Link to MS Word syllabus

INF 390N.1/COM 386
Unique Number #28180/05495
Dr. Philip Doty
School of Information
University of Texas at Austin
Fall 2007
Class time: Tuesday
SZB 464
SZB 570
9:00 AM – 12:00 N
Office hrs: Tuesday 1:00 – 2:00 PM
By appointment other times
Telephone: 512.471.3746 – direct line
512.471.2742 – iSchool receptionist
512.471.3821 – main iSchool office
Class URL:
Sidney Tibbetts
Office hours: TBA
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Introduction to the course
Students’ collaboration
Expectations of students’ performance
Analysis and holism in reading, writing, and presenting
Standards for written work
Editing conventions
Texts and other tools
List of assignments
Outline of course
Suggestions for writing policy analysis
References in the schedule and assignments
Selected federal cases
"Reference" texts
Governmental and commercial serial sources of government information
Journals and other serial sources on information policy and government information
Other electronic sources
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
INF 390N.1, Federal Information Policy, provides an overview of U.S. federal information policy
and its implications for society. We will consider the federal information policy system within the
broader context of public policy, key information policy areas, and the structures and processes
involved in the formulation of federal information policies. Students will develop a critical
understanding of a variety of approaches to policy analysis and a variety of policy analysis
techniques. The class will give special attention to the contribution of Information Studies as a
discipline to policy formation and analysis.
Federal information policy comprises two major kinds of information policies: (1) policies that
control government information, i.e., information that the federal government and governmentsponsored entities generate, collect, “store,” and distribute; and (2) policies that control how
information is distributed in society, e.g., policies related to “intellectual property,” privacy,
surveillance and national security, freedom of expression, media regulation, intellectual freedom,
contracts, classification of information, the use of categories such as “sensitive but unclassified”
information, torts, and equity of information access. INF 390N.1 emphasizes this second kind of
information policy. A special focus will be electronic information, including those policies
related to privacy, surveillance, and freedom of information since the events of September 11,
INF 390N.1 will (a) increase students' knowledge of major federal information policies and how
to track their development, (b) improve students' ability to analyze critically the implications of
federal policies for managing information as well as for activities in public and private venues,
and (c) enhance students' ability to influence the policy system as professionals and private
Thus, the course will give students the opportunity to:
Concentrate on several areas in information policy: the foundations of information policy,
policy as the expression and collision of values, privacy, surveillance and security, the
growing use of information classification and the category of “sensitive but unclassified”
information, and freedom of information, particularly since 9/11/2001
2. Examine the use of what some have called “rights talk” (Glendon, 1991)
3. Consider the seductive nature of the “argument culture” and how we can avoid its
limitations and obscuring logic and locutions, especially those related to so-called “debate”
(Tannen, 1998)
4. Explore the relationships among information policy and various information technologies
and trends
5. Identify major stakeholders in information policy and the relationships among them
6. Develop skill in information policy analysis and explore how various disciplines can
contribute to the analysis of public policy
7. Explore a variety of approaches to understanding public policy
8. Become acquainted with print and electronic sources of government information and
government information policy, especially legal information
9. Conduct research related to an information policy area of their choice; although U.S. federal
policy is the focus of the course, students are encouraged to engage information policy issues
at the international, state, and local level as their interests dictate
10. Communicate, in both written and oral form, in a collegial and scholarly atmosphere.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
The instructor encourages collaboration and collegiality among the students enrolled in the
course from the iSchool and elsewhere, and assignments are designed in part to foster
cooperative work among students and across disciplines.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Students are expected to be involved, creative, and vigorous participants in class discussions and
in the overall conduct of the class. In addition, students are expected to:
Attend all class sessions; if a student misses a class, it is her responsibility to arrange with
another student to obtain all notes, handouts, and assignment sheets.
Read all material prior to class; students are expected to use the course readings to inform
their classroom participation and their writing. Students must learn to integrate what they
read with what they say and write. This last imperative is essential to the development of
professional expertise and to the development of a collegial professional persona.
Educate themselves and their peers. Successful completion of graduate academic programs
and participation in professional life depend upon a willingness to demonstrate initiative and
creativity. Participation in the professional and personal growth of colleagues is essential to
one’s own success as well as theirs. Such collegiality is at the heart of scholarship, so some
assignments are designed to encourage collaboration.
Spend at least 3-4 hours in preparation for each hour in the classroom; therefore, a 3-credit
graduate hour course requires a minimum of 10-12 hours per week of work outside the
Participate in all class discussions.
Complete all assignments on time; late assignments will not be accepted except in the
particular circumstances noted below. Failure to complete any assignment on time will result
in a failing grade for the course.
Be responsible with collective property, especially books and other material on reserve.
Ask for help from the instructor or the teaching assistant, either in class, during office hours,
on the telephone, through email, or in any other appropriate way. Email is especially
appropriate for information questions, but please recall that Doty has limited access to email
outside the office. Unless there are compelling privacy concerns, it is always wise to send a
copy of any email intended for the instructor to the TA as well; she has access to email more
Academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, cheating, or academic fraud, will not be tolerated and
will incur severe penalties, including failure for the course. If there is concern about behavior
that may be academically dishonest, consult the instructor. Students should refer to the UT
General Information Bulletin, Appendix C, Sections 11-304 and 11-802 and Texas is the Best . . .
HONESTLY! (1988) by the Cabinet of College Councils and the Office of the Dean of Students.
The instructor is happy to provide all appropriate accommodations for students with
documented disabilities. The University’s Office of the Dean of Students at 471.6259, 471.4641
TTY, can provide further information and referrals as necessary.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Students in this class must be analytic in their reading of others' work, in their own writing, and
in their presentations. What follows are suggestions for developing analytic and critical methods
of thinking and communication. These suggestions are also indications of what you should
expect from the writing and speaking of others.
At the same time, however, please remember that a holistic, integrative understanding of context
must always complement depth of analysis.
First and foremost, maximize clarity – be clear, but not simplistic or patronizing.
Remember that writing is a form of thinking, not just a medium to "display" the results of
thinking; make your thinking engaging, reflective, and clear.
Provide enough context for your remarks that your audience can understand them but not so
much that your audience's attention or comprehension is lost.
Be specific.
Avoid jargon, undefined terms, undefined acronyms, colloquialisms, clichés, and vague
Give examples.
Be critical, not dismissive, of others' work; be skeptical, not cynical.
Answer the difficult but important "how?," "why?," and “so what?” questions.
Support assertions with evidence.
Make explicit why evidence used to support an assertion does so.
Identify and explore the specific practical, social, and intellectual implications of courses of
Be evaluative. Synthesize and internalize existing knowledge without losing your own
critical point of view.
Identify the specific criteria against which others' work and options for action will be
See the Standards for Written Work and the assignment descriptions in this syllabus for further
explanations and examples.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
You will be expected to meet professional standards of maturity, clarity, grammar, spelling, and
organization in your written work for this class, and, to that end, I offer the following remarks.
Review these standards both before and after writing; they are used to evaluate your work.
Every writer is faced with the problem of not knowing what his or her audience knows about the
topic at hand; therefore, effective communication depends upon maximizing clarity. As Wolcott
reminds us in Writing Up Qualitative Research (1990, p. 47): "Address . . . the many who do not
know, not the few who do." It is also important to remember that clarity of ideas, clarity of
language, and clarity of syntax are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.
