Construction Inspection Advisory Meeting, February 14, 2014

Occupational & Noncredit Programs
Construction Inspection Advisory Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
San Marcos Campus, MD-155C
Steve Austin
Carl Blaisdell
Kurt Brickley
Paul Donaldson
Eric Jensen
Bill Melton
Robert Nagle
Teresa Quainoo
Mollie Smith
David Wilson
Approved minutes from November 7, 2012.
Carl Blaisdell
Paul Donaldson
Class Scheduling:
Mollie initiated the discussion expressing a concern about declining enrollment for the Electrical Codes courses.
Mollie asked if anyone had any comments or changes regarding the fall 2014 schedule.
Bill and Carl mentioned enrollment fluctuates between fall and spring semester; up in the fall, down in the
Carl suggested that in order to bring more students and make the program better we need to do more
advertising. He believes we can bring in 10-20 percent more by having people know that we are here; that we
have one of the best programs going.
Mollie asked where and how Carl thought we should advertise.
Carl said he thinks the employment office would be a good source for program candidates, and believes faculty
should be trying to make some phone calls and trying to arouse interest. The jurisdictions should be sending
their employees to get re-certified; 48 hours of PD every 3 years.
Mollie said we have a little bit of money every year that we can use for advertisement.
Bill suggested reaching out to organizations like ACI, APWA, etc., for recruitment.
David suggested mailing flyers to places like the City of San Diego, which has a list of special inspectors who
may be interested in changing fields or just in taking additional courses in building inspection. He said there is a
monthly ACI training class where we may be able to hand out flyers.
Action Item #1:
Carl will send Mollie a proposal with a list of some ideasfor advertisement. Mollie asked
to have the proposal in the summer time so we can start advertising for fall. Information needed by beginning of
Kurt mentioned the local chapter of the ICC. Carl said he would try to attend their meetings. Kurt will talk to
Carl about a list of contacts appropriate for networking. He suggested classes could be cross-listed with
Pagel of3
architecture anq engineering for students looking for more comprehensive knowledge before they go out in the
Action Item #2:
Mollie requested the committee members send their ideas and comments to Carl by June
I'' so he can come up with a proposal for advertisement.
There was discussion about the possible need to modify the program itself and making some curriculum
changes, which may include online, hybrid, and summer course offerings.
Action Item #3:
Agreement was reached about the need to submit a curriculum change in the fall to raise
Plumbing Codes and Mechanical Codes courses from 2.5 to 3 hours/units due to the increase of course content.
Mollie requested Bill and Paul write up and send to her a paragraph identifj;ingjustification for curriculum
changes. She needs this information and any other information regarding curriculum changes on her desk by
September 1st.
Eric and Carl suggested an Energy Code class could be developed. Mollie asked instructors to keep in mind that
if someone wants to offer a course during summer the content would need to be compacted into 6, or 8 weeks,
with summer 2015 being the next possibility.
Action Item #4:
If any courses are to be taught online, Mollie needs to know by August so she can
designate the courses accordingly via the curriculum process in the fall 2014. Such courses are to be developed
for online delivery starting Spring 2015.
Mollie mentioned the online teaching (POET) training is available through the Academic Technology
department. Bill shared his own experience with POET training and how it has helped him to improve class
delivery and online teaching. Mollie expressed the need to integrate technology in the class content and told
instructors the Academic Technology department can help them with this.
Program Review & Planning:
Mollie reviewed the Program Review & Planning handout. She highlighted the decline in enrollment and the
possible reasons for it. Mollie said she is not greatly concerned, but thinks it is time to make some changes to
keep the program strong. She made mention of the good program retention and pass rates, as noted on the
report. Mollie talked about the three program goals and associated plans that were set for the program:
expanding on the integration of more technology in the classroom and instructors engaging in POET training;
reducing the cost of class materials possibly by posting class materials on blackboard; and the broadening of
core content integrating new subjects.
Action Item #5:
POET training needs to be completed by instructors by next year.
Action Item #6:
Next year Mollie will need a paragraph from each instructor outlining the core content
and course changes each has made. This will be needed for the three Program Review and Planning Update.
Carl mentioned it would be easy because every three years there are different codes.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Mollie went over the handout on Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Institutional Student Learning
Outcomes (ISLO) Assessment, pointing out that the majority fall under Intellectual and Practical Skills. She
expanded on the different rubrics and their evaluation, making mention that it is still a work in progress.
Action Item #7:
Mollie pointed out that there is a tutorial on SLOs available for faculty members and she
would forward it to instructors.
l'vfollie is a member of the SLO Committee. She explained in detail the work being done on a series of
!valuation pilots related to the different ISLOs, with the next one focusing on Quantitative Literacy.
Action Item #8:
randomly chosen.
Mollie wants instructors toparticipate in the GEIILO pilot evaluation
if their course is
Action Item #9:
Some SLO modifications are needed and Mollie asked instructors to access their courses
in the TrackDat database, and make sure their COR is aligned appropriately with the rubrics. She asked
instructors to call her if they need guidance with the process.
Mollie introduced and welcomed new Construction Inspection instructor, Robert Nagle, who has been approved
and able to teach as needed. Eric asked if Robert would be available to substitute and Mollie answered
Action Item #10:
Instructors should send their course syllabus to Mollie before the beginning of every
Action Item #11:
Instructors are to complete Census Certification after the second week of class. A
handout with written instruction was provided.
Mollie went over the report (handout) on certificates and degrees awarded.
hie mentioned the importance of certificates of completion, including number of instructional hours, being
awarded at the end of each class and thinks all instructors in the program should provide a certificate to
Action Item #12:
Instructors are to contact Teresa a couple of weeks in advance, with names of students to
be awarded certificates of completion and the verification of student names spelling so she can prepare them in
time before the end of every semester.
Action Item #13:
Mollie will e-mail action items to all participants.
Teresa asked attendees, and consensus was that 4:30pm is a good time to continue meeting.
Mollie thanked everyone for their attendance and participation.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.
Approved by:
Mollie R. Smith, Program Director
Carl Blaisdell, CI Instructor