Research Ethics Learning outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. Recognize the importance of IRB for research Identify the components and types of IRB Identify the components of informed consent form for research that use human subjects Recognize ethical issues in research Research participants must voluntarily consent to research participation. Research aims should contribute to the betterment of society. Research must be based on sound theory and prior animal testing. Research must avoid unnecessary physical and mental suffering. No research projects can go forward where serious injury and/or death are potential outcomes. The degree of risk taken with research participants cannot exceed anticipated benefits of results. Proper environment and protection for participants is necessary. Experiments can be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. Human subjects must be allowed to discontinue their participation at any time. Scientists must be prepared to terminate the experiment if there is cause to believe that continuation will be harmful or result in injury or death. Advice to avoid Plagiarism: A researcher preparing a written manuscript should cite the original source if he or she: "Quotes another person’s actual words” Paraphrases another person’s words. What is an IRB? IRB stands for Institutional Review Board The IRB is composed of at least 5 persons Chairperson Community Member University Faculty Lay Person (non-affiliated) Practitioner Each person listed as an author on an article should have significantly contributed to both the research and writing. All listed authors must be prepared to accept full responsibility for the content of the research article. Plagiarism: is the act of passing off somebody else’s idea, thoughts, pictures, theories, words, or stories as your own. Informed Consent: The researcher needs to lay out the protocol of the experiment to the participant; inform them on the benefits, obligations, and any potential risks Consent forms have to be extremely explicit in their language, and must clearly state the roles in the study. Participants must to be informed of confidentiality issues. The informed consent form is in fact a contract between the participant and the researcher. General Requirements for Informed Consent • Legally effective informed consent shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be obtained from the subject or the subject's legally authorized representative. Be in a language understandable to the subject or the representative; Be obtained under circumstances that provide the subject with the opportunity to consider whether or not to participate, Not include language through which subject is made to waive any of his legal rights or which releases the investigator, sponsor or institution from liability for negligence. Basic Elements of Informed Consent 1.Statement that study involves research; 2. Explanation of purpose(s) and expected duration of participation; 3.Description of procedures and identification of experimental procedures. 4.Description of risks or discomforts to subject. 5.Description of benefits to subject or to others. 6.Disclosure of alternative procedures, if appropriate. 7.Description of the extent to which confidentiality will be maintained. What does the IRB do? • • • The IRB is responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of human and animal research subjects that participate in research activities conducted under the protection or support of the University. The IRB reviews and approves ALL research involving human subjects BEFORE experimentation begins. (This includes surveys, professional tests, questionnaires, and studies in which the researcher is the subject of his/her own research.) The IRB determines the level of RISK involved in the project. Why Does we Need an IRB? • • • • • • To protect researchers from legal issues To protect potential participants To meet the requirements of the federal government Ensure that the element of the consent form are present. To meet the requirements of external funding agencies May required by journal Levels of Review There are three levels of review: 1. 2. 3. Exempt Research Expedited Full review Consent Form All of the following information will be needed in each consent form. For early withdrawal from the study: If you agree to be in this study, you are free to change your mind. At any time you may withdraw your consent to be in this study and for us to use your data. If you withdraw from the study, you will continue to have access to health care at …….