Good writing makes for good thinking and vice versa. Writing is a form of inquiry, a way to
think, not a reflection of some supposed static thought “in” the mind. A vivid example of how
this complex process of composition and thought works is in the unexpurgated version of
Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie (1994, p. 144):
Hurstwood surprised himself with his fluency. By the natural law which governs all effort,
what he wrote reacted upon him. He began to feel those subtleties which he could find
words to express. With every word came increased conception. Those inmost breathings
which thus found words took hold upon him.
We need not adopt Dreiser’s breathless metaphysics or naturalism to understand the point.
All written work for the class must be done on a word-processor and double-spaced, with 1"
margins all the way around and in either 10 or 12 pt. font.
Some writing assignments will demand the use of notes (either footnotes or endnotes) and
references. It is particularly important in professional schools such as the School of Information
that notes and references are impeccably done. Please use APA (American Psychological
Association) standards. There are other standard bibliographic and note formats, for example, in
engineering and law, but social scientists and a growing number of humanists use APA.
Familiarity with standard formats is essential for understanding others' work and for preparing
submissions to journals, funding agencies, professional conferences, and the like. You may also
want to consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001, 5th ed.).
Do not use a general dictionary or encyclopedia for defining terms in
graduate school or in professional writing. If you want to use a reference source to
define a term, use a specialized dictionary such as The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Philosophy or
subject-specific encyclopedia, e.g., the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
The best alternative, however, is having an understanding of the literature related to the term
sufficient to provide a definition in the context of that literature.
Use a standard spell checker on your documents, but be aware that spell checking dictionaries:
do not include most proper nouns, including personal and place names; omit most technical
terms; include few foreign words and phrases; and cannot identify the error in using
homophones, e.g., writing "there" instead of "their,” or in writing "the" instead of "them."
It is imperative that you proofread your work thoroughly and be precise in
editing it. It is often helpful to have someone else read your writing, to eliminate errors and to
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
increase clarity. Finally, each assignment should be handed in with a title page containing your
full name, the date, the title of the assignment, and the class number (INF 390N.1). If you have
any questions about these standards, I will be pleased to discuss them with you at any time.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Remember, every assignment must include a title page with:
The title of the assignment
Your name
The date
The class number – INF 390N.1.
Since the production of professional-level written work is one of the aims of the class, I will read
and edit your work as the editor of a professional journal or the moderator of a technical session
at a professional conference would. The reminders below will help you prepare professional
written work appropriate to any situation. Note the asterisked errors in #'s 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16,
19, 21, and 25 (some have more than one error):
1. Staple all papers for this class in the upper left-hand corner. Do not use covers, binders, or
other means of keeping the pages together.
2. Number all pages after the title page. Notes and references do not count against page limits.
3. Use formal, academic prose. Avoid colloquial language, *you know?* It is essential in
graduate work and in professional communication to avoid failures in diction – be serious
and academic when called for, be informal and relaxed when called for, and be everything in
between as necessary. For this course, avoid words and phrases such as "agenda," "problem
with," "deal with," "handle," "window of," "goes into," "broken down into," "viable," and
4. Avoid clichés. They are vague, *fail to "push the envelope," and do not provide "relevant
5. Avoid computer technospeak like "input," "feedback," or "processing information" except
when using such terms in specific technical ways.
6. Avoid using “content” as a noun.
7. Do not use the term "relevant" except in its information retrieval sense. Ordinarily, it is a
colloquial cliché, but it also has a strict technical meaning in information studies.
8. Do not use "quality" as an adjective; it is vague, cliché, and colloquial. Instead use "highquality," "excellent," "superior," or whatever more formal phrase you deem appropriate.
9. Study the APA style convention for the proper use of ellipsis*. . . .*
10. Avoid using the terms "objective" and "subjective" in their evidentiary senses; these terms
entail major philosophical, epistemological controversy. Avoid terms such as "facts,"
"factual," "proven," and related constructions for similar reasons.
11. Avoid contractions. *Don't* use them in formal writing.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
12. Be circumspect in using the term "this," especially in the beginning of a sentence. *THIS* is
often a problem because the referent is unclear. Pay strict attention to providing clear
referents for all pronouns. Especially ensure that pronouns and their referents agree in
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
number; e.g., "each person went to their home" is a poor construction because "each" is
singular, as is the noun "person," while "their" is a plural form. Therefore, either the referent
or the pronoun must change in number.
13. "If" ordinarily takes the subjunctive mood, e.g., "If he were [not "was"] only taller."
14. Put "only" in its appropriate place, near the word it modifies. For example, it is appropriate
in spoken English to say that "he only goes to Antone's" when you mean that "the only place
he frequents is Antone's." In written English, however, the sentence should read "he goes
only to Antone's."
15. Do not confuse possessive, plural, or contracted forms, especially of pronouns. *Its* bad.
16. Do not confuse affect/effect, compliment/complement, or principle/principal. Readers will
not *complement* your work or *it's* *principle* *affect* on them.
17. Avoid misplaced modifiers; e.g., it is inappropriate to write the following sentence: As
someone interested in the history of Mesoamerica, it was important for me to attend the
lecture. The sentence is inappropriate because the phrase "As someone interested in the
history of Mesoamerica" is meant to modify the next immediate word, which should then,
obviously, be both a person and the subject of the sentence. It should modify the word "I" by
preceding it immediately. One good alternative for the sentence is: As someone interested in
the history of Mesoamerica, I was especially eager to attend the lecture.
18. Avoid use of "valid," "parameter," "bias," "reliability," and "paradigm," except in limited
technical ways. These are important research terms and should be used with precision.
19. Remember that the words "data," "media," "criteria," "strata," and "phenomena" are all
PLURAL forms. They *TAKES* plural verbs. If you use any of these plural forms in a
singular construction, e.g., "the data is," you will make the instructor very unhappy :-(.
20. "Number," "many," and "fewer" are used with plural nouns (a number of horses, many
horses, and fewer horses). “Amount," "much," and "less" are used with singular nouns (an
amount of hydrogen, much hydrogen, and less hydrogen). Another useful way to make this
distinction is to recall that "many" is used for countable nouns, while "much" is used for
uncountable nouns.
21. *The passive voice should generally not be used.*
22. "Between" is used with two alternatives, while "among" is used with three or more.
23. Generally avoid the use of honorifics such as Mister, Doctor, Ms., and so on when referring to
persons in your writing, especially when citing their written work. Use last names and dates
as appropriate in APA.
24. There is no generally accepted standard for citing electronic resources. If you cite them, give
an indication, as specifically as possible, of:
- responsibility
- title
- date of creation
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
- date viewed
- place to find the source
(where? how?).
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
See the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001, 5th ed., pp. 213-214,
231, and 268-281) for a discussion of citing electronic material and useful examples. Also see
Web Extension to American Psychological Association Style (WEAPAS) at for more guidance.
26. Citation, quotation, and reference are nouns; cite, quote, and refer to are verbs.
27. Use double quotation marks (“abc.”), not single quotation marks (‘xyz.’), as a matter of
course. Single quotation marks are to be used to indicate quotations within quotations.
