COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS [423 SDS] CLINICAL MANUAL Dr. MOHAMMED SHOKRY Dr. PRAVEEN SRIKANTACHARY Department Head Course Director CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.______________________________________________ Reg No.____________Has satisfactorily carried out the work in CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS as Prescribed by College of Dentistry, Majmaah University for the year_______ Course director CASE HISTORY PROFORMA-1 DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS I. Vital statistics Student’s name Patient case no: Patient name: Address: Date: Sex: Age: Phone no: Occupation: II. Chief complaints: History of present illness: III. History Medical History: Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascular Arthritis Neurological Immunological Allergies Medications Transmissible diseases Treatment of cancer Any other Dental History: Restorative Endodontics Orthodontic TMJ Dysfunctions Personal History: 1. Dietary habit2. Brushing habits3. Bruxism and other parafunctional habits4. Smoking5. ChewingPan/Tobacco/ Betel nut 6. Hobbies- Periodontal Oral Surgical Prosthetic Radiographic Family History- IV. Examination: A. General health statusB. Extra oral Examination1. Morphologic examination of facea. Facial Symmetryb. Facial profile- Yes/No. Prognathic/Retrognathic/Normognathic 2. Physiologic examination of facea. Facial musculatureb. Upper lipc. Long lip- Normal/hypertonic/hypotonic Normal/short/long Normal/short/long 3. Examination of skin and Hair - 4. Examination of facial Expression and smile- Normal/Abnormal Normal/Exaggerated 5. Examination of Temporomandibular (T.M.) Jointa. Clicking b. Tenderness 6. Examination of Cervical lymph node- C. Intraoral Examination: c. Deviation d. Hypermobility Normal/Enlarged 1. Examination of teethA. Shade the missing teethCaries: C Restoration: R Root canal fillings: Rf Discoloration: D Hypoplasia: H Nonvital: N Fracture: # Abrasion: a Attrition: A Erosion: e B. Stains- Extrusion: E Gingival recession: G Furcation Involvement: F Mobility: M Pocket: P Malposition: Mp Migration: Mg Abnormal shape: AS Abnormal size: AS Intrinsic Extrinsic C. CalculusD. Proximal contact relationship- Bodily / Point / No 2. Examination of soft tissues in oral cavity: a. Oral mucosa b. Gingiva - Normal /Inflamed ColorSurface textureBleedingExudation- c. TonguePositionSize - Normal /Large /small Abnormality if anyd. Soft palatee. Hard palate3. Examination of occlusiona. Occlusal wear facets- Present / Absents b. Incisal relationshipOver jetOverbiteEdge to edge contactc. Anterior tooth contact in centric occlusion (C. O.)- Yes /No d. Occlusal relationshipNeutrococclusion Mesioocclusion Distoocclsion Mutually Protected Group Function 4. Salivaa. Flowb. Viscosity5. Examination of edentulous spana. Ridge formb. Span lengthc. Configurationd. Abutment alignmente. Soft tissue coverV. Investigations: A. RadiographsB. Radiographic Interpretation- C. Vitality test1. Thermal Test 2. Electric pulp test. Hot Cold D. PercussionE. Interpretation of diagnostic mounts. VI. Treatment Plan: A. Treatment of symptoms / Emergency treatments B. Corrective Phase1. Surgical Procedures2. Oral prophylaxis and periodontal therapy if any3. Elective Endodontics therapy4. Restoration of carious teeth5. Orthodontic corrections if any6. Prosthodontic treatment / Occlusal corrections- C. Treatment1. Shade selection 2. Abutment selection and preparation3. Pontic selection 4. Material for prosthesis VII. Prognosis: VIII. Patients consent: IX. Payment Record: X. Treatment Record: XI. Instruction to patient: XII. Recall Visit: Good / Fair / Poor CASE-1 CLINICAL WORK RECORD No Steps 1 Primary Impression Maxillary Mandibular 2 Primary cast preparation 3 Special tray Fabrication 4 Selection of tooth shade 5 Tooth preparation and Final impression Maxillary Mandibular 6 Jaw relation recording 7 Transfer of sealed JR record to the articulator Date Material Remarks sign 8 