keeps the developer solution in active state and at alkaline pH as developer gives electrons during X ray film developing Developer Solution Preservative – Sodium Sulfite. Function/use – 3. Prevents developer from getting oxidized It combines with brown oxidized developer to make it colourless Restrainer – potassium bromide or Benzotriazole Function/Use – 4. It is more effective in reducing the unexposed silver halide crytals from getting developed If the film is kept for too long in the developer solution then developer solution can reduce even exposed crystals. Fixer Composition Clearing Agent – Aqueous solution of Ammonium Thiosulphate or Hypo. Function/Use 1. It dissolves silver halide grains It forms stable water soluble substances with silver ions It does not have a rapid effect on metallic silver grains but excessive fixation results in gradual loss of film density 2. Acidifier – Acetic Acid is used which maintains the fixer solution at 4 – 5 pH Function/Use Is required to promote good diffusion (entry) of Thiosulphate (main fixer component) into the X ray film emulsion 3. Preservative – Ammonium Sulfite Function/Use – It prevents oxidation of Thiosulphate solution 4. Hardener – Aluminium Sulfite Function/Use – Aluminium complexes with the gelatin during fixing and prevents damage to gelatin during subsequent handling. DAY LIGHT DEVELOPER BOX CONTENTS – Developer jar Water jar Fixer jar Water jar USE – to develop the x ray film X RAY TUBE THANK YOU