28. Provide a specific page number for all direct quotations. If the quotation is from a Web page
or other digital source, provide at least the paragraph number and/or other directional cues,
e.g., “(Davis, 1993, section II, ¶ 4).”
29. In ordinary American English, as ≠ because.
30. Use "about" instead of the tortured locution "as to."
31. In much of social science and humanistic study, the term "issue" is used in a technical way to
identify sources of public controversy or dissensus. Please use the term to refer to topics
about which there is substantial public disagreement, NOT synonymously with general
terms such as "area," "topic," or the like.
32. Please do not start a sentence or any independent clause with “however.”
33. Avoid the use of “etc.” – it is awkward, colloquial, and vague.
34. Do not use the term “subjects” to describe research participants. “Respondents,”
“participants,” and “informants” are preferred and have been for decades.
35. Do not use notes unless absolutely necessary, but, if you must use them, use endnotes not
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
number OR insert a space; context will help you decipher its meaning
awkward; and usually compromises clarity as well
make into a block quotation without external quotation marks; do so with
quotations ≥ 4 lines
colloquial and to be avoided
sentence fragment; often that means that the verb and/or subject of the sentence
is missing
make into lower case
org, org’l
organization, organizational
what is the referent of this pronoun? to what or whom does it refer?
research question
word choice?
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
I also use check marks to indicate that the writer has made an especially good point. Wavy lines
indicate that usage or reasoning is suspect.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Grades for this class include:
Extraordinarily high achievement
Barely satisfactory
Unacceptable and failing.
not recognized by the University
See the memorandum from former Dean Brooke Sheldon dated August 13, 1991, and the notice in
the School of Information student orientation packet for explanations of this system. Consult the
iSchool Web site ( and the Graduate
School Catalogue (e.g., and for more on standards of work. While the University
does not accept the grade of A+, the instructor may assign the grade to students whose work is
The grade of B signals acceptable, satisfactory performance in graduate school. The instructor
reserves the grade of A for students who demonstrate a command of the concepts and techniques
discussed, have the ability to synthesize and integrate them in a professional manner,
communicate them effectively, and successfully inform the work of other students.
The grade of incomplete (X) is reserved for students in extraordinary circumstances and must be
negotiated with the instructor before the end of the semester. See the former Dean's
memorandum of August 13, 1991, available from the main iSchool office.
I use points to evaluate assignments, not letter grades. Points on any assignment are determined
using an arithmetic – not a proportional – algorithm. For example, 14/20 points on an
assignment does NOT translate to 70% of the credit, or a D. Instead 14/20 points is roughly
equivalent to a B. If any student's semester point total ≥ 90 (is equal to or greater than 90), then
s/he will have earned an A of some kind. If the semester point total ≥ 80, then s/he will have
earned at least a B of some kind. Whether these are A+, A, A-, B+, B, or B- depends upon the
comparison of point totals for all students. For example, if a student earns a total of 90 points and
the highest point total in the class is 98, the student would earn an A-. If, on the other hand, a
student earns 90 points and the highest point total in the class is 91, then the student would earn
an A. This system will be further explained throughout the semester.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
There are five required texts for this class; all can be purchased at the University Coop on
Guadalupe. Many of the other readings are available online, and those readings that are neither
textbooks nor available from online subscriptions are available in the Course Documents section
of the course BlackBoard site. All of the required readings will be on Reserve at PCL.
The required texts are:
Abbate, Janet. (2000). Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT. (Original work published
Agre, Philip E., & Rotenberg, Marc. (Eds.). (1997). Technology and privacy: The new landscape.
Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Lapham, Lewis H. (2004). Gag rule: On the suppression of dissent and the stifling of democracy.
New York: Penguin Books.
Lyon, David. (Ed.). (2006b). Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond. Portland, OR:
Majchrzak, Ann. (1984). Methods for policy research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
All the texts address political questions and, thus, are inherently controversial and value-laden.
One of the major goals of the course is to help students move beyond the simplistic “here’s my
personal opinion . . .” to a more analytic, historical, and theoretically grounded understanding of
information conflicts and politics. For example, some may see Lapham (2004) as a political
screed. In fact, two of the book’s great strengths are its historical exposition of dissent over 200
years of our polity’s history and Lapham’s fundamental distrust of governmental power. This
last characteristic shows us that reductive and colloquial notions of political left/right and
liberal/conservative are inadequate to give us scholarly perspective on questions of information
policy. Such notions are out of place in this class.
Additional valuable texts include:
Burger, Robert H. (1993). Information policy: A framework for evaluation and policy research.
Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Easton, David. (1965). A framework for political analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago.
Hernon, Peter, & McClure, Charles R. (1987). Federal information policies in the 1980s: Conflicts
and issues. Norwood, NJ: Ablex
Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles R., & Relyea, Harold. (Eds.). (1996). Federal information
policies in the 1990s: Views and perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Horwitz, Robert Britt. (1991). The irony of regulatory reform : The deregulation of American
telecommunications. New York: Oxford University.
Lessig, Lawrence. (1999b). Code and other laws of cyberspace. New York: Basic Books.
Lessig, Lawrence. (2001). The future of ideas: The fate of the commons in a connected world. New
York: Random House.
Lessig, Lawrence. (2004). Free culture: How big media uses [sic] technology and the law to lock
down culture and control creativity. New York: Penguin.
McClure, Charles R., & Hernon, Peter. (Eds.). (1989). United States scientific and technical
information policies: Views and perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex
McClure, Charles R., Hernon, Peter, & Relyea, Harold C. (Eds.). (1989). United States
government information policies: Views and perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Vaidhyanathan, Siva. (2001). Copyrights and copywrongs: The rise of intellectual property and
how it threatens creativity. New York: New York University.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Vaidhyanathan, Siva. (2004). The anarchist in the library: How the clash between freedom and
control is hacking the real world and crashing the system. New York: Basic Books.
BlackBoard and direct email messages will be used to inform students of changes in the course
schedule, discuss assignments, and the like. You will also find Declan McCullagh's mailing list
Politech ( especially useful, and you should subscribe to it and
begin reviewing its archives by the second class of the semester.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
The instructor will provide additional information about each assignment. Written assignments
are to be word-processed and double-spaced in 10- or 12-point font, with 1" margins.
Assignments are due in class unless otherwise indicated. GRP indicates a group assignment.
Preparation and participation
Date Due
Percent of Grade
Overman & Cahill (1990) (4 pp.)
SEP 25, in class
Analysis of Protect America Act of 2007 (6 pp.)
OCT 23, in class
Topic for information policy paper GRP or IND
OCT 30, in class
Surveillant assemblage and surveillance theory (6 pp.)
NOV 13, in class
Choice of presentation date
NOV 13, in class
Presentation on information policy paper GRP or IND
NOV 27,
DEC 4, in class
Draft of information policy paper
NOV 27, in class
Review of another team's draft policy paper
(3-4 pp.)
DEC 4, in class
Final draft of information policy paper
(20-25 pp.) GRP or IND
3:00 PM
All assignments must be handed in on time, and the instructor reserves the right to issue a course
grade of F if any assignment is not completed. Late assignments will be accepted only if:
At least 24 hours before the date due, the instructor gives explicit permission to the student to
hand the assignment in late.
