412 نجل


..Majmaah University.

Academic Department :

...English .


Course :

Course Coordinator :

412 Eng. ..

.....Rehab Farouk.

Programme Coordinator : Dr.Mona Gaber

Course Specification Approved Date : 12./ 2… / 1436 H

A. Course Identification and General Information

1. 1 - Course title : Speech Course Code: 412 Eng. ..

2. Credit hours :


3 - Program(s) in which the course is offered:

..Bachelor of English Languag....

4 – Course Language :


2. 5 - Name of faculty member responsible for the course: Rehab Farouk.

3. 6 - Level/year at which this course is offered : 5 th level

7 - Pre-requisites for this course (if any) :

112 eng, 122 eng.

8 - Co-requisites for this course (if any) :

 .............................................................

9 - Location if not on main campus :


( Al Ghat ) .....

10 - Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)

A - Traditional classroom

What percentage?

B - Blended (traditional and online)

√ What percentage?

60. %

…20…. %

D - e-learning What percentage? ……. %

E - Correspondence

What percentage?

F - Other

20. %

……. %

Comments :




B Objectives

What is the main purpose for this course?

1. Produce both informative and persuasive presentations on several topics.

2. Discuss ideas and different topic efficiently.

3. Employ external references and statistics in a professional way.

4. Interpret the presentations topics according to the students’ personal inputs, ideas, and beliefs.

5. Employ correct language and presentation skills.

Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented :

1. Increased use of technology (power point and data show)

3. Consistently change the list of topic to be up to date and contemporary to motivate the students

4. Use of different methods to improve the speaking ability such as prepared presentations, spontaneous speeches, and role play

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C. Course Description

1. Topics to be Covered ntroduction No. of









Tips of effective presentations

Speaking Activities

Effective presentations (cont.)

Mid Term (optional)

Effective presentations (cont.)

Speaking activities

Speaking activities

Effective presentations (cont.)

Final Presentation


5 ....

4 ...


15 .....


2 .......


6 ......



12 ....


2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester):

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Practical Other: Total



2 ............





Credit ....

30 ..




24 hour presentations ....



3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week.


5 ....

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4. Course Learning Outcomes in NQF Domains of Learning and

Alignment with Assessment Methods and Teaching Strategy

NQF Learning Domains

And Course Learning Outcomes

Course Teaching





1.0 Knowledge

1.1 1. Formal and non formal speaking abilities Lecture discussion

1.2 2. Abilities to discuss, negotiate and debate different topics ..................

1.3 3. Ability to give effective presentations ..................


1.6 5



2.0 Cognitive Skills

2.1 1. Search different topics and cite references and


1. Lectures 1. Class participation

2. Class discussion 2. Quizzes 2.2 2. Summarize the available information and present them in a coherent way

2.3 3. Draw personal conclusions and opinions at the end of the presentation

3. Close reading and text analysis








4. Debate and refute different points of views 4. Collaborative learning/Team work

3. Class presentations based on student's choice of topics which deal with the same themes, building on previously studied material.


Midterms/Essay questions

5. Research papers

3.0 Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility

3.1 1. Students can complete and present the required topic in due time

1. Lectures/teaching students how to read attentively and

Class participation

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NQF Learning Domains

And Course Learning Outcomes

Course Teaching







2. Students can participate in class discussion and think critically

3. Students can act responsibly and ethically in carrying out individual as well as group critically

2. Encouraging a close, serious reading American literary works.

2. Class discussions/teaching students to think independently and engage in group

3.4 projects


4. Students have the necessary skills to communicate, listen, negotiate, and evaluate

3.6 their strengths and weaknesses as members of a class

4.0 Communication, Information Technology, Numerical

4.1 1. Use electronic journals, internet, and data bases to collect information

(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills

2. Presentations

3. Research papers




1. Allot marks for the use of web-based material in students' presentation


4.2 2. Use PowerPoint and laptop – projector systems


1. Encourage students to make extensive use of material on the web

2. Encourage students to consult the specialist in the computer lab for help on webbased material





3. Demand the use of PowerPoint when giving presentations

(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills




5.0 Psychomotor

5.1 Not Applicable

5.2 Not Applicable





5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester:

Assessment task Week Due


of Total

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.............................First mid-term .

......................Second mid-term.......................




8 .........................................................................


......12........ .presentation.


15 ......



................ presentation.





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D. Student Academic Counseling and Support

Office hours and Whatsapp and e- mail

E. Learning Resources


List Required Textbooks :

1- Stephen Lucas . The Art of Public Speaking . 8th Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2004

2- Supplementary material provided by the instructors

2. List Essential References Materials :

1. The website that supports the above textbook: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/007256296x/student_view0/

2. How to Speak: Lecture Tips from Patrick Winston http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/html/icb.topic58703/winston1.html

3. How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear. By Morton C. Orman, M.D. http://www.stresscure.com/jobstress/speak.html

4. How to Speak Clearly and Make Yourself Heard http://chetday.com/speakclearly.htm

5. Speaking Clearly - Clear Speech

 http://www.geocities.com/clrspch/index.html

 1

4. List Electronic Materials : http://faculty.uccb.ns.ca/pmacintyre/apics/presentationtips.htm http://www.washington.edu/doit/TeamN/present_tips.html http://www.englishclub.com/speaking/presentations.htm http://www.thoracicrad.org/assets/downloads/education/presentation.pdf http://www.englishclub.com/ http://www.english-at-home.com/

 http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/try/speaktry/speaking_activities.shtml

5. Other learning material : as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards/regulations

F. Facilities Required

1. Accommodation

Lecture rooms should be large enough to accommodate the number of registered

 students


2. Computing resources


Lap top and projector system ..............

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 ............................................................


Other resources

 .


Nothing .

 .............................................................

 ............................................................

G Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes

1 Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching:

1. Midterm evaluation feed-back form to increase instructor’s awareness of the weak and strong points of the class

2. End of term college evaluation of course by students ( to be collected by the department)

3. End-of-term debriefing in class of students and teacher regarding what went well and what could have gone better

4. Small group instructional diagnosis (SGID) whereby instructors exchange classes and gather information from each others’ students on specific points outlined by the

 department and the instructor being evaluated


2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Program/Department

Instructor :


Peer observation to benefit from colleagues’ objective feedback and suggestions for

 improvement


3 Processes for Improvement of Teaching :

1. Training sessions

2. Workshops to facilitate the exchange of experiences amongst faculty members

3. Regular meetings where problems are discussed and solutions given

4 . Discussion of challenges in the classroom with colleagues and supervisors

5. Encouragement of faculty members to attend professional development conferences.

6. Keep up to date with pedagogical theory and practice

7. Set goals for achieving excellence in teaching at the beginning of each new semester

 after reviewing last semester’s teaching strategies and results

4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement

Check marking of a sample of examination papers either by a resident or visiting faculty member

2. Students who believe they are under graded can have their papers checked by a

 second reader

5 Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and planning for improvement :

Compare syllabi and course description with other universities (including those on the net)

2. Bi-annual meetings of faculty members to discuss improvement

3. Have a curriculum review committee to review the curriculum periodically and

 suggest improvements

Course Specification Approved

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Department Official Meeting No ( ….. ) Date … / …. / ….. H

Course’s Coordinator

Department Head

Name : Rehab Farouk

Signature : ........

Rehab ...

Date : …11./ 2… / 1436 H

Name : ..........................

Signature : ..........................

Date : …./ … / …… H

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