From: VP Research Office [] Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 1:33 PM To: Recipient List Suppressed: Subject: Research Alert for November 26, 2008 In the Research Alert for November 26, 2008: A. B. C. D. Research Prizes and Honors News and Information Quoted Research Opportunities E. Research Project Check out new blogs about University of Texas at Austin research and books. The Research blog, Further Findings, is at: and the blog about university-related books, ShelfLife@Texas, is at: WE'RE TAKING A SURVEY ABOUT THE RESEARCH ALERT Thanks to those who have filled out the Research Alert survey. There's still time to take it. The survey will to help the Office of the Vice President for Research determine how the Research Alert can meet the needs of those who use it. To fill out the 10-question survey, please go to: Please send questions or comments about the survey to: The Research Alert also is available on the Web at: Previous issues can be found: More about UT Research can be found at: A. Research Prizes and Honors --- CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROFESSOR RECEIVES NATIONAL AWARD Dr. Benny D. Freeman, chemical engineering professor, has been selected to receive the 2009 American Chemical Society Award in Applied Polymer Science for his pioneering research that has defined the state of the art in polymer-based gas, liquid and vapor separation membranes. The award will be presented and recognized at the 2009 spring meeting of the American Chemical Society in March during a two-day symposium featuring 24 presentations from around the world honoring Freeman's contributions to the field. B. News and Information --- EARLY-CAREER GRANT DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT OFFERED The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) and the Division of Statistics and Scientific Computation (SSC) will offer free federal grant development assistance next semester to eight early-career tenure-track faculty at The University of Texas at Austin who have not received federal funding to date. The program is designed to maximize a grant's funding possibility through technical writing guidance provided in monthly meetings with a nationally recognized grant-writing consultant, Elizabeth Tornquist. Each participant will also be assigned an on-campus statistical or mathematical consultant from SSC to collaborate on the creation of a high-quality analysis section. The program is intensive, requiring two to three meetings (individually and in small groups) per month across the spring semester, with the aim of creating a strong draft of a federal proposal by June 2009. Applications are due by Dec. 12, 2008, for federal grant proposals to be submitted no earlier than June 2009. Eligible applicants are early-career tenure-track faculty who are within three years of joining The University of Texas at Austin and have not received federal funding. To request an application or more information, contact Maria Winchell in OSP at or 232-4319. C. Quoted-UT Researchers in the News --- Detroit Free Press Nov. 23, 2008 HEADLINE: Liberals break out the flags Obama's victory stirs patriotism [From an article at about new displays of patriotism] H.W. Brands, a historian at The University of Texas at Austin, said that Democrats became uncomfortable with only a certain type of patriotism - the exclusive variety. Primal and powerful, it appears most forcefully during times of war, whipping up fervor through an us-versus-them mentality, squelching most dissent in the name of national unity. It was on broad display, Brands noted, in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The New York Times Nov. 21, 2008 HEADLINE: Blanket of Soil May Hide Vast Martian Glaciers [From an article at discovery of glaciers on Mars.] about "It's sort of like discovering Greenland," said John W. Holt of The University of Texas, lead author of a study in Science describing the findings. The spacecraft's ground-penetrating radar instrument, aimed at several of these lobes in the Hellas basin in the southern hemisphere, picked up two reflected signals - one from the surface and another from something else underground. "That can really only happen with a limited number of materials," Dr. Holt said, and all the evidence pointed to massive sheets of ice. D. Research Opportunities --- IMPORTANT UNIVERSITY RESEARCH DEADLINES ---NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Sociology Deadlines: Regular Research, Jan. 15, 2009; Dissertation Research, Feb. 15, 2009 Centers for Chemical Innovation Phase I Deadlines: Preliminary Proposal, Feb. 2, 2009; Full Proposal (by invitation) June 3, 2009 Strategic Technologies for Cyberinfrastructure Deadline: Feb. 12, 2009 Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Deadline: Feb. 15, 2009 NanoManufacturing Deadline: Feb. 15, 2009 Nano and Bio Mechanics Deadline: Feb. 15, 2009 Math and Science Partnership Deadlines: Feb. 17, 2009 for Institute Partnerships, MSP-Start Partnerships, Phase II Partnerships, RETA Projects; Feb. 24, 2009 for Innovation through Institutional Integration; and Aug. 20, 2009 for Targeted Partnerships [This is a Limited Submission. Please contact Courtney Frazier at or 471-6424.] Research in Disabilities Education Deadlines: Feb. 18, 2009 for Demonstration, Enrichment or Dissemination; Feb. 24, 2009 for Innovation through Institutional Integration; and Feb. 26, 2009 for Research [The Innovation through Institutional Integration program is a Limited Submission. Please contact Courtney Frazier at or 471-6424.] ---NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Informing Systems Biology through Genetic Variation: The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Dec. 14, 2008; Application, Jan. 14, 2009 Innovation in Molecular Imaging Probes Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Dec. 22, 2008; Application, Jan. 22. 2009 ---DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Advanced Combustion 6848fef5033fe852575010069cb7c?OpenDocument Deadline: Jan. 16, 2009 Efficient Emission Control Devices 87?OpenDocument Deadline: Jan. 16, 2009 ---ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Computational Toxicology Research Centers: in vitro and in silico Models Of Developmental Toxicity Pathways Deadline: Jan. 29, 2009 ---NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation Grants Deadline: Jan. 28, 2009 ---OTHER FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Semiconductor Research Corporation Global Research Collaboration Research in Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices Deadlines: White Papers, Dec. 4, 2008; Requested Proposals, March 3, 2009 American Federation for Aging Research 2009 AFAR Research Grants Deadline: Dec. 16, 2008 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program Postdoctoral, Predoctoral, and Graduate Student Fellowships Deadline: Jan. 15, 2009 Harry Ransom Center 2009-2010 Research Fellowships Deadline: Feb. 2, 2009 E. --- Research Project SGER Collaborative Research: VisualizeIT - Measuring the Impact of IT-Enabled Concept Generation on Designer Creativity FACULTY: Matthew Campbell, associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, principal investigator AGENCY: National Science Foundation AMOUNT: $30,906 This project creates and evaluates new visualization techniques of models from a concept generator to stimulate the designer to generate concepts not originally posed by designer or computer. This technology is expected to enable the development of creative solutions to design problems that would otherwise go undiscovered. The three challenges to achieving effective visualization for enhancing creative design at the concept generation phase are: 1) how to cluster the many concept variants returned from an automated concept generation algorithm into a manageable set of representative concepts that span the design alternative space; 2) how to visually represent the option space to the designer so that it enhances creativity; and 3) how to measure the impact of the visualization schemes on designer creativity. This exploratory research, if successful, offers the opportunity to transform how we design products and systems and how we guide any designer to a creative new product. Tim Green Public Affairs Office of the Vice President for Research The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78713-7996 Telephone: 512.475.6596; Fax: 512.471.5812 Walter Webb Hall, Mail Code: F3200