At the same time, a specific date and time are agreed upon for the late submission.
The assignment is then submitted on or before the agreed-upon date and time.
The first criterion can be met only in the most serious of health, family, or personal situations.
All of your assignments should adhere to the standards for written work; should be clear,
succinct, and specific; and should be explicitly grounded in the readings, class discussions, and
other sources as appropriate. You will find it particularly useful to write multiple drafts of your
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Unit 1: Introduction to the Study of Information Policy and the National Information Infrastructure
Introduction to the course – Review of the syllabus
Introduction to public policy and information policy
SEP 11
Approaches to policy analysis and information policy
SEP 18
Locating information policy sources
Modified Final Judgment (MFJ)
1934 Communications Act
1996 Telecommunications Act
SEP 25
Introduction to the National Information Infrastructure I:
History of the Internet and other national nets
“Rights talk”
Transcending the “argument culture”
Overman & Cahill (1990)(4 pp., double-spaced) (10%)
National Information Infrastructure II: Visions, models, and the
so-called “information commons”
Unit 2: Privacy, Surveillance, Freedom of Information, and the Management of Security Information
Privacy I – Introduction and overview
History in the U.S.
Public/private spheres – an acceptable model?
1974 Privacy Act – history and context
OCT 16
Privacy II – Current controversies and theories
Computer matching and surveillance
USA PATRIOT Act/Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Library and other records
Gendered discussions of privacy: U.S. Supreme Court and
OCT 23
Surveillance I – Analytics beyond the panopticon
The surveillant assemblage
Surveillance and totalitarianism
Analysis of Protect America Act of 2007 (6 pp.) (15%)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
OCT 30
Surveillance II – Theories in practice
The so-called “war on terror”
Web cams
Surveillance and the body
Topic for information policy paper
Freedom of Information I – History and post-9/11 questions
General concepts
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
FOIA and electronic information
Classification of information
E.O. 13233 and the secrecy of presidential records
NOV 13
Freedom of Information II – “Sensitive but unclassified”
Current uses and conflicts
NOV 20
Surveillant assemblage and surveillance theory (6 pp.)
Choice of presentation date
Managing security information
Power in information relations
Unit 3: Presentations of Students' Research
NOV 27
Policy paper presentations
Course evaluation
Policy paper presentations
Summary discussion
Draft of information policy paper
Review of another team’s draft (3-4 pp.) (15%)
Monday, 3:00 PM
Policy paper (20-25 pp.) (30%)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
The following schedule is tentative and may be adjusted as we progress through the semester.
CD indicates that a reading is in the Course Documents section of the class BlackBoard site.
Unit 1: Introduction to the Study of Information Policy and the National Information Infrastructure
Introduction to the course – Review of the syllabus
Introduction to public policy and information policy
READ: Overman & Cahill (1990) online
Rist (1997) CD
Schön (1993) CD
Burger (1993), Chapters 1 and 2
Coates (1978)
Approaches to policy analysis and information policy
READ: Dror (1984) CD
Majchrzak (1984), all – and be sure to read the (contested!) Policy
Research Glossary
National Research Council (2000), Appendix D (“Information Economics:
A Primer”) online
Burger (1993), Chapter 6
Doty (2001b)
Dye (1995), Chapters 1, 2, and 13
Lessig (2001), 1-4
Locating information policy sources
Modified Final Judgment (MFJ)
1934 Communications Act
1996 Telecommunications Act
READ: Abbate (2000), Introduction and 1
Aufderheide (1999), 1 CD
Browne (1997a) online
Browne (1997b) online
Doty (1998) CD
Rowlands (1996) CD
Communication Act of 1934/appropriate parts of the USC, passim
Telecommunications Act of 1996 (PL 104-104) (read/retrieve, passim)
Aufderheide (1999), 2 and 5
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Congressional Research Service (2001)
Hernon et al. (1999), 1, 12, and passim
Horwitz (1991), Preface, 1-4 [skim]
Lessig (2001), 5 and 6
Robinson (1998), 1, 2, and passim
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Introduction to the National Information Infrastructure I: History of the Internet
and other national nets
“Rights talk”
Transcending the “argument culture”
READ: Abbate (2000), 2 and 3
National Research Council (2000), Appendix C (“Networks: How the
Internet Works”) online
NTIA Web site --
Bertot and McClure (1996)
Glendon (1991), passim
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Web site
Internet Society (ISOC) Web site
Lessig (2001), 7 and 8
McClure and Ryan (1996)
Tannen (1998), passim
Essay on Overman & Cahill (1990) (4 pp., double-spaced) (10%)
National Information Infrastructure II: Visions, models, and the so-called
“information commons”
READ: Abbate (2000), 4, 5, and 6
NRENAISSANCE Committee (1994), 4 (“Principles and Practice”)
DoC NTIA (1993) (retrieve)
GAO (1994)
Lessig (2001), 9 and 10
Unit 2: Privacy, Surveillance, Freedom of Information, and the Management of Security Information
Privacy I – Introduction and overview
History in the U.S.
Public/private spheres – an acceptable model?
1974 Privacy Act – history and context
READ: Agre (1997a)
Agre (1997b)
Burkert (1997)
Fraser (1992)
Warren & Brandeis (1890/1985) online
Privacy Act (5 USC 552a)
Allen (1995) CD
Gellman (1996a)
Griswold v. Connecticut 381 U.S. 479 (1965)
McGaw (1989)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Relyea (2001)
Raab & Mason (2005)
Rosen (2000) CD
Warren & Dearnley (2005)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Privacy II – Current controversies and theories
Computer matching and surveillance
USA PATRIOT Act/Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
Library and other records
Gendered discussions of privacy: U.S. Supreme Court and Privacy
READ: USA PATRIOT Act (PL 107-56)(retrieve) § 215
Bowers (2006)
Davies (1997)
Relyea (2002) online
Gellman (1997)
Samarajiva (1997)
Regan (2004) online
Seifert & Relyea (2004) online
Strickland (2003) online
Olmstead v. United States 277 U.S. 438 (1928)
Katz v. United States 389 U.S. 347, 351 (1967)
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company 118 U.S. 394 (1886)
Bailey & Caidi (2005) online
Caidi & Ross (2005) online
Doty (2001a) CD
Gellman (2002) online
Jaeger et al. (2006) online
Lessig (1999b)
Mart (2004)
Minow & Lipinski (2003), 5 (“Library Records and Privacy”)
Stefik (1999b)
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (PL 99-508)(retrieve)
Surveillance I – Analytics beyond the panopticon
The surveillant assemblage
Surveillance and totalitarianism
READ: Lyon (2006a)
Haggerty (2006)
Haggerty & Ericson (2000) online
Hier et al. (2006)
Los (2006)
Analysis of Protect America Act of 2007 (6 pp.) (15%)
Surveillance II – Theories in practice
The so-called “war on terror”
Web cams
Surveillance and the body
READ: Elmer & Opel (2006)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Koskela (2006)
Ball (2006)
Gandy (2006)
Topic for information policy paper
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Freedom of Information I – History and post-9/11 questions
General concepts
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
FOIA and electronic information
Classification of information
E.O. 13233 and the secrecy of presidential records
READ: Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552, as amended by PL 104-231,
110 Stat. 3048)[see the EPIC Web site as well as the U.S. Code]
E-FOIA [see the EPIC Web site]
E.O. 13233 (“Further Implementation of the Presidential Records Act,” 66
FR 214, 56025-56029) online
Barker (2005) online
Feinberg (2004) online
FBI’s FOIA and privacy site (
Part of the EPIC Web site (
Connors (2002) online
Gaidos (2006) online
Roberts (2004) online
Shuler (2007) online
Freedom of Information II – “Sensitive but unclassified”
Current uses and conflicts
READ: Knezo (2004) online
Knezo (2006) online
Taddeo (2006) online
Cohen (2002) online
Shay (1989) online
Surveillant assemblage and surveillance theory (6 pp.) (20%)
Choice of presentation date
Managing security information
Power in information relations
READ: Dearstyne (2005) online
Feinberg (2002) online
Fraser (1989) CD
Jaeger & Burnett (2005) online
Seifert (2004) online
Benoît (2002)
Chen & Xu (2006) online
Davies (2002)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Strickland (2005) online
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Unit 3: Presentations of Students' Research
Policy paper presentations
Course evaluation
Policy paper presentations
Summary discussion
Draft of information policy paper
Review of another team’s draft (3-4 pp.) (15%)
Monday, 3:00 PM
Policy paper (20-25 pp.) (30%)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Please consult the sections in this syllabus on (1) Analysis and Holism in Reading, Writing, and
Presenting and (2) Standards for Written Work before and after doing the assignments. I use
those criteria, as well as others, in evaluating your work.
