Request No.: Firewall Modification Request Information Technology Services Form ITS-8812 Rev E 5/27/08 Page 1 of 2 This form is to be used for requesting modifications to the campus firewall rules so that applications can be used securely across various zones of the network. If you need assistance in filling out this form, contact your Information Technology Consultant (ITC): Please type or neatly print, and obtain all the required approval signatures. Instructions are available at Submit completed requests to the ITS Help Desk (LIB PW Lobby). REQUESTOR INFORMATION LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME EMPLOYEE ID NO. (Golden Eagle Card ID #) OFFICE LOCATION (Bldg. & Room #) OFFICE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT EXTENSION COLLEGE/DIVISION E-MAIL ADDRESS ITC NAME ITC EXTENSION APPLICATION INFORMATION (this is the application/service that you want to work over the network) 1) Application Title: 2) Application Publisher: 3) What will the application be used for? 4) Where do you plan on using this application? 5) Do you currently have the required license(s) for this application? Yes No Will obtain license by (mm/dd/yyyy): 6) Will this application be for permanent or temporary use? If temporary, provide termination date. Permanent Temporary If temporary, list the termination date: 7) What type of data will be transmitted by this application (i.e., music, graphic images, database information, text, etc.)? 8) If applicable, list the specific file extensions. 9) Who/what needs access to this application and/or files it generates? Check all that apply. All Students All Faculty All Staff/Dept Office(s) All Open Access Labs All Electronic Classrooms Wireless Network CSULA Modem Pool CSULA Server Farm Students in the building Faculty Office(s) in the building Staff/Dept Office(s) in the building Open Access Lab(s) in the building Electronic Classroom(s) in the building Research Office(s) in the building Common Management System (CMS) Faculty Server - list name of server: Staff Server - list name of server Security Server - list name of server Off Campus/Off Site – list hostname of site: 10) Are User ID’s and/or Passwords required to use this application? Yes No 11) Will this application generate and/or store any sensitive, personal, proprietary, or confidential information? Yes No 12) If yes, how will you secure access to the data? 13) Is this a new application to the campus? Yes No If no, who else or what other department is using this application? Request No.: Firewall Modification Request Information Technology Services Form ITS-8812 Rev E 5/27/08 Page 2 of 2 CAMPUS SYSTEM INFORMATION 1) System Name (hostname): 2) Name of System Owner: 3) Where is system equipment located? 4) Who has access to the equipment location? 5) Are application upgrades and system OS patches and fixes on a set schedule? Yes No If yes, what is the schedule (hourly / daily / monthly / yearly)? NETWORK INFORMATION Source IP Address(es) Source Port(s) Destination IP Address(es) Destination Port(s) Note: To get the IP Address(es), you can run “nslookup hostname” from your command prompt where “hostname” is the name of the source and destination hosts. To find out specific port(s), you can run a port scan of the source and destination hosts to identify the port(s) required for your application. The protocol that this application uses is: (check one) TCP UDP To get the protocol information, you must be logged onto the application server. Run “netstat –a” from the application server at the command prompt. Look for the application port located in the second column labeled “Local Address”. When you locate the application port, the protocol will be listed in the first column labeled “Proto” to the left of the “Local Address” column. ACADEMIC SUPPORT (if applicable) The ITC whose name appears on this form has contacted me about the requested software application and its use on the campus network. I understand that allowing access to this application through our campus network traffic management control may pose a security risk to the campus network as well as to other computers. I approve of access to the requested application being allowed on our campus network. DIRECTOR: APPROVED Reason for denial: DATE: DENIED DEPARTMENT / BUSINESS UNIT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND APPROVALS I understand that allowing access to this application through our campus network traffic management control may pose a security risk to my computer as well as to the rest of the campus network. I authorize Information Technology Services to do a security vulnerability assessment of any system to be used for this application to identify any system oversights that could cause security risks to the campus. REQUESTOR SIGNATURE: DATE: Dept Chair/Manager Name (type or print) Signature Approved Denied Date Dean/Director Name (type or print) Signature Approved Denied Date If denied, give reason for denial: