Document 15356610

Due to Division Deans on Date Requested by the Dean*
Due to Instructional Services – March 18, 2016* * Print & electronic copies
Rationale Form for Full-time Faculty Position – 2017-18
If your department is submitting
multiple requests and you wish
to prioritize, please do so here:
Department Chair/Director Signature
Priority _________ of _________
Division Dean Signature
Please provide the following information to substantiate the need for a new faculty position. One form must be submitted for each new faculty position requested.
This information will be used by the Instructional Planning Council Subcommittee in establishing the priority list for District-wide faculty positions. The following items
are not in any priority order.
Quantitative Information by Discipline:
Please complete all the quantitative areas using numbers gathered from the sources specified.
1. Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH), Total Full-time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) and WSCH/FTEF Ratio
Obtain this data at
÷ Total FTEF
2. Part-time FTEF
Obtain this data at
Hourly FTEF
+ Overload FTEF
= Part-time FTEF
3. FTEF due to reassigned time, sabbatical leave(s), load bank, and other leave(s)
Departments/Disciplines are to provide the data in the table below
Academic year
% of FTEF for on-going reassigned time
(department chair, program director,
coordinator, etc.)
% of FTEF for temporary reassigned
time (grant activity, sabbaticals,
leaves, other reasons)
Final Form IPC meeting 2/8/06.corrected 3.8.06, corrected 11/20/06, IPC revised draft 11/29/06, additional changes made by IPC 1/24/07; approved by Faculty Senate 1/29/07; approved by IPC 2.9.11; approved by Faculty Senate
2.14.11; additional revisions by IPC Subcommittee 2.29.12; approved by Faculty Senate 3.12.12; no changes made by IPC Subcommittee for 2015-16 requests, 11.13.13; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 01.28.15; accepted by IPC
Rationale Form for Faculty Positions
Page 2
4. Percent of Total FTEF taught by Part-time Faculty
Obtain this data at
Part-time FTEF
Total FTEF
 100 =
5. Enrollment Load for the Discipline
Obtain this data at
Enrollment Load for the Discipline =
6. Program Growth Trends for the Discipline
Provide years of enrollment trend data at
*Fall 2015 Data are as of 01.30.16 and are “preliminary” in nature.
Fall 2015
Qualitative and Other Information
Please complete all areas that relate directly to the faculty position requested.
1. Scarcity of qualified part-time faculty
a. Specialized degree/training needed. Please explain:
b. Specialized experience needed. Please explain:
Final Form IPC meeting 2/8/06.corrected 3.8.06, corrected 11/20/06, IPC revised draft 11/29/06, additional changes made by IPC 1/24/07; approved by Faculty Senate 1/29/07; approved by IPC 2.9.11; approved by Faculty Senate
2.14.11; additional revisions by IPC Subcommittee 2.29.12; approved by Faculty Senate 3.12.12; no changes made by IPC Subcommittee for 2015-16 requests, 11.13.13; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 01.28.15; accepted by IPC
02.11.15; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 02.10.16
Rationale Form for Faculty Positions
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Emerging/rapidly changing technology. Please explain:
d. Describe recruitment efforts for qualified part-time faculty:
2. a. How many full-time faculty are currently in the discipline? _______
b. In the last ten years (since Spring 2006), how many full-time faculty have been lost in the discipline due to retirement, resignation, termination, lateral
transfer, or other reasons? _______
In the last ten years (since Spring 2006), how many full-time faculty have been hired in the discipline? _______
d. Please provide any background information and/or discuss your responses to 2a., 2b., and 2c.
e. Provide a rationale or explanation if more than one position is being requested for the same discipline.
3. Average number of course preparations per full-time faculty member per semester in Discipline/Department.
Example of three (3) course preparations would be Math 50, Math 60, and Math 100. Please explain how a
new full-time faculty position would reduce/improve the average number of course preparations for the
full-time faculty in the Discipline/Department.
Final Form IPC meeting 2/8/06.corrected 3.8.06, corrected 11/20/06, IPC revised draft 11/29/06, additional changes made by IPC 1/24/07; approved by Faculty Senate 1/29/07; approved by IPC 2.9.11; approved by Faculty Senate
2.14.11; additional revisions by IPC Subcommittee 2.29.12; approved by Faculty Senate 3.12.12; no changes made by IPC Subcommittee for 2015-16 requests, 11.13.13; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 01.28.15; accepted by IPC
02.11.15; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 02.10.16
Rationale Form for Faculty Positions
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How will this faculty position help meet District/Department/Discipline Goals as defined in the current Strategic Plan? Strategic Plan 2016 - Year 3
Other resources/documents to Program Review and Planning in responding to this criteria should include Program Review and Planning Goals and Plans
and/or Technology Master Plan Technology Master Plan 2016 - Year 3 w Addendum. Please explain:
1. Accreditation requirements. Please explain:
2. Regulatory requirements (not recommendations). Please explain current situation and history of compliance with requirements:
3. Health/safety (OSHA, Hazardous Materials, violations, injury issues). Please explain and cite sources:
Final Form IPC meeting 2/8/06.corrected 3.8.06, corrected 11/20/06, IPC revised draft 11/29/06, additional changes made by IPC 1/24/07; approved by Faculty Senate 1/29/07; approved by IPC 2.9.11; approved by Faculty Senate
2.14.11; additional revisions by IPC Subcommittee 2.29.12; approved by Faculty Senate 3.12.12; no changes made by IPC Subcommittee for 2015-16 requests, 11.13.13; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 01.28.15; accepted by IPC
02.11.15; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 02.10.16
Rationale Form for Faculty Positions
Page 5
1. Job Market Outlook.
(For Career/Technical disciplines only, please go to the CA Employment Development website at . and search on Labor
Market Information for Educators and Trainers ( Click on summary data profile on right side
of page to search by occupation. (Check other reliable industry or government sources on Labor Market Data websites that support findings and are relevant to
Region Ten – San Diego/Imperial Counties. Include job projections that may influence major curriculum revisions.) Please explain:
Occupations with Most Job
Occupations with Most Job
Openings - Short-term # of
Openings - Long-term # of
projected job openings
projected job openings
State of California
San Diego County
Imperial County
2. Other Job Market Data (please identify)
3. Other (e.g., Advisory Committee, Professional Organization Best Practices, CSU/UC Admission changes)
Final Form IPC meeting 2/8/06.corrected 3.8.06, corrected 11/20/06, IPC revised draft 11/29/06, additional changes made by IPC 1/24/07; approved by Faculty Senate 1/29/07; approved by IPC 2.9.11; approved by Faculty Senate
2.14.11; additional revisions by IPC Subcommittee 2.29.12; approved by Faculty Senate 3.12.12; no changes made by IPC Subcommittee for 2015-16 requests, 11.13.13; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 01.28.15; accepted by IPC
02.11.15; revisions by IPC Subcommittee 02.10.16