Essay on Overman & Cahill on information policy and values (1990) – Due September 25 (10%)
In this paper, Overman & Cahill (1990) discuss what they regard as the value conflicts at the base
of federal information policy in the United States. Please write an essay 4 double-spaced pages
long replying to question 1 AND either question 2 OR 3 below:
Overman & Cahill identify seven information policy values (pp. 805ff). Do you agree that
these are the primary values in the context of information policy? Why or why not? (2 pp.)
Their Table 2 highlights what they call the normative structure of information policy (p. 811).
What do you make of their distinction between restrictive and distributive perspectives? (2
Along with many others, Overman & Cahill assert that U.S. information policy is far from
comprehensive. In fact, they go so far as to say that it is “a marginalist response . . . whereby
successive marginal trade-offs are being made between competing distributive and restrictive
values on a case by case basis” (p. 814). What is your evaluation of their emphasis on the
marginal character of information policy in the United States? (2 pp.)
Please recall that every student must respond to Q1 and only one of either Q2 or Q3. Please be
sure that the paper is analytic, reflective, and specifically grounded in Overman & Cahill and any
other sources used.
Analysis of Protect America Act of 2007 – Due October 23 (15%)
The Protect America Act of 2007 (PL 110-55) was signed into law on August 5, 2007, to amend the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Using the text of the act, President Bush’s press
release statement (Bush, 2007), the fact sheet (Executive Office of the President, 2007), and
Marjorie Cohn’s editorial critiquing the act (Cohn, 2007), please answer the following questions
in six (6) double-spaced pages:
In your opinion, what is the primary rationale for the act presented by its proponents? (2 pp.)
What is Cohn’s critique of the act? (2 pp.)
What is your evaluation of these two positions? (2 pp.)
Each student will write responses of 6 double-spaced pages to these questions. Feel free to use
any other sources you regard as appropriate to help you make your argument in this paper,
whether they are things we have read in class, class discussions, or any other material you regard
as helpful. Be sure to recall that each actor and each organization has its own point of view that
we must regard with care as well as skepticism.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Surveillant assemblage and surveillance theory – Due November 13 (20%)
Scholars and commentators in many disciplines and from many perspectives have reacted to
Kevin Haggerty and Richard Ericson’s paper on the surveillant assemblage (2000). Please use the
essay and other sources you find useful to address the following questions:
What is the surveillant assemblage? What are its theoretical roots? What are its implications
for surveillance practice? (3 pp.)
Using the essays in Theorizing Surveillance, especially David Lyons’ introduction (2006a), and
other readings you consider appropriate, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the
surveillant assemblage as a theory of surveillance? You may want to consider especially the
concept of what they call the “monitored body” (Haggerty & Ericson, 2006, pp. 611-614).
Be wary of accepting any arguments uncritically or unskeptically, whether from Haggerty &
Ericson, Foucault, Deleuze, or anyone else, including me.
Your paper should be 6 double-spaced pages long, as well as sufficiently analytic, holistic, and
grounded in the specifics of the sources you use.
Information Policy Paper – Due various dates
Every student will be a member of a self-selected, two-member research team. The size of the
class may, however, dictate single-student papers. Each two-student team will ideally consist of
students enrolled in different degree programs. The team will write a paper about a U.S. federal,
local, state, or international information policy issue, theme, actor, information service, or agency
of interest to the students. The main goals of this assignment are to (1) identify a difficulty in
government information policy (often an issue, i.e., an area of contention and dissensus) of
interest to the students, (2) explain the topic and its context clearly and thoroughly, and (3)
offer well-founded, clearly described recommendations to resolve any conflicts among
actors and the implications of implementing those recommendations. See the description of the
paper below for more information.
Topic – Each team will clear the proposed topic with the instructor by October 30. In
addition to your own knowledge and acquaintance with information policy issues, you may find
a number of resources of value to you in identifying a topic for your paper: discussion with the
instructor and your colleagues (both inside and outside of the class), reading ahead in the
syllabus to identify upcoming topics, the mass media, class readings and all the sources in the
syllabus, Web and other Internet sources, and the bibliographies of what you read.
Draft – Due November 27. Each team will submit a draft of the information policy paper
on November 27. The draft will consist of the same parts as the final draft of the paper described
below. Submit two or three copies of this draft – one for each student peer editor and one for the
Review of another student team's draft of the paper – Due December 4 (15%). Each
individual student will review the draft of one other student team and submit two or three copies
of a three- to four-page, double-spaced review of the paper: one to each student who wrote the
draft and one to the instructor. Be specific in your critique – what works in the draft? What does
not? Why or why not? What specific suggestions can you offer for improvement to the paper,
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
whether about the topic, the argument, definitions, sources, composition, citations, lay-out, and
so on? Each student must offer recommendations in the spirit of engaged critique, not dismissive
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Presentation – November 27 and December 4. The students in each team will make a
25-30 minute oral presentation on the subject of their paper. Each student will do roughly half of
the presentation. While the presentation will be informal and ungraded, you should plan to use
visuals and handouts as appropriate; both Wintel and Mac computers will be available, as will an
Internet connection and a LitePro. Each student peer editor will act as respondent to another
student team's presentation. The dates for the presentations are November 27 and December 4.
Please notify the instructor of your preference for presentation dates no later than Tuesday,
November 13.
