COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY CLINICAL FIXED (SDS 423) LOG BOOK Dr. MOHAMMED SHOKRY Dr. PRAVEEN SRIKANTACHARY DEPARTMENT HEAD COURSE DIRECTOR 1 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.______________________________________________ Reg No.____________Has satisfactorily carried out the work in CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS as Prescribed by College of Dentistry, Majmaah University for the year_______ Head of Department Course director 2 CONTENTS Page no 1. General course information and objectives 4 2. Marks distribution 5 3. Case History Performa 6 4. Positive Clinical Findings Listing Sheet 14 5. Assessment Criteria for Fixed Clinical Case 15 6. Student evaluation form 16 7. Scoring Criteria and Evaluation for Seminar 17 8. Scoring Criteria and Evaluation for Research 18 9. Evaluation of Total Clinical Cases 19 3 General Course Information Course Title Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics Course Code SDS 423 Course Components Theory Practical Clinics Total First semester 1 3 3 7 Second semester 0 0 3 3 Duration:14 wk / sem, (98 contact hours in I semester) (42 contact hours in II semester) Lectures: 14 hours / I semester, 1 hour per week. Practical: 42 hours / I semester ,3 hours per week Clinical: 42 hours / per semester, 3 hours per week. Year / Level IV Year, 1st & 2nd semester General Course objectives Summary of the main learning outcomes for students enrolled in the course. By the end of this course the student will be able to; 1. Providing the students with the optional knowledge and skills for a successful introduction to clinical FP. 2. Developing the student’s clinical and technical psychomotor skills to a defined level prior to actual patient care. 3. Reinforcing the mutual interdependence of high quality clinical and technical activities for the attainment of the precise and predictable clinical outcomes. 4. Developing the student’s knowledge base, both didactically and clinically, with a view to refining the student’s approach to patient care. 5. Awareness of the cost benefit equation in FP therapy and the patient’s right to make an informed choice. 4 MARKS DISTRIBUTION FOR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS Theory Clinical Pre-clinical Total Midterm 10 5 5 20 Terminal 20 10 10 40 Research 5 - - 5 Behaviour 5 - - 5 In-course assessment - 15 15 30 MARKS DISTRIBUTION FOR SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS Clinical Midterm 20 Terminal 40 Research 5 Behaviour 5 In-course assessment 30 OVERALL FOURTH YEAR RESULT WILL BE CALCULATED AS FIRST SEMESTER - 75% (Theory + Clinical + Pre-Clinical) SECOND SEMESTER - 25% (Only Clinical) 5 CASE HISTORY PERFORMA-1 DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHODONTICS I. Vital statistics Student’s name Date: Patient case no: Patient name: Sex: Address: Age: Phone no: Occupation: II. Chief complaints: History of present illness: III. History Medical History: Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascular Arthritis Neurological Immunological 6 Allergies Medications Transmissible diseases Treatment of cancer Any other Dental History: Restorative Periodontal Endodontics Oral Surgical Orthodontic Prosthetic TMJ Dysfunctions Radiographic Personal History: 1. Dietary habit2. Brushing habits3. Bruxism and other parafunctional habits4. Smoking5. Chewing- Pan/Tobacco/ Betel nut 6. Hobbies- Family History- IV. Examination: A. General health status- 7 B. Extra oral Examination- 1. Morphologic examination of face- a. Facial Symmetry- Yes/No. b. Facial profile- Prognathic/Retrognathic/Normognathic 2. Physiologic examination of face- a. Facial musculatureb. Upper lip- Normal/hypertonic/hypotonic Normal/short/long c. Long lip- Normal/short/long 3. Examination of skin and Hair - Normal/Abnormal 4. Examination of facial Expression and smile- Normal/Exaggerated 5. Examination of Temporomandibular (T.M.) Joint- a. Clicking c. Deviation b. Tenderness d. Hypermobility 6. Examination of Cervical lymph node- 8 Normal/Enlarged C. Intraoral Examination: 1. Examination of teethA. Shade the missing teeth- Caries: C Extrusion: E Restoration: R Gingival recession: G Root canal fillings: Rf Discoloration: D Furcation