Informative & Persuasive Speech

What is public
is a way of making your ideas public—of sharing them
with other people and of influencing other people
How is it used
During modern times many women and men around the globe have spread their
ideas and influence through public speaking. In the United States, the list includes
Franklin Roosevelt, Billy Graham, Cesar Chavez, Barbara Jor- dan, Ronald Reagan,
Martin Luther King, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. In other countries, we see the
power of public speaking employed by such people as former British Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher, South African leader Nelson Mandela, Burmese democracy
champion Aung San Suu Kyi, and Kenyan environmentalist and Nobel Prize winner
Wangari Maathai.
What about you? How can you give a public
But what does that have to do with me? I don’t plan to be a president or a preacher.”
Nevertheless, the need for public speaking will almost certainly touch you sometime in
your life—maybe tomorrow, maybe not for five years. Can you imagine yourself in any of
these situations?
One example
You are the assistant manager in a branch office of a national company. Your
immediate superior, the branch manager, is about to retire, and there will be a
retirement dinner. All the executives from the home office will attend. As his close
working associate, you are asked to give a farewell speech at the party. You prepare
and deliver a speech that is both witty and touching—a perfect tribute to your boss.
After the speech, everyone applauds enthusiastically, and a few people have tears in
their eyes. The following week you are named branch manager.
Establishing the Objectives
For any successful presentation, you must know your objectives. It is these
objectives that drive your presentation and move the audience to your end
goals. Your end goals may be that the attendees take a particular action,
adopt a new perspective, or respond to facts and information. Establishing
these goals requires careful planning. The key to designing your
presentation is determining these objectives. After all, they become the
foundation upon which your content, organization, and visual aids are built.
Establishing the objectives for your presentation requires an analysis of your
own goals, as well as your audience's needs and expectations. By
considering the nature of your audience, you can more easily determine
what you will present and how you will present it. An audience analysis will
enable you to:
Select appropriate points of emphasis in your presentation
Develop a useful level of detail
Choose and prepare appropriate visual aids
Create a tone that is sensitive to your audience's circumstance
Your presentation will ideally form a bridge between something you have
and your audience wants. Let the audience analysis influence the form of
information presented so you can create this bridge.
Planning and Organizing Your Material
When you have determined the characteristics of your audience, then you
are ready to plan and organize your material. The tips listed below will
assist you in tailoring your approach accordingly. Keep in mind that the use
of visual aids will help to produce effective one-way or two-way
communication. Many factors are involved in choosing these visual aids,
and the type of interaction you want to develop with the audience will
influence your choice.
Planning Your Material
Do not wait to prepare your presentation while on your way to the training session. You
cannot do your best at presenting or persuading by "winging it."
At a minimum, prepare an outline of goals, major issues to be discussed, and
information to be presented to support main themes.
Limit content to your major point and no more than five key supporting points.
Analyze your audience. Prepare your content considering such things as whether they
are likely to be friendly or unfriendly, lay or technical in their background, and whether
they want only to listen or to respond and contribute.
Select appropriate visual aids and a presentation style that will be effective in the
physical setting for your training session.
Organizing Your Material
When organizing your material, consider an "old chestnut" of public speaking - "Tell
'em what you're going to tell 'em; tell 'em; and tell 'em what you told 'em." This
Recognizes the importance of reinforcement in adult learning
Completes the communication for the listener
Informs people who arrive late of what they missed
Recognizes the importance of organization, highlighting, and summarizing main points
for the audience
Serves to clarify main themes for the audience at the end of the presentation
Start with at least a rough outline of the goal and major points of the presentation before
selecting the visual aid(s). For example, a particular scene or slides may trigger ideas for
the presentation, providing the power of images. Do not proceed too far without first
determining what you want to accomplish, what your audience wants to gain, and what
the physical setting requires.
Each element of an audio-visual product - a single slide or a page of a flip chart
presentation, for example, - must be simple and contain only one message. Placing more
than one message on a single image confuses the audience and diminishes the potential
impact of visual media. Keep visual aids BRIEF.
Determine the difference between what you will say and what the visual aid will show. Do
not read straight from your visuals.
