CS110 Lab 2 Answers 1. Write her/his gender 'Male' or 'Female'. #include <iostream> #include<conio.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; //This program is identifying int main() { the gender of the user.// char g; cout<<"What is your gender (M/F) ? \n"; cin>>g; if(g=='F' || g=='f') cout<<"You are Female!"; else cout<< "You are male!"; getch(); } 2. Print (sum , product, difference and quotient) #include <iostream> #include<conio.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; //This program is This program is using 4 operations on two numbers entered by the user// int main() { double num1, num2; cout<<"Please enter num1\n"; cin>>num1; cout<<"Please enter num2\n"; cin>>num2; cout<<"the sum of num1 and num2 is "<<num1+num2<<"\n"; cout<<"the product of num1 and num2 is "<<num1*num2<<"\n"; cout<<"the difference of num1 and num2 is "<<num1-num2<<"\n"; cout<<"the quotient of num1 and num2 is "<<num1/num2<<"\n"; getch(); } 3. find the largest values among the 6 numbers #include <iostream> #include<conio.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; //This program is comparing between six numbers entered by the user and then prints number// int main() { double num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6; double max=1; cout<<"Please enter SIX numbers\n"; cout<<"Please enter num1 \n"; the largest cin>>num1; cout<<"Please enter num2 cin>>num2; cout<<"Please enter num3 cin>>num3; cout<<"Please enter num4 cin>>num4; cout<<"Please enter num5 cin>>num5; cout<<"Please enter num6 cin>>num6; if (num1>=num2) max=num1; else max=num2; if (num3>=max) max=num3; if (num4>=max) max=num4; if (num5>=max) max=num5; if (num6>=max) max=num6; \n"; \n"; \n"; \n"; \n"; cout<<"the largest number is "<<max<<"\n"; getch(); } 4. find the two largest values among the 6 numbers #include <iostream> #include<conio.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; //This program is comparing between six numbers entered by the user and then prints largest numbers// int main() { double num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6; double max1=1,max2=1; cout<<"Please enter SIX numbers\n"; cout<<"Please enter num1 \n"; cin>>num1; cout<<"Please enter num2 \n"; cin>>num2; cout<<"Please enter num3 \n"; cin>>num3; cout<<"Please enter num4 \n"; cin>>num4; cout<<"Please enter num5 \n"; cin>>num5; cout<<"Please enter num6 \n"; cin>>num6; if (num1>num2) { max1=num1; max2=num2; } else if(num1!=num2) { the two max1=num2; max2=num1; } else max1=num1; if (num3>max1) { max2=max1; max1=num3; } if (num4>max1) { max2=max1; max1=num4; } if (num5>max1) { max2=max1; max1=num5; } if (num6>max1) { max2=max1; max1=num6; } if(num6>max2&&num6!=max1) max2=num6; cout<<"the two largest number is "<<max1<<" and "<<max2<<"\n"; getch(); } BEST WISHES ☺☺ NISREEN ALZAHRANI