Final draft – Due Monday, December 10, 3:00 PM (30%). This is a final paper of 20-25
double-spaced pages that considers any approved topic in government information policy. Your
paper should focus on analysis and contextualization. Remember to look at the syllabus section
on Analysis and Holism in Reading, Writing, and Presenting as well as the section on Standards
for Written Work. Put two copies of your policy paper in the instructor’s box in the iSchool main
office, SZB 564 no later than 3:00 PM on Monday, December 10.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
This section of the syllabus offers three general, interrelated models for doing policy analysis and
then writing policy reports, beyond that offered in Majchrzak (1984). You can use these models
to guide your own writing as your study of policy and policy analysis progresses beyond this
semester. The models are also useful for evaluating the work of others. Such evaluations are
common in policy studies, whether for critique, literature review, or formal peer review. Policy
analysts constantly review each other’s work in a collegial but rigorous way.
The first model is based on one offered by Charles R. McClure, with my own modifications
added. Other analysts and topics may demand different approaches:
Importance of specific topic
Definition of key terms
Key stakeholders
Key policy areas needing analysis and resolution
Overview of current knowledge
Evaluative review of the literature about the topic, including print and electronic sources
Existing policy instruments related to the topic
The most important legislative, judicial, and regulatory policy instruments
Ambiguities, conflicts, problems, and contradictions related to the instruments
Key issues
Underlying assumptions
Effects on and roles of key stakeholders
Conflicts among key values
Implications of issues
Conclusions and recommendations
Rationale for recommendations
Implications and possible outcomes of specific courses of action
APA style
All sources cited in the paper.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Bardach (2000) is the source for the second approach to doing policy analysis, and he identifies
eight steps in policy analysis. In a way reminiscent of Majchrzak (1984), Bardach focuses the first
two thirds of his book A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective
Problem Solving on this “eightfold path” (using his words):
Define the problem
Assemble some evidence
Construct the alternatives (for action)
Select the criteria
Project the outcomes
Confront the trade-offs
Tell your story.
Despite his somewhat misplaced emphasis on problem solving (see, e.g., Schön, 1993) and the
implicit linearity he ascribes to policy analysis, his book is very useful for understanding the
importance of (1) narrative in the process of policy analysis, (2) iteration in analysis, and (3)
clarity in argumentation. Bardach also gives some important insights into the contributions of
econometric analysis to policy studies.
The third model is based primarily on the work of William Dunn, with contributions from the
work of Ray Rist on qualitative policy research methods, Emery Roe on narrative policy analysis,
and Donald Schön on generative metaphor. I avoid the rhetoric of problems and problem
solving deliberately; see, e.g., Doty (2001b).
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Elements of the policy issue paper (adapted from Dunn, 1994, with material from Rist, 1994;
Roe, 1994; and Schön, 1993)
Examples of Evaluative Criteria
Executive summary
Are recommendations highlighted?
Background of the issue or dilemma
Are all the important terms clearly defined?
Description of the social dilemma
Outcomes of earlier efforts to address the
Are all appropriate dimensions described?
Are prior efforts clearly assessed?
Scope and severity of the conflict
Assessment of past policy efforts
Significance of the conflict
Need for analysis
Why is the social conflict important?
What are the major assumptions and questions
to be considered?
Issue statement
Definition of the issue
Major stakeholders
Goals and objectives
Measures of effectiveness
Potential “solutions” or new understandings
Is the issue clearly stated?
Are all major stakeholders identified and
Is the approach to analysis clearly specified?
Are goals and objectives clearly specified?
Are major value conflicts identified and
Policy alternatives
Description of alternatives
Comparison of future outcomes
Constraints and political feasibility
Are alternatives compared in terms of costs and
Are alternatives systematically compared in
terms of political feasibility?
Policy recommendations
Criteria for recommending alternatives
Descriptions of preferred alternative(s)
Outline of implementation strategy
Limitations and possible unanticipated
Are all relevant criteria clearly specified?
Is a strategy for implementation clearly
Are there adequate provisions for monitoring
and evaluating policies, particularly
unintended consequences?
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Many required readings are available online, as indicated below and in the class schedule. Some of
the course readings are in the Course Documents section of the BlackBoard site (CD).
Some of the readings, on the other hand, require you to be logged in with your UT EID through the
UT libraries. Those journals are usually available online for only part of their publication run;
further, UT often has more than one arrangement through which to get these journals online, so
there may be more than one URL for each journal. Feel free to explore the various online journal
packages – the more familiar you are with such arrangements, the better researcher you will be.
References in the schedule and assignments
Abbate, Janet. (2000). Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT. (Original work published
Agre, Philip E. (1997a). Introduction. In Philip E. Agre & Marc Rotenberg (Eds.), Technology and
privacy: The new landscape (pp. 1-28). Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Agre, Philip E. (1997b). Beyond the mirror world: Privacy and the representational practices of
computing. In Philip E. Agre & Marc Rotenberg (Eds.), Technology and privacy: The new landscape
(pp. 29-61). Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Agre, Philip E., & Rotenberg, Marc. (Eds.). (1997). Technology and privacy: The new landscape.
Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Allen, David S. (1995). The Supreme Court and the creation of an (in)active public sphere. In
David S. Allen & Robert Jensen (Eds.), Freeing the first amendment: Critical perspectives on freedom of
expression (pp. 93-113). New York: New York University. CD
Aufderheide, Patricia. (1999). Background. In Communications policy and the public interest: The
Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Chapter 1, pp. 5-36). New York: Guilford. CD
Bailey, Stuart G.M., & Caidi, Nadia. (2005). How much is too little? Privacy and smart cards in
Hong Kong and Ontario. Journal of Information Science, 31(5), 354-364. Also available at
Ball, Kirstie. (2006). Organization, surveillance and the body: Towards a politics of resistance.
In David Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond (pp. 296-317). Portland,
OR: Willan.
Bardach, Eugene. (2000). A practical guide for policy analysis: The eightfold path to more effective
problem solving. New York: Chatham House.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Barker, Anne N. (2005). Executive Order no. 13,233: A threat to government accountability.
Government Information Quarterly, 22(1), 4-19. Also available at
Bowers, Stacey L. (2006). Privacy and library records. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(4),
377-383. Also available at
Browne, Mairéad. (1997a). The field of information policy: 1. Fundamental concepts. Journal of
Information Science, 23(4), 261-275. Also available at
Browne, Mairéad. (1997b). The field of information policy: 2. Redefining the boundaries and
methodologies. Journal of Information Science, 23(5), 339-351. Also available at
Burkert, Herbert. (1997). Privacy-enhancing technologies: Typology, critique, vision. In Philip E.
Agre & Marc Rotenberg (Eds.), Technology and privacy: The new landscape (pp. 125-142).
Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Bush, George W. (2007). President Bush commends Congress on passage of intelligence
legislation. Available at
Caidi, Nadia, & Ross, Anthony. (2005). Information rights and national security. Government
Information Quarterly, 22(4), 663-684. Also available at
Chen, Hsinchun, & Xu, Jennifer. (2006). Intelligence and security informatics. In Blaise Cronin
(Ed.), Annual review of information science and technology (vol. 40, pp. 229-289). Also available at
Cohn, Marjorie. (2007). FISA revised: A blank check for domestic spying. Jurist: Legal News and
Research. Available at
Davies, Simon G. (1997). Re-engineering the right to privacy: How privacy has been transformed
for a right to a commodity. In Philip E. Agre & Marc Rotenberg (Eds.), Technology and privacy: The
new landscape (pp. 143-165). Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Dearstyne, Bruce W. (2005). Fighting terrorism, making war: Critical insights in the
management of information and intelligence. Government Information Quarterly, 22(2), 170-186.