Preparation of master cast 9 Die preparation of cast 10 Wax pattern fabrication 11 Metal Try in 12 Ceramic build up 13 Prosthesis insertion 14 Recall for adjustments Patient remarks: Patient signature Staff In-charge signature: HOD Signature CASE HISTORY PROFORMA-2 DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS I. Vital statistics Student’s name Patient case no: Patient name: Address: Date: Sex: Age: Phone no: Occupation: II. Chief complaints: History of present illness: III. History Medical History: Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascular Arthritis Neurological Immunological Allergies Medications Transmissible diseases Treatment of cancer Any other Dental History: Restorative Endodontics Orthodontic TMJ Dysfunctions Personal History: 1. Dietary habit2. Brushing habits3. Bruxism and other parafunctional habits4. Smoking5. ChewingPan/Tobacco/ Betel nut 6. Hobbies- Periodontal Oral Surgical Prosthetic Radiographic Family History- IV. Examination: A. General health statusB. Extra oral Examination1. Morphologic examination of facea. Facial Symmetryb. Facial profile- Yes/No. Prognathic/Retrognathic/Normognathic 2. Physiologic examination of facea. Facial musculatureb. Upper lipc. Long lip- Normal/hypertonic/hypotonic Normal/short/long Normal/short/long 3. Examination of skin and Hair - 4. Examination of facial Expression and smile- Normal/Abnormal Normal/Exaggerated 5. Examination of Temporomandibular (T.M.) Jointa. Clicking b. Tenderness 6. Examination of Cervical lymph node- C. Intraoral Examination: c. Deviation d. Hypermobility Normal/Enlarged 1. Examination of teethE. Shade the missing teethCaries: C Restoration: R Root canal fillings: Rf Discoloration: D Hypoplasia: H Nonvital: N Fracture: # Abrasion: a Attrition: A Erosion: e F. Stains- Extrusion: E Gingival recession: G Furcation Involvement: F Mobility: M Pocket: P Malposition: Mp Migration: Mg Abnormal shape: AS Abnormal size: AS Intrinsic Extrinsic G. CalculusH. Proximal contact relationship- Bodily / Point / No 2. Examination of soft tissues in oral cavity: a. Oral mucosa b. Gingiva - Normal /Inflamed ColorSurface textureBleedingExudation- c. TonguePositionSize - Normal /Large /small Abnormality if anyd. Soft palatee. Hard palate3. Examination of occlusiona. Occlusal wear facets- Present / Absents b. Incisal relationshipOver jetOverbiteEdge to edge contactc. Anterior tooth contact in centric occlusion (C. O.)- Yes /No d. Occlusal relationshipNeutrococclusion Mesioocclusion Distoocclsion Mutually Protected Group Function 4. Salivab. Flowb. Viscosity5. Examination of edentulous spana. Ridge formb. Span lengthc. Configurationd. Abutment alignmente. Soft tissue coverV. Investigations: A. RadiographsB. Radiographic Interpretation- C. Vitality test1. Thermal Test 2. Electric pulp test. Hot Cold D. PercussionE. Interpretation of diagnostic mounts. VI. Treatment Plan: A. Treatment of symptoms / Emergency treatments B. Corrective Phase1. Surgical Procedures2. Oral prophylaxis and periodontal therapy if any3. Elective Endodontics therapy4. Restoration of carious teeth5. Orthodontic corrections if any6. Prosthodontic treatment / Occlusal corrections- C. Treatment1. Shade selection 2. Abutment selection and preparation3. Pontic selection 4. Material for prosthesis VII. Prognosis: VIII. Patients consent: IX. Payment Record: X. Treatment Record: XI. Instruction to patient: XII. Recall Visit: Good / Fair / Poor CASE-2 CLINICAL WORK RECORD No Steps 1 Primary Impression Maxillary Mandibular 2 Primary cast preparation 3 Special tray Fabrication 4 Selection of tooth shade 5 Tooth preparation and Final impression Maxillary Mandibular 6 Jaw relation recording 7 Transfer of sealed JR record to the articulator Date Material Remarks sign 8 Preparation of master cast 9 Die preparation of cast 10 Wax pattern fabrication 11 Metal Try in 12 Ceramic build up 13 Prosthesis insertion 14 Recall for adjustments Patient remarks: Patient signature Staff In-charge signature: HOD Signature