Involvement: F Mobility: M Hypoplasia: H Pocket: P Nonvital: N Malposition: Mp Fracture: # Migration: Mg Abrasion: a Abnormal shape: AS Attrition: A Abnormal size: AS Erosion: e B. Stains- Intrinsic Extrinsic C. CalculusD. Proximal contact relationship- Bodily / Point / No 9 2. Examination of soft tissues in oral cavity: a. Oral mucosa - b. Gingiva - Normal /Inflamed ColorSurface textureBleedingExudation- c. TonguePositionSize - Normal /Large /small Abnormality if any- d. Soft palate- e. Hard palate- 3. Examination of occlusion- a. Occlusal wear facets- Present / Absents b. Incisal relationship- Over jetOverbiteEdge to edge contact- c. Anterior tooth contact in centric occlusion (C. O.)10 Yes /No d. Occlusal relationshipNeutrococclusion Mutually Protected Mesioocclusion Group Function Distoocclsion 4. Salivaa. Flowb. Viscosity5. Examination of edentulous spana. Ridge formb. Span lengthc. Configurationd. Abutment alignmente. Soft tissue cover- V. Investigations: A. Radiographs- B. Radiographic Interpretation- C. Vitality test1. Thermal Test - Hot Cold 2. Electric pulp test. D. Percussion11 E. Interpretation of diagnostic mounts. VI. Treatment Plan: A. Treatment of symptoms / Emergency treatments B. Corrective Phase1. Surgical Procedures2. Oral prophylaxis and periodontal therapy if any3. Elective Endodontics therapy4. Restoration of carious teeth5. Orthodontic corrections if any6. Prosthodontic treatment / Occlusal corrections- C. Treatment- 1. Shade selection 2. Abutment selection and preparation- 3. Pontic selection 4. Material for prosthesis VII. Prognosis: Good / Fair / Poor 12 VIII. Patients consent: IX. Treatment Record: X. Instruction to patient: XI. Recall Visit: 13 POSITIVE CLINICAL FINDINGS LISTING SHEET 14 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR FIXED CLINICAL CASE Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Work done Assessment marks Case history 0 1 2 Diagnosis and treatment 0 planning 1 2 Diagnostic Impressions 0 1 2 Tooth preparation 0 1 2 Final impressions 0 1 2 Bite registrations 0 1 2 Temporization 0 1 2 Metal try in 0 1 2 Final cementation 0 1 2 Occlusion evaluation 0 1 2 Total score: 20 Staff signature: Observation Remarks Incomplete Needs more data Complete Incorrect Approximate Appropriate Poor Acceptable Good Poor Acceptable Good Poor Acceptable Good Not registered/ Poor Average Excellent Not done / Poor Acceptable Good Not done Acceptable Accurate Poor Acceptable Excellent Not achieved Needs correction Accurately achieved Obtained score: HEAD OF DEPARTMENT 15 STUDENT EVALUATION FORM CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS - IVTH YEAR Student name: Patient name: Sl no Work done Marks obtained 1 Case history 2 Diagnosis and treatment planning 3 Diagnostic Impressions 4 Tooth preparation 5 Final impressions 6 Bite registrations 7 Temporization 8 Metal try in 9 Final cementation 10 Occlusion evaluation Total : 20 Staff signature: HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Date: 16 IVth YEAR CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS SCORING CRITERIA AND EVALUATION FOR SEMINAR SEMINAR TOPIC: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PRESENTATION DATE: …………….... Sl no Marks Criteria 1 In time Approval 3 2 Collection of data in seminar 3 3 Confidence and clarity in presentation 3 4 Answering skill in seminar 3 5 In time submission 3 Total: 15 Marks obtained out of 5 marks = ……….… / 3 = …………. Staff signature: Date: 17 Obtained Remarks IVth YEAR CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS SCORING CRITERIA AND EVALUATION FOR RESEARCH TOPICS RESEARCH TOPIC: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DATE OF SUBMISSION: …………………………… Sl no Marks Criteria 1 In time Approval 3 2 Collection of data & references 3 3 Co-ordination within group 3 4 Neatness is submitting 3 5 In time submission 3 Total: 15 Marks obtained out of 5 marks = ……….… / 3 = …………. Staff signature: Date: 18 Obtained Remarks IVth YEAR CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS EVALUATION OF TOTAL CLINICAL CASES STUDENT NAME: Sl Patient name File no no Start Finish Marks date date obtained Remarks Staff signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 STAFF SIGNATURE: HEAD OF DEPARTMENT DATE: 19