Also available at Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Doty, Philip. (1998). Why study information policy? Journal of Education for Library and
Information Science, 39(1), 58-64. CD
Doty, Philip. (2001a). Digital privacy: Toward a new politics and discursive practice. In Martha
E. Williams (Ed.), Annual review of information science and technology (Vol. 36, pp. 115-245).
Medford, NJ: Information Today. CD
Dreiser, Theodore. (1994). Sister Carrie (John C. Berkey, Alice M. Winters, James L.W. West, &
Neda M. Westlake, eds.). New York: Penguin Books. (Original published 1900, 1981)
Dror, Yehezkel. (1984). On becoming more of a policy scientist. Policy Studies Review, 4(1), 13-21.
Dunn, William N. (1994). Public policy analysis: An introduction (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Easton, David. (1965). A framework for political analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago.
Elmer, Greg, & Opel, Andy. (2006). Pre-empting panoptic surveillance: Surviving the inevitable
war on terror. In David Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond (pp. 139159). Portland, OR: Willan.
Executive Office of the President. Office of the Press Secretary. (2007). Fact sheet: The Protect
America Act of 2007. Available at
Feinberg, Lotte E. (2002). Homeland security: Implications for information policy and practice –
First appraisal. Government Information Quarterly, 19(3), 265-288. Also available at
Feinberg, Lotte E. (2004). FOIA, federal information policy, and information availability in a
post-9/11 world. Government Information Quarterly, 21(4), 439-460. Also available at
Firestone, Charles M., & Schement, Jorge Reina. (Eds.). (1995). Toward an information Bill of
Rights & Responsibilities. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute.
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Fraser, Nancy. (1989). Foucault on modern power: Empirical insights and normative
confusions. In Unruly practices: Power, discourse, and gender in contemporary social theory (pp. 1734). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. CD
Fraser, Nancy. (1992). Rethinking the public sphere: A contribution to the critique of actually
existing democracy. In Craig Calhoun (Ed.), Habermas and the public sphere (pp. 109-142).
Cambridge, MA: MIT. CD
Gandy, Oscar H. (2006). Quixotics unite! Engaging the pragmatists on rational discrimination.
In David Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond (pp. 318-336). Portland,
OR: Willan.
Gellman, Robert. (1997). Does privacy law work? In Philip E. Agre & Marc Rotenberg (Eds.),
Technology and privacy: The new landscape (pp. 193-219). Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Gellman, Robert. (2002). Perspectives on privacy and terrorism: All is not lost – yet. Government
Information Quarterly, 19(3), 255-264. Also available at
Glendon, Mary Ann. (1991). Rights talk: The impoverishment of political discourse. New York: The
Free Press.
Haggerty, Kevin D. (2006). Tear down the walls: On demolishing the panopticon. In David
Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond (pp. 23-45). Portland, OR: Willan.
Haggerty, Kevin D., & Ericson, Richard V. (2000). The surveillant assemblage. British Journal of
Sociology, 51(4), 605-622. Also available at
Hier, Sean P., Walby, Kevin, & Greenberg, Josh. (2006). Supplementing the panoptic paradigm:
Surveillance, moral governance and CCTV. In David Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing surveillance: The
panopticon and beyond (pp. 230-244). Portland, OR: Willan.
Horwitz, Robert Britt. (1991). The irony of regulatory reform : The deregulation of American
telecommunications. New York: Oxford University.
Jaeger, Paul T., Bertot, John Carlo, McClure, Charles R., & Langa, Lesley A. (2006). The policy
implications of Internet connectivity in public libraries. Government Information Quarterly, 23(1),
123-141. Also available at
Jaeger, Paul T., & Burnett, Gary. (2005). Information access and exchange among small worlds in
a democratic society: The role of policy in shaping information behavior in the post-9/11 United
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
States. Library Quarterly, 75(4), 464-495. Also available at
Knezo, Genevieve J. (2004). “Sensitive but unclassified” and other federal security controls on scientific
and technical information: History and current controversy. Washington, DC: Congressional
Research Service. Also available at
Knezo, Genevieve J. (2006). “Sensitive but unclassified” information and other controls: Policy and
options for scientific and technical information. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.
Also available at
Koskela, Hille. (2006). “The other side of surveillance”: Webcams, power and agency. In David
Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond (pp. 163-181). Portland, OR: Willan.
Lapham, Lewis H. (2004). Gag rule: On the suppression of dissent and the stifling of democracy. New
York: Penguin Books.
Lessig, Lawrence. (2001). Controlling the wires (and hence the content layer). In The future of
ideas: The fate of the commons in a connected world (Chapter 11, pp. 177-217 and 311-324). New
York: Random House.
Los, Maria. (2006). Looking into the future: Surveillance, globalization and the totalitarian
potential. In David Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond (pp. 69-94).
Portland, OR: Willan.
Lyon, David. (2006a). The search for surveillance theories. In David Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing
surveillance: The panopticon and beyond (pp. 3-20). Portland, OR: Willan.
Lyon, David. (Ed.). (2006b). Theorizing surveillance: The panopticon and beyond. Portland, OR:
Majchrzak, Ann. (1984). Methods for policy research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
National Research Council. Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in the Emerging
Information Infrastructure. (2000). The digital dilemma: Intellectual property in the information age.
Washington, DC: National Academy. Available at
NRENAISSANCE Committee. Computer Science and Technology Board. Commission on
Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications. National Research Council. (1994). Principles
and practice. In Realizing the information future: The Internet and beyond (Chapter 4, pp. 148-171).
Washington, DC: National Academy. Available at
Overman, E. Sam, & Cahill, Anthony G. (1990). Information policy: A study of values in the
policy process. Policy Studies Review, 9(4), 803-818. Also available at
Protect America Act of 2007. (2007). Available at
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Regan, Priscilla M. (2004). Old issues, new context: Privacy, information collection, and
homeland security. Government Information Quarterly, 21(4), 481-497. Also available at
Relyea, Harold C. (2002). Homeland security and information. Government Information Quarterly,
19(3), 213-223. Also available at
Rist, Ray C. (1997). Influencing the policy process with qualitative research. In Norman K.
Denzin & Yvonna S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed., pp. 1001-1016).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. CD
Roberts, Alasdair. (2004). ORCON creep: Information sharing and the threat to government
accountability. Government Information Quarterly, 21(3), 249-267. Also available at
Roe, Emery. (1994). Narrative policy analysis: Theory and practice. Durham, NC: Duke University.
Rosen, Jeffrey. (2000). Epilogue: What is privacy good for? In The unwanted gaze: The destruction
of privacy in America (pp. 196-234 and 257-260). Random House: New York. CD
Rowlands, Ian. (1996). Understanding information policy: Concepts, frameworks and research
tools. Journal of Information Science, 22(1), 13-25. CD
Samarajiva, Rohan. (1997). Interactivity as though privacy mattered. In Philip E. Agre & Marc
Rotenberg (Eds.), Technology and privacy: The new landscape (pp. 277-309). Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Schön, Donald A. (1993). Generative metaphor: A perspective on problem-setting in social
policy. In Andrew Ortony (Ed.), Metaphor and thought (2nd ed., pp. 137-163). Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University. CD
Seifert, Jeffrey W. (2004). Data mining and the search for security: Challenges for connecting the
dots and databases. Government Information Quarterly, 21(4), 461-480. Also available at
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Seifert, Jeffrey W., & Relyea, Harold C. (2004). Do you know where your information is in the
homeland security era? Government Information Quarterly, 21(4), 399-405. Also available at
Shay, Lisa A. (1989). The great debate over unclassified information: National security versus
scientific freedom. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 32(3), 139-148. Also available
Strickland, Lee S. (2003). Civil liberties vs. intelligence collection: The secret Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act court speaks in public. Government Information Quarterly, 20(1), 1-12. Also
available at
Taddeo, Laura. (2006). Information access post September 11: What librarians need to know.
