DAY ONE INTRODUCTION JANUARY 21, 2009 L.P. CHEW Instructor: Lindell Phillip Chew Office: 1005 SSB Tower Office Hours: 1:50 pm-2:30 pm MONDAY & WEDNESDAY (room 215 SSB) 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm MONDAY & WEDNESDAY (room 215 SSB) and other times by appointment in 1005 SSB Office Phone(s): (314) 516-5626 Fax (314) 576-8855 E-Mail: LPC1@UMSL.EDU Reference Numbers: 10584 RSD 001 Room Numbers: 103 CCB Final Exam Dates: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 7:45 am -9:45 am Analysis for Marketing Planning, Donald R. Lehmann and Russell S. Winer, McGraw Hill Irwin, 7th Edition, 2008, ISBN #978-0-07 3529844 MHID 0 07352984-2 Advanced Marketing Management, Concepts, Cases and Applications, Chew, Lindell Phillip 2nd edition, McGraw Hill-Primus (2009) ISBN(s) #10-0-39 0665843 and 13-978-0-39066584-3 Marketing Management is the comprehensive capstone course in our marketing curriculum and is organized around the marketing planning process, to clearly delineate the relationship among marketing decisions. This applications oriented course is designed to help you to extend your thinking more analytically, logically and creatively about marketing and business decisions. The resulting expectation is for you to have a greater appreciation of the true utility of the marketing concepts and procedures enhancing your sense of professionalism throughout your career in marketing and business management. Examination I \ Examination II > 50% Examination III / High Involvement Project 33% In-class Activities 16% TOTAL 100 points 100 points 100 points 200 points 100 points 600 POINTS {Semester Project - A choice of a business plan, business feasibility study or operational marketing plan. This will be a written (150 pts) and oral (50 pts) team activity.} {Semester Project - A choice of a business plan, business feasibility study or operational marketing plan. This will be a written (150 pts) and oral (50 pts) team activity.} Topics are due in writing on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 Complete projects are due on Wednesday, April 27, 2009 Oral Presentation of Project on Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 7:45 am FOR THE NEXT 15 WEEKS YOU ARE A PRODUCT MANAGER OPPORTUNITYISNOW HERE