Multimedia Skills
Mohammed Saleem Bhat
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Skills and Background
• 1. What are some of the skills needed to
develop good multimedia ?
• 2. What is the responsibility of each member
of the software team?
• 3. What background/training/skill is required
of each?
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Development Team
Project Manager
Multimedia Designer
Interface Designer
Video Specialist
Audio Specialist
Multimedia Programmer
Multimedia Producer for the Web
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Project Manager
• Responsibilities
Overall project
Day to day operations and budget
Put together good core team
Maintain the “big picture” – the vision
• Background/skills
– Understand hardware & software
– Communication skills
– Good “people” skills- a good listener
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Designer
• Responsibilties:
Overall content and structure
Prepares blueprint for project: content, media, interaction
Sometime overlaps with Interface Designer
Coordinates team
• A) Graphic Designers
• B) Instructional Designers
• C) Information Designers
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Designer
• Background/skills
– Ability to analyze content structurally and match it with
effective presentation
– Expert with different media types
– Ability to look at information from different points of view
– Interpersonal skills
– Understand resources- both technological and human
– Solid organizational skills, attention to detail
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Designer
• A) Graphic designer – deals with
• Illustrators ( Freehand)
• Animators ( Flash)
• Image processing specialists ( Photoshop)
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Designer
• Instructional Designers – deal with subject
– Clear and proper presentation
– Knowledge of content
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Designer
• Information Designers – deal with
and navigation
– Structure content
– Determine user feedback and pathways
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Interface Designer
• Responsibilities:
– Provides access to media and control to people who use
– Makes interface “transparent” to users ( effective use of
windows, icons, backgrounds, controls, etc.)
• Background/skills
– Familiar with different multimedia interfaces
– Knows authoring system, user testing
– Basic drawing skills
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
• Responsibilities:
– Create character, action, point of view,
– Write proposals, script actor’s narration, write text
screen( content writers)
• Background/skills:
– Background in marketing
– Ability to work within tight deadlines
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Video Specialist
• Responsibilities:
– Coordinate videographers, sound technicians,
lighting designers, set designers, script supervisors,
production assistants, actors
• Background/skills:
– Skilled with QuickTime or MS Video for editing
– Macromedia Premiere for special effects
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Audio Specialist
• Responsibilities:
– Locating and selecting suitable music and talent
– Scheduling recording sessions
– Digitizing, editing recorded materials
• Background/skills:
– Skilled in studio recording
– Fluency in MIDI
– Experience with sequencing software
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Programmer
• Responsibilities:
– Integrates multimedia elements into “seamless”
whole using programming language or authoring
system (Authorware)
– Coding displays to controlling devices
• Background/skills:
– Multimedia languages (C++, Java, Lingo)
– Ability to quickly learn new systems
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Multimedia Producer for the Web
• Responsibilities:
– Coordinates set of pages for the web
• Background/skills:
– Knowledge of HTML, CGI scripts, Photoshop, etc.
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Good Multimedia
• Many multimedia systems are too passiveusers click and watch
• For fully interactive systems, designers need
clear picture of what happens as user interacts
• Adaptive systems modify themselves based on
user input ( intelligent tutors)
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University
Conclusion and Assignment
• Team Building is essential!!!!
• Assignment: To determine desirable and undesirable
characteristics of web pages:
• View and critique at least 5 web pages – note their
• List features of at least 2 ( one good, one bad)
• List general characteristics of web page.
Computer Engineering and Networks, College of Engineering , Majmaah University