Post Departure Survey Form

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is imperative for both leaders and ordinary citizens to be aware of how they are
interrelated with people in other parts of the world. We at the Office of International Student Services think that by traveling and
studying in other countries you will be better prepared to live and compete in this increasingly interconnected world. Your
participation in the study abroad program has put you in a keen position to be competitive in the job and graduate school market.
While the impressions of your study abroad experience are still fresh in your mind, the Office of International Student Services asks
that you complete the following survey regarding your experience. Your responses to the following survey will help us improve the
program for future students who may partake in this program. In addition, the information you provide will help the Office of
International Student Services market our programs to the DSU community. Your participation is voluntary and answers will remain
confidential. Thanks for your participation!
Personal Information
1. Classification:
Race/Ethnicity (Check only one):
Who has greatly influenced your decision to participate in a study abroad program?
Which program did you participate in? _________________________________________________________
Why did you participate in this program? (Check all that apply).
aduate school
(Please Explain)____________________________________________________________________
Personal Development – Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement, where 1 = “Strongly Disagree,” 2 = “Disagree,” 3 =
“Neutral,” 4 = “Agree,” and 5 = “Strongly Agree”.
I have a gained a better insight into myself as a result of study abroad. ______________
Study abroad has made me more receptive to different ideas and ways of seeing the world. ______________
10. I have a greater sense of independence or self-confidence due to living and study abroad. ______________
11. Study abroad has increased my interest in social issues. ______________
12. My interest in world events has changed. ______________
13. My experience abroad has changed my career plans. ______________
14. My interest in language learning has increased. ______________
15. My tolerance of other people and customs has increased. ______________
16. I understand the US better. ______________
17. My ability to adapt to new situations has increased. ______________
18. My interest in academics/education increased significantly. ______________
Other (Please Specify)_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Social and Cultural Experience - Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement, where 1 = “Strongly Disagree,” 2 = “Disagree,” 3 =
“Neutral,” 4 = “Agree,” and 5 = “Strongly Agree”.
19. I was satisfied with the amount of contact with the host country nationals. ______________
20. There was too much contact with Americans. ______________
21. I was able to form close friendships with international students. ______________
22. I interacted with a wide variety of people that lived in the host country. ______________
23. The program structure facilitated interaction with the local culture. ______________
Other (Please Specify): ________________________________________________________________________________________________
General Questions
24. What were your pre-conceived notions regarding this program?
25. What did you learn from participating in this program?
26. What was the best aspect of the program?
27. What did you dislike about the program?
28. Is there anything that you wish you had known before you went abroad? Please explain:
29. Would you recommend this program to other students?
30. Please indicate which of these activities you would be willing to partake in to share your experience and help promote the programs. Check
all that apply.
-departure Orientation
e this invitation.