California Lutheran
 Passed
March 2013 as part of the Violence
Against Women Reauthorization Act
 Applies to almost all institutions of higher
 Amends the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of
Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime
Statistics Act (Clery Act)
 Added domestic and dating violence and
stalking to what must be reported
 Expands hate crimes to those based on
gender and national origin bias
The Act Requires CLU to:
educate students, faculty, and staff on the
prevention/awareness of rape, acquaintance rape,
sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and
 provide information on what to do and where to find
available resources if you are a victim, witness, or
official of CLU
 The act resulted in CLU creating the Sexual Violence
Resource Packet that is available on the CLU website
 ensure Campus Security Authorities and Mandatory
Reporters under Title IX are trained and their identity
known to the campus community
Act Requires CLU to
Sexual Assault
Dating Violence
Domestic Violence
Sexual Assault occurs when sexual contact is
non-consensual. NO/STOP means NO consent.
Consensual: an individual is a willing participant in
the sex act.
 Non-consensual: An individual is unable to give
consent if:
incapacitated by the influence of drugs or alcohol
suffer from a mental or physical disorder that makes
them incapable of offering consent
acting under threats, duress or force
NOTE: Consent to sexual contact is not implied because
of prior consent, and a relationship between partners,
such a marriage or formal dating relationship, does not
imply or create consent for sexual contact.
 Dating
Violence is violence committed by a
who is or has been in a social relationship of a
romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and
where the existence of such a relationship shall
be determined based on consideration of the
following factors:
Length of the relationship
Type of relationship; frequency of interaction between
the parties
 Domestic
Violence includes crimes of
violence committed by a current or former
spouse of the victim, or by a person
with whom the victim shares a child in common
who is or has cohabitated with the victim as a
who is similarly situated to a spouse of the victim
under the domestic or family violence laws
receiving grant monies or is protected under the
domestic or family violence laws
or by any other person against an adult or youth
victim who is protected from that person’s acts
by domestic or family violence laws.
 Stalking
is engaging in a course of conduct
directed at a specific person that would
cause a reasonable person to:
fear for his or her safety or the safety of others,
suffer substantial emotional distress.
 Stalking
can be part of dating and domestic
 An actual threat of violence does not need to
be made for the conduct to be stalking.
 Are crimes by state definition
 Have silent victims, such as
family, friends, neighbors, and
 Benefit from intervention and may
require intervention to end
 Involve some form of mental
 Are prohibited by California
Lutheran University policy
What are signs to look for, as a victim or
observer, that may be found in the perpetrator:
Extreme Jealousy
Signs the perpetrator’s insecurity
Over possessive, checking on whereabouts constantly or
calling the victim several times a day at inappropriate
Keeping the victim from maintaining friendships with
Overly controlling of the victims activities and behavior
Controlling Behavior
Anger when not knowing where victim has been or is
home late
Start to question the victim; restricting privileges such as
access to a car, money or phone
Perpetrator becomes quickly involvement with
victim and
Needs the victim for self-assurance and validation
Needs a relationship with someone who makes them
feel loved and will be loyal to them
Only knew the victim for a few months before the
start of a serious relationship
Unrealistic Expectations
Perpetrator wants victim to be perfect
Compares relationship to those in movies and blames
victim if expectations not met
Victim expected to change anything about self that
perpetrator sees fit.
If you are an observer there are things you can
Call 9-1-1 if you observe an assault or battery in
progress; be a good witness
Yelling or calling out may stop the incident; need to look
at the environment you are in when interveining
On the CLU Campus, notify Campus Safety after calling 91-1
If you are aware of a sexual assault, dating or
domestic violence, or stalking on the CLU Campus,
notify Campus Safety immediately
 Let the victim know you are there to help and provide
 Know what resources are available to the victim
Let your friends and family help you
Confide in someone you trust
Share with someone who can support you through the
process of getting help
 Make decisions based on your comfort level
Call the police or sheriff for assistance and
 Seek Professional Assistance
 Develop a personal safety plan
Family and friends who can offer shelter
What I will need to have with me
Taking your children
Whether it occurs on or off campus, CLU has a
resource package available to assist you.
 Definition:
Any official of CLU who
has significant responsibility for
student and campus activities,
including, but not limited to,
student housing, student
discipline, and campus judicial
 This is important to know as you
may not currently be a CSA but you
may be in the future.
Campus Safety Staff
Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students
Director of Student Life
Director of Health Services
Director of Multicultural and International Programs
Director of Counseling Services
Campus Ministries when acting as an advisor or
overseer of student clubs or organizations
Human Resources
Residence Life and Residence Hall Staff
Department Deans or other senior student
administrative personnel
Coaches and assistant coaches
Overseers and advisors to student clubs and
organizations and other campus officials who have
"significant responsibility for student and campus
activities”. These include: student housing, student
discipline and campus judicial proceedings.
The following crimes must be reported by Campus Security Authorities
 Murder/non-negligent manslaughter
 Negligent manslaughter
 Rape
 Burglary
 Robbery
 Aggravated assault
 Motor Vehicle Theft
 Arson
 Hate Crimes
 Non-Forcible Sex Offenses (statutory rape and incest only)*
 Forcible Sex Offenses (sodomy, rape, rape with a foreign object, forcible
fondling, sexual battery/assault)
 Any liquor law violations and/or arrests
 Any drug or narcotics violations and/or arrests
 Stalking
 Dating Violence
 Domestic Violence
On a CLU Campus
 In or on non-campus building or property
owned or controlled by CLU
 Public property within or immediately
adjacent to our campuses (sidewalk/street)
Provide the following details when reporting:
 Date it occurred
 Location it occurred
 Brief description of the incident
Confidentiality: CLU MUST protect victim’s
identity if the victim so requests.
 Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis
of sex in any federally funded education
program or activity. Sexual harassment,
which includes sexual violence (assault,
stalking, domestic and dating violence, rape)
is considered a form of sex discrimination.
Title IX requires CLU to:
 Act to end the discrimination
 Act to prevent its recurrence
 Remedy its effects on the victim and the CLU
WHO TO REPORT TO Title IX Violations To
Title IX Coordinator for CLU, Dr. Juanita Hall (805)
PLTS student: Director of Formation and Student Life
CLU student: Vice President for Student Affairs and
Dean of Students, the Associate Dean of Students, or
a member of the Student Conduct professional staff.
(510) 559-2737.
(805) 493-3302.
CLU faculty: Provost and Vice President for Academic
Affairs. (805) 493-3145.
CLU administrator or staff: Assistant Vice President
for Human Resources. (805) 493-3183.
Non-CLU persons: Campus Safety. (805) 493-3911.
 Campus
Security Authorities must report
based on location
 Title IX mandatory reporters must report
based on discrimination
 Both must report:
Sexual offenses other than rape
Hate Crimes (if under Title IX)
Stalking (if under Title IX)
Dating Violence
Domestic Violence
Human Resources
Student Life/Res Life
Student Life/Judicial