ACTION BY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS RECEIVED BY AA _________________________________________________ FORWARDED TO USS/GSS/TES/WSS/GES/RECORDS__________________________ SUB COMM. ACTION_____________________ DATE/REF.:____________________________________________________ EPC ACTION__________________________ DATE/REF.:____________________________________________________ EFFECTIVE QTR. :__________________________________________________ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES COURSE DELETION PROPOSAL (MULTIPLE) List each course on a separate line, including the course abbreviation, number, and title as shown. If course deletions affect any course(s) and/or academic program(s), indicate below and attach course and/or program modifications with copies as appropriate. COLLEGE______________________________________________ SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/DIVISION/PROGRAM___________________________________ List Course Abbreviations, Numbers, Titles below (e.g., ENGR 100 Introduction to Electrical Engineering) Reason(s) for requested action: Program(s) that will be affected: Consultation(s): Required signatures and dates: Proposer Date College Curricular Dean Date Department/Division Chair Date College Dean Date Submit 2 copies to the Office of Undergraduate Studies, Administration 725, mail code 8254-01.