Ask the audience to read or listen, not both; visual aids should not provide reading
material while you talk. Rather, use them to illustrate or highlight your points.
Give participants paper copies of various graphic aids used in your presentation. They will
be able to write on the paper copies and have them for future reference.
Assess your cost constraints. An overhead transparency presentation can always be used in
a formal environment if 35 mm slides are too expensive.
Account for production time in your planning and selection process. Slides must be
developed, videotape edited - you do not want to back yourself against a wall because
the visuals are not ready. You can often get production work done in 24-48 hours, but it
is much more expensive than work that is done on an extended schedule.
Use local photographs and examples when discussing general problems and issues.
While a general problem concerning welding safety, for example, may elude someone,
illustrating with a system in use at the site can bring the issue home.
Use charts and graphs to support the presentation of numerical information.
Develop sketches and drawings to convey various designs and plans.
When preparing graphics, make sure they are not too crowded in detail. Do no over-use
color. See that line detail, letters, and symbols are bold enough to be seen from the back
of the room.
Do not use visual aids for persuasive statements, qualifying remarks, emotional appeals,
or any type of rhetorical statement.
If you have handouts, don't let them become a distraction during the presentation. They
should provide reinforcement following your address. Consider giving them out after
the presentation, unless the audience will use them during the presentation or will
need to review them in advance of the presentation.
Practice presenting the full program using graphic materials so you are familiar with
their use and order. If you use audio-visual materials, practice working with them and
the equipment to get the timing down right.
Seek feedback on the clarity of your visuals and do so early enough to allow yourself
time to make needed adjustments.
Informative Speech
Informative speeches are speeches that are designed to
teach the audience about a specific topic. The sole purpose
of an informative speech is to inform the audience about a
topic that is useful, unique and interesting. If you are asked
to give an informative speech, it is important to pick a topic
that interests you and that you already know something
about.It also should be presented in a way that the
audience can relate to.
An informative speech is designed with the same
structure as most other speech types, and contains
three sections. Informative speeches begin with an
introduction that explains the topic in a captivating
manner. The body of the speech is next; it provides
greater details about the subject. The last section is the
conclusion, which is designed to summarize the subject
and tie all of the loose ends together.
Short Introduction
1- Welcome your audience
2-Introduce your subject
3-explain the structure of your
4-explain rules for the questions
Body of the presentation
Present the subject itself
Short conclusion
1- Summarize your presentation
2- thank your audience
3-Invite questions
Questions and answers
Like other types of speeches, one characteristic of an
informative speech is organization. When a person
writes an informative speech, he should research the
topic thoroughly and organize the information in a
clear, logical manner. This is often accomplished by
writing an outline for the speech. List each goal or point
of the speech topic in order and determine ways to
move from one point to the next.
Informative speeches use relevant examples, they employ
smooth transitions, and they are delivered in a conversational
tone. Provide examples that help your audience understand
your main points either orally or through the use of visual aids.
Make your transitions clear from one point to the next to keep
your audience's attention. This prevents their losing track of
what you are saying. Visual aids are an ideal way to help an
audience clearly see what you are explaining.
Describe, Explain, Demonstrate
The primary function of an informative speech is to describe,
explain or demonstrate an idea. To do so effectively, it is vital
that information is presented in a way that is unbiased.
Similarly, the research used to elaborate on the material should
be drawn from sources that are impartial and have no stake in
the issue. If the topic is particularly controversial, an informative
speech would present both sides of the debate with equal time
and credence.
The main object of an informative speech is the
education and clarity of the audience. As such,
informative speaking entails that enough information is
presented for the audience to take away a sufficient
amount of information without being overburdened with
unnecessary details. The language used to describe the
topic is carefully considered to be casual enough to
engage the targeted audience, while getting the message
across. Effective speeches are clear, concise and well
Tools and Strategies
Effective strategies for presenting new ideas in an informative
speech is to use vivid illustration to explain a particularly difficult
concept. Using familiar ideas to explain new ones will often
engage an audience and make getting a difficult point across more
accessible. Additionally, metaphor, allegory and other colorful and
engaging language are characteristics of informative speeches.
