L23B: Sociolinguistics 2005-2006 Lecturer: Emmogene Budhai-Alvaranga Please Turn off all cellular phones & pagers L23B Website: www.mona.uwi.edu/dllp/courses/l23b 7/1/2016 1 Objectives of the Session Review some important concepts Overview of Communication Readings: Downes & Hymes 7/1/2016 2 What is sociolinguistics? As defined by C&J (1997) ‘the study of language in its social context and the study of social life through linguistics’ 7/1/2016 3 Sociolinguistics: Is it relevant? (Downes) language includes not just grammar but also social process 7/1/2016 features of language linked to social aspects 4 Arbitrariness: is a social phenomenon 7/1/2016 label/lexical items/expressions dependent on our philosophies/culture 5 Variability: requires social explanation For example: (taken from Downes) ‘butter’ - meaning (edible, yellow, diary product) - syntactic use: noun ‘a’ ‘the’ sub/obj But different phonetic realizations RP [b] Canadian/American ‘budder’ [bdr] British English/Cockney [br] (working class) 7/1/2016 6 Sociolinguistics Allows us to: 7/1/2016 Combine theoretical discoveries with social investigations Concentrate on performance 7 Relevance of Sociolinguistics (Hymes) 7/1/2016 linguistic theory as a wholistic theory of language entailing the organization of speech and not just grammar. Speech communities as organizations of ways of speaking not just the distribution of the grammar of a language 8 Downes (Film 1961) Doreen: She got married yesterday. She looked ever so nice Arthur: What was the bloke like, could y’er smell the drink? He must have been drunk to get married. What did she want to convey? 7/1/2016 make a statement request for action suggestion broach the topic 9 Analyzing Conversation Points to consider… 1. Context 2. Several Interpretations possible 3. Intentions may be incorrect 4. Speaker can deny 5. Vague 7/1/2016 10 Interaction: student to teacher at end of term Will you be teaching another course in this programme? 7/1/2016 11 Politeness Salt! Pass the Salt! Would you mind passing the salt please? I think this food could use a little salt. This meal is marvelous! Just a pinch of salt and it would be perfect. 7/1/2016 12 Components of Communication 7/1/2016 Linguistic Knowledge Interaction Skills Cultural Knowledge 13 Linguistic Knowledge 7/1/2016 verbal elements non-verbal elements patterning of elements range of possible variants meaning of variants 14 Interaction Skills 7/1/2016 selection of forms interpretation of forms discourse organization and processes norms of interaction and interpretation strategies for achieving goals 15 Cultural Knowledge social structure values and attitudes 7/1/2016 16 Communicative Competence “underlying systems of knowledge and skill required for communication” 7/1/2016 17 Factors Influencing Selection of Variety/Code: 7/1/2016 Speaker/Receiver Competence Situation Topic Channel Tone 18 Questions ???? 7/1/2016 19