Library Philosophy and Practice, 9(1). Available at
Tannen, Deborah. (1998). The argument culture: Moving from debate to dialogue. New York:
Random House.
Vaidhyanathan, Siva. (2001). Copyrights and copywrongs: The rise of intellectual property and how it
threatens creativity. New York: New York University.
Vaidhyanathan, Siva. (2004). The anarchist in the library: How the clash between freedom and control
is hacking the real world and crashing the system. New York: Basic Books.
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American Library Association and Civil Action Inc., et al. v. United States, et al. (No. 01-1303IN);
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Church of Scientology v. U.S. 506 U.S. 9 (1992)
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Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co. 499 U.S. 340 (1991)
Griswold v. Connecticut 381 U.S. 479 (1965)
Katz v. United States 389 U.S. 347, 351 (1967)[group+389+u!2Es!2E+347!3A]^[group+citemenu!3A]^[level+ca
Lochner v. New York 98 U.S. 45 (1905)
New York Times et al. v. Tasini et al. No. 00-201 (2001a) [majority opinion]
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Olmstead v. United States 277 U.S. 438 (1928)[group+277+u!2Es!2E+438!3A]^[group+citemenu!3A]^[level+ca
Reno et al. v. American Civil Liberties Union et al. 521 U.S. 844 (1997)
Religious Technology Center v. Netcom On-line Communication Services, et al. 907 F. Supp. 1361
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Religious Technology Center v. Lerma 908 F. Supp. 1362 (1995) (United States District Court of the
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Religious Technology Center v. F.A.C.T.N.E.T., et al. 907 F. Supp. 1468 (1995) (United States District
Court for the District of Colorado)
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company 118 U.S. 394 (1886)
Sony Corp., et al. v. Universal City Studios, Inc., et al. 464 U.S. 417 (1984)
Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Sony Corporation of America 480 F. Supp. 429, 432 (United States
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Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment. (1995). Telecommunications technology and
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U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment. (1995). Wireless technologies and the National
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(1993). The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for action. Washington, DC: GPO.
U.S. General Accounting Office. (1990). Computers and privacy. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office.
U.S. General Accounting Office. (1994). Information superhighway: Issues affecting development.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
V. Governmental and Commercial Serial Sources of Government Information
Code of Federal Regulations
Congressional Digest
Congressional Information Service
Congressional Quarterly
Congressional Record
C[ongressional] Q[uarterly] Weekly Reports
Federal Register
Supreme Court Reporter
U.S. Code
U.S. Code and Congressional and Administrative News
U.S. Code Annotated
United States Supreme Court Reports
VI. Journals and Other Serial Sources on Information Policy and Government Information
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology
Atlantic Monthly
The Bowker Annual: Library and Book Trade Almanac
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science
Communications Yearbook
Electronic Public Information Newsletter
EPIC [Electronic Privacy Information Center] Alert
Federal Computer Week
Government Computer News
Government Information Quarterly
Government Technology
Information, Communication, and Society
Information Management Review
Information Processing and Management
The Information Society
Internet Research: Electronic Networks Applications and Policy (formerly Electronic Networking:
Research, Applications, and Policy)
Internet World
Journal of Academic Librarianship (especially its Information Policy column)
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (formerly the Journal of the
American Society for Information Science)
Journal of Communication
Journal of Government Information: An International Review of Policy, Issues and Resources (formerly
Government Publications Review and now merged with Government Information Quarterly)
Journal of Information Science
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Policy Research
The Journal of Politics
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Knowledge in Society
Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Policy Sciences
Policy Studies Journal
Policy Studies Review
Privacy Journal
Proceedings of the ASIS Annual Meeting
Public Administration Review
Public Affairs Information Service
Research Policy
Sage Yearbook of Politics and Public Policy
Scientific American
Science and Public Policy
Serials Review
Technology Review
Telecommunications Policy
Utne Reader
Los Angeles Times
New York Times
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
VIII. Other Electronic Sources -- Remember that these sites and the information there are
extremely volatile.
Alliance for Public Technology (APT)
Americans Communicating Electronically (ACE):
(U.S.) Army Corps of Engineers
Austin home page
(University of California) Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
(U.S.) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), including the World Factbook
Chapel Hill home page
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
(United States) Code
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)
(U.S.) Congressional Research Service (CRS)
Copyright – there are lots of other valuable links, but see
Center for the Study of the Public Domain
Copyright and Fair Use (Stanford U.)
Copyright Clearance Center
Copyright Management Center
Creative Commons
Georgia Harper's home page on copyright and other “IP” topics
Library of Congress Copyright Office
Public Knowledge Project
Cornell University, Computer Policy & Law Program
Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute
Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI):
(U.S.) Department of Commerce (DoC)
(U.S.) Department of Justice (DoJ)
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC):
(U.S.) Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
Federal Depository Library Program report: Final Report to Congress: Study to Identify
Measures for a Successful Transition to a More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program
(U.S.) Federal Register
(U.S.) General Accounting Office (GAO)
(U.S.) Geological Survey (USGS)
Government Information Locator System (GILS)
Government Printing Office
Government Technology
High-Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC) Program information
(Harvard University) Information Infrastructure Project
Illinois Institute of Technology Institute for Science, Law, and Technology
Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF)
“Intellectual property”
Institute for Technology Assessment (ITA)
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Internet Society
Library of Congress Marvel (Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual Electronic Library)
U.S. Congress Thomas system for full text of selected bills
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Library of Congress LOCIS (Library of Congress Information System):
Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU)
North Carolina
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) Map Vision
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
National Academy Press (NAP)
(U.S.) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Information Infrastructure: Servers with comprehensive sources
(U.S.) National Information Infrastructure Virtual Library
National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Technical Information Service (NTIS) FedWorld
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
(U.S.) Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) -- see Institute for
Technology Assessment -- and Princeton University archive of OTA reports
Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute
General home page:
Texas State Government:
Department of Commerce:
Department of Information Resources (DIR)
General Services Commission: www:
Higher Education Coordinating Board
Legislative Reference Library: (512) 463-1251, (800) 253-9693
Natural Resource Conservation Commission:
Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund:
Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Texas Legislative Service (a for-profit info provider):
Texas Legislature:
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007
Texas State Library:
Window on State Government
University of Michigan
Documents Center
Federal Gov’t Resources on the Web
University of North Carolina
Academic Affairs Library (main system)
Government documents
University of Texas Libraries
Government information
U.S. Gov’t Reference Titles
International Gov’t Information
Texas Government Information
Copyright Philip Doty – University of Texas at Austin – July 2007