week 7 questions

‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جامعة المجمعة‬
‫كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية‬
‫قسم علوم المختبرات الطبية‬
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College of Applied Medical Sciences
Department of Medical Laboratory
Lecture 6
Name of Instructor: Dr. Mosaab Omar
Location: Zulfi campus
Choose the correct answer:
1- ……………….is a systemic disease with primary inflammation of the liver by any
one of a heterogeneous group of viruses:
a- Viral hepatitis
b- Viral nephritis
c- HIV
d- All of them
2- Hepatitis B (HBV) is belongs to family……………
a- Picornaviridae
b- Caliciviridae
c- Hepadnaviridae
c- Flaviviridae
3- Hepatitis Virus A can be transmitted through…………….
a. Feces (Fecal oral route)
b. Body fluids
c. Blood
d. Both B and C
4- Hepatitis Virus B can be transmitted through…………….
a- Feces (Fecal oral route)
b- Body fluids
c- Blood
d- Both B and C
5- Hepatitis Virus C can be transmitted through…………….
a- Feces (Fecal oral route)
b- Body fluids
c- Blood
d- Both B and C
6- Which of the following regarding Hepatitis A virus is False……?
a- Sensitive to inactivation by heat at 600 C for one hour, ether & acid at pH 3.
b- Inactivated by boiling for one minute, 1: 4,000 formaldehyde at 370 C for 72
hours & chlorine 1 ppm for 30 minutes.
c- Not affected by anionic detergents.
d- Survives prolonged storage at 40 C or below
7- Which of the following Biochemical tests can be used for Hepatisi A virus
a- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
c- Protein
d- All of them
8- Which of the following statements regarding Hepatitis B virus is correct…………….
a- a member of the hepadnavirus group
b- Circular partially double-stranded DNA viruses
c- Replication involves a reverse transcriptase.
d- endemic in the human population and hyper endemic in many parts of the
e- All of the above
9- Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through……………
a- Parenteral - IV drug abusers, health workers are at increased risk.
b- Sexual - sex workers and homosexuals are particular at risk.
c- Perinatal (Vertical) – mother (HBeAg+) →infant
d- All of them
10- HCV has been classified into a total of ………………on the basis of phylogenetic
a- 4 genotypes (type 1 to 4)
b- 5 genotypes (type 1 to 5)
c- 6 genotypes (type 1 to 6)
d- 8 genotypes (type 1 to 8)
11- Risk Factors Associated with Transmission of HCV ………………
a- Transfusion or transplant from infected donor
b- Injecting drug use
c- Hemodialysis (yrs on treatment)
d- Accidental injuries with needles/sharps
e- All of them