Lab # 5 Question. 1 Write a function intPow( base, exponent ) that returns the value of base exponent. For example, intPow( 5, 3 ) = 5 * 5 * 5. Assume that exponent is a positive, nonzero integer and that base is an integer. The function intPow should use for or while to control the calculation. Do not use any math library functions. Output should be like Enter base and exponent: 43 4 to the power 3 is: 64 Question. 2 Write a C++ program that reads a student's name together with her 4 test scores. The program should then compute the average test score for each student and assign the appropriate grade. The grade scale is as follows: A 90-100; B 80-89; C 70-79; D 60-69; F 0-59. Your Program must use the following functions 1- A void function, CalculateAvarage To read and sum the 4 test score for each student it does not out put the average of the 4 test score. 2- A return function, CalculateGrade To determined and return each student's grade. Please input the total numbers of students: 3 Please for each student input her Name and her 4 test scores: SN t1 t2 t3 t4 A 75 70 80 67 B 90 99 Avarage= 73 Her grade is C 80 100 C 45 50 Avarage= 92.25 Her grade is A 66 54 Avarage=53.75 Her grade is F Question. 3 Write a complete C++ program with the two alternate functions specified below, of which each simply triples the variable count defined in main. Then compare and contrast the two approaches. These two functions are a) Function tripleCallByValue that passes a copy of count call-by-value, triples the copy and returns the new value. b) Function tripleByReference that passes count with true call-by-reference via a reference parameter and triples the original copy of count through its alias (i.e., the reference parameter). I. Nouf Alghamdi