Dr Mohd Malik Afroz Properties of X-rays There explanation in detail regarding the understanding the use of x rays better. To understand the properties of x rays in detail. X rays are invisible, they cannot be seen, felt, smelled and heard X rays travel in straight line, they can be deflected from there original direction but there trajectory is linear 3. They travel at the speed of light – 3X108m/sec 4. X rays have a wider range of wavelength 0.01 – 0.05nm, in length 5. X rays cannot be focused to a point, over the distance the beam diverges as the light beam diverges 6. Because of there extremely short wave lengths, they are able to penetrate materials that absorb or reflect light. 7. X rays are differentially absorbed by matter, this depends on the atomic structure of matter – this creates an image on the film . 8. X rays cause certain substances to florescence, that is to emit radiation of longer wavelength. – use of intensifying screens. 9. X rays produce biologic changes – use in radaition therapy. 10. X rays can ionize gases, that is, remove electrons from atoms to form ions – used in measuring exposure. 1. 2. Helps in defense of any country as it can identify any harmful substances. They are invisible hence no body comes to know whether it is being used. Disadvantages – It can be misused It is difficult to calculate the radiation received by an individual. This property allows it to be focused in one direction, though it cannot be seen but any object kept in its focusing region gets exposed. Patient placement and film placement are related to this property of travelling in straight line. The x rays though they travel in straight line, they diverge and hence cover a wider area. If the x ray cone is kept at a little farther distance then a wider area can be covered This is used while taking occlusal radiograph. The same IOPA machine can also be used in exposing bigger films Disadvantage – As the distance between the x ray source and film is increased the intensity (effect) of x ray decreases We can hence understand that wider area is covered so more chances of people near to the patient getting exposed. Though the x ray beam cannot be seen but most of its properties are understood as it travels with the speed of light. Hence the ability of x rays to reach to the point of interest can be assessed by the speed of light. As the light diverges so are the x rays. Wave length determines the length between two peaks of a range. The lesser the wave length more is the penetration power More is the penetration power less is the distance the wave travels. Since x rays have higher wave length they can penetrate to all the materials In an x ray machine we get different wave lengths at a time and hence we can capture different densities Disadvantage – Since x ray tube generate different wave lengths unwanted x rays are also taken by the body which is detrimental. X rays are absorbed by different matter at a different rate. Bone absorbs more of x rays when compared to the soft tissues. This make it easier to see different tissues in the same exposure. This can be best understood by the property of particulate radiation – which means x rays travel as a packet of energy [ PHOTON]. Packets of energy are absorbed at a different rate, some die off within the tissue while others come out and cast an image. THE UNIT FOR MEASUREMENT OF X RAY PHOTON IS ELECTRON VOLT [Ev] • • • • Luminescence – Emission of light from a substance that is energized by various kinds of stimuli like chemicals, radiation etc Flourescence – The ability of certain inorganic salts like phosphors to emit light promptly (within 10-8 ) after absorption Phosphorescence – Is delayed emission of light after absorption of X ray photon. This is seen in Flouroscopic screen. Radiation induced cancer Radiation induced caries Problems associated with radiation therapy. Ionization is a process of formation of an ion pair. Any Questions?