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Hardware Resources
1. The used technology in first computers generation i s vacuum tubes technology
a. vacuum tubes
b. Transistors c. Integrated circuitry d. Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits
2. The used technology in Second generation is Transistors technology
a. vacuum tubes
b. Transistors c. Integrated circuitry d. Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits
3. The used technology in Third generation is Integrated circuitry technology
a. vacuum tubes
b. Transistors c. Integrated circuitry d. Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits
4. The used technology in Fourth generation is used Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits technology
a. vacuum tubes
b. Transistors c. Integrated circuitry d. Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits
5. give an example on each of computers systems categories.
a. Microcomputer Systems ::e.g. Personal Computer (PC), workstation
b. Midrange(minicomputer) systems:: e.g. High-end network servers
c. Mainframe Systems:: E.g. superservers or Supercomputer Systems
CPU is the processing and control unit in the hardware computer system.
CPU consists of Arithmetic-logic unit and Control unit
. Peripherals is the general name for input, output, and secondary storage
. Graphical user interface (GUI) represents icons, menus, windows, buttons and bars
Pointing Device are input devices that work with Graphical user interface (GUI) using point-andclick or point-and-drag methods.
Bit is the smallest unit of data and can store either 0 or 1.
. Byte
is the single unit of data that consists of eight bits and usually represents one character
or number.
. RAM is the Most widely used semiconductor memory or primary storage medium.
. RAM is the semiconductor memory that must have uninterrupted electric power or lose
The Main Memory: Type of RAM which temporarily hold programs and data that loaded from the
secondary storage devices and accessed by the CPU while the computer is on (volatile).
a. The Main Memory
b. The Cache Memory c. The Registers
d.The Virtual Memory
16. The Cache Memory:A very fast type of RAM that is used to store parts of programs that is most
frequently or recently used by the CPU.
a. The Main Memory
b. The Cache Memory c. The Registers
d.The Virtual Memory
17. The Cache Memory:It help bridge the speed gap between CPU and main memory (CPU is much
faster than the main memory)
a. The Main Memory
b. The Cache Memory c. The Registers
d.The Virtual Memory
18. The Registers is Special high-speed memory locations located in the CPU, used to store current
running instruction and its related data values temporarily
a. The Main Memory
b. The Cache Memory c. The Registers
d.The Virtual Memory
19. The Virtual Memory Space on hard disk used to simulate RAM if more needed.
a. The Main Memory
b. The Cache Memory c. The Registers
d.The Virtual Memory
20. . ROM is the semiconductor memory that can be read but cannot be overwritten and used as
Permanent storage.
21. BIOS is ROM memory used to store frequently used programs during the boot process.
22. Secondary storage devices Used to store too large data permanently (nonvolatile).it is relatively
slow, because they requires mechanical movement to access the data.
23. . hard disks is the Most used secondary storage device that provide Fast access and high storage
a. hard disks
b. Magnetic Tape
c. Optical disks (CD)
d.floppy disk
24. Magnetic Tape is Used for Archival storage and backup storage for large quantities of data but it too
slow to be used for day-to-day tasks.
a. hard disks
b. Magnetic Tape
c. Optical disks (CD)
d.floppy disk
25. Optical disks (CD) is used for Publishing medium for fast access to reference materials and
Interactive multimedia applications like Video games, educational videos, etc.
a. hard disks
b. Magnetic Tape
c. Optical disks (CD)
d.floppy disk
26. The instruction consist of opcode and operands
27.During the instruction cycle, the opcode is stored in instruction register
a. instruction register
b. address register
c. storage register
d. accumulator register
28.During the instruction cycle, the operand in address register
a. instruction register
b. address register
c. storage register
d. accumulator register
29. During the execution cycle, the data that has been sent from the main memory is stored in storage
a. instruction register
b. address register
c. storage register
d. accumulator register
30. During the execution cycle, the result is stored in accumulator register.
a. instruction register
b. address register
c. storage register
31. give an example on Direct Access and Sequential Access
a. Direct Access - e.g. hard disk, RAM
b. Sequential Access - e.g. magnetic tape
d. accumulator register
32. Order the following storage devices by Storage capacity, Access Speed, cost: Hard disk, main
memory, magnetic tape, optical disk, registers, cache memory
a. Access Speed:
1.registers, 2.cache memory , 3.main memory, 4.Hard disk, 5.optical disk,
6.magnetic tape
b. Storage capacity: 1.magnetic tape, 2.Hard disk, 3.optical disk, 4.main memory,5. cache memory,
c. Cost::
1.registers, 2.cache memory , 3.main memory, 4.Hard disk, 5.optical disk,
6.magnetic tape
33. Order the following computers by by size or speed or cost or number of users: workstation,
supercomputers, high-end servers, PC, mainfraims
1.Supercomputers, 2.mainfraims, 3.high-end servers, 4.workstation, 5.PC
34. 29. put the following storage devices into their categories
registers, cache memory , main memory, Hard disk, optical disk, magnetic tape, ROM, BIOS, CMOS,
Floppy disk
Primary storage
cache memory ,
main memory,
Secondary storage
Hard disk,
optical disk,
magnetic tape
Floppy disk