Successful speakers often find a way to make the content personal
for the audience and are thus able to engage and teach effectively.
Persuasive Speech
Persuasive speeches
Persuasive speeches are oral presentations designed to
change the way the audience thinks, feels or acts on
various subject matter by establishing credibility and
appealing to intellect. There are three basic persuasive
speeches: those that pertain to factual matter, those
concerning values, and those pertaining to policy.
Understanding the characteristics of a persuasive speech
can help you readily identify one as well as prepare to
give one.
A persuasive speech is meant to convince the audience of an
idea. A proper persuasive speech will not try to convince the
audience of something using coercion or force, but rather by
establishing trust and influencing the audience through proof or
evidence. A persuasive speech is aimed to give the audience
new ideas, influence their values, beliefs or attitudes, and cause
them to consider something they may have not been open to
One of the major characteristics of a persuasive speech is its
content. The speech will typically identify a need or address a
problem. Once the problem is identified, the speaker will then
work to explain or prove a practical solution. In many cases, a
persuasive speech will advocate for the audience to stop doing
something. In these cases, the speaker will work to explain why
the audience's current action is impractical or inefficient, as
well as providing a solution. The speech content will contain
proof that supports these ideas to prove a point.
A persuasive speech will have a particular flow. This flow is also
known as Monroe’s motivational sequence, a five step
sequence that most persuasive speeches follow. The speech
will begin with a visual aid, statistic or story that engages the
audience and grabs their attention. Next, the speaker will work
to prove or disprove the subject of his speech. Once he has
offered proof of the subject matter, the speaker will provide
details of the suggested alternative as well as proof of its
benefits. Finally, the speaker will attempt to inspire the
audience to action.
The various methods the speaker initiates are other
characteristics of persuasive speeches. The speaker will
speak at a moderate pace and pause often. He will not
be overly animated or impassioned. The person giving
the persuasive speech will speak at a rate that does not
cause the audience to view him as a "fast talker." Clear,
deliberate speech allows the speaker to appear as an
authority on the subject matter.
A persuasive speech will also anticipate any kind of
doubts, hesitations or reservations the audience may
have. The persuasive speaker should come equipped
with a rebuttal and a claim for each point a doubtful
member of the audience might address. The speaker
will offer support to each of his claims, as well as offer
an explanation of the evidence.
Persuasive speaking is a technique people use that is aimed at
convincing or influencing the speaker’s audience. People who
give persuasive speeches often embrace an idea, an attitude
or an opinion about a topic and write their speeches in a way
that causes the audience to react to it. Persuasive speaking
has several key characteristics that set it apart from other
types of speaking.
Audience Focus
Persuasive speaking is always done in a way that
focuses directly on the audience. The writer of a
persuasive speech concentrates each point of the
speech directly on influencing the audience to think a
specific way. According to Austin Community College,
persuasive speaking is a way of manipulating the
listeners' thinking.
Persuasive speaking primarily uses first and second person
pronouns. This includes using “I,” “we,” “you” and “your.” By
using these types of pronouns, the speaker refers directly to
himself with the words he speaks and also talks straight to
his audience by calling them “you.”
Clear Claim
A persuasive speech should present a clear and direct claim to
let the audience know exactly what the speaker’s point of view
is. A persuasive speech never gives the audience a chance to
choose an opinion of the subject, but instead the speaker tries
to offer only one position about the topic. When writing a
persuasive speech, never deviate from your claim or stance on
the subject. To convince the audience of your perspective, it is
important to offer at least three support points. These points
are strong pieces of evidence that prove your position is the
best position to take.
Writers of persuasive speeches use various types of appeal to
convince the audience. Ethos is a type of appeal where the
speaker is qualified to speak about the subject. Ethos causes
the audience to believe the speaker is an authority on the
subject; it is obtained through the speaker’s qualifications,
experience and knowledge. Pathos is another type of appeal a
speaker often uses. Pathos works by appealing to the
audience's emotions. To use this type of appeal, use
illustrations, parables and stories with moral values. Logos is a
different type of appeal that uses facts and figures to support
the speaker's position.