1 ASG Regular Meeting Minutes March 9, 2016 ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (ESCONDIDO CENTER) 1. CALL TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 1:07 pm b. Roll Call i. Present: Chair: President Spence Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine Senators: Caldwell Contreras Hinch Gutierrez Hopp Velazquez Mayorga Wildschut Advisors: Titus Kretchman Delegates: Nagtalon Aguilar Noriega (Absent) ii. Absent: Secretary: Andrea Galindo c. President Spence welcomed all in attendance d. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Spence. 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday February 17th, 2016 Motion: Move to approve ASG Meeting Minutes with corrections from February 17th, 2016. (Gutierrez/Caldwell/C/U) b. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday March 2nd, 2016 Postponed without objection by President Spence. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Updating of ASG Electronic Media: Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 2 March 9, 2016 Posted on Facebook and Twitter on the reception with Dolores Huerta. Vice President Prefontaine explains that there are two boards at the ASG which may be used for publicity. There is a Palomar Instagram with many followers. Include Elections information on the homepage of Palomar. ASG Website there is a need to update information and include more content regarding Elections. Advisor Titus asks about what can be done immediately, rather than changing the entire page. Vice President suggests to mimic Palomar’s main page. Easy to navigate. Senator Hopp, to make sure that all information is updated and correct. Vice President asks if it is possible to advertise on the main page. President Spence, first goal is to update information in the ASG page. It would be important to have a person assigned for such task. He would be helping them in such task. Delegate Nagtalon is assigned without objection to work on the website. He would be mainly in charge of three aspects: update information, advertising and addressing any concerns that people do have. First element to consider is information about Elections. Advisor Titus explains that all Palomar websites have been switched to Wordpress. It is a very easy process once information is correct. Suggests Delegate Nagtalon to format information considering similar websites. Election information should be on it. If there are any doubts about it, at the Library they can help him. b