Network Guest Account Request Information Technology Services Form ITS-4818 Rev C -- 2/20/13 Page 1 of 2 Purpose Network guest accounts enable temporary access to the campus wired and wireless networks and the Internet. Guest accounts are issued up to a maximum of seven consecutive days. Network guest accounts must be sponsored, that is, formally requested, at the level of associate dean, dean, director or above. Any revenue generating entity, institution or organization funded in whole or in part by grants, or that charges fees to the University to operate, must additionally have the fiscal officer’s approval. Faculty may request guest accounts through their associate dean. Network guest accounts are generally requested in the following circumstances: A guest invited to the campus in a professional capacity. A guest participating in a campus event. A guest needing temporary Internet access A guest lecturer, speaker or presenter needing temporary access to equipment (e.g., in a Technology Enhanced Classrooms (TEC)) Instructions This electronic form is intended for completion on a computer. Sponsors must complete and sign sections 1and 2 of this form. Revenue generating entities must also complete section 3 and the approving fiscal officer must sign this form. The sponsor or designee should submit the completed form to the ITS Help Desk, Lib PW Lobby, during normal business hours. Forms must be received by noon of the day before the accounts are needed. The accounts will be ready for use by the start of the following business day. 1. Sponsor Information Sponsor must be at the level of associate dean, dean, director or above. Last Name First Name Date Campus ID No. (Golden Eagle Card Id #) Telephone Office Location College / Division / Organization Department / Unit Department Extension Position: E-mail Address Number Of Accounts Requested Start Date End Date (Maximum of 7 days) In the event that I cannot to pick up the account information or e-mail the ITS Help Desk ( with changes to this request, I designate the following individual to act on my behalf: Is this a University-sponsored event? Yes No Purpose or justification for this account (e.g., visitor or event description): 2. Sponsor’s Responsibilities and Approval Sponsor’s Responsibilities: Sponsors must ensure that guest users are aware of and abide by the following: 1. The campus wired and wireless networks are considered University resources. All guest account users are expected to abide by all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, CSU policies and University Administrative Procedures, standards and guidelines. 2. Guest account users are responsible for all guest account activity and traffic, including financial liability for any illegal, unauthorized or inappropriate use of such accounts. Sponsors must maintain a guest roster that minimally contains guest name, organization, address, phone and campus-assigned guest e-mail address. Sponsors who fail to obtain the required guest contact information and inform guests of campus appropriate use policies may be held accountable. 3. Guests are responsible for the security of their guest accounts, and must not disclose their guest user ID or password to anyone. 4. Guests must ensure that laptops connecting to the campus wireless network meet the minimum security requirements outlined in ITS-1015-G User Guidelines for Wireless Access. 5. Wireless guest accounts with Internet-only access have no encryption beyond that provided by any particular web site. 6. All guests must sign and date the Appropriate Use of Cal State L.A. Guest Account agreement contained in ITS-3805 Network Guest Account Information Sheet. The ITS Help Desk will provide ITS-3805 to sponsors on the day the account is distributed to the sponsor for their guest. Sponsors must retain the signed original in the department file for at least one year. Network Guest Account Request Information Technology Services Form ITS-4818 Rev C -- 2/20/13 Page 2 of 2 Sponsor’s Approval My signature below signifies that I have read the responsibilities outlined above, and that I understand and accept them. Signature Date 3. Revenue Generating Organizations This section must be completed by the sponsor from any revenue generating entity, institution or organization that is funded in whole or in part by grants, or charges fees to the University to operate. Examples of revenue generating organizations include: UAS, ASI, Student Union, College of Extended Studies and International Programs, LACHSA and the University Bookstore. Revenue generating organizations are charged a daily rate for each network guest account requested. Is this for a revenue generating organization? Yes No If YES, Billing Account Number: If YES, enter the following information for the approving fiscal officer: Name Telephone E-mail Address Fiscal Officer’s Approval My signature below signifies that I approve the fees to be charged for the account(s) requested. Signature Date FOR ITS OFFICE USE ONLY Activation Date: Initials: Account Changes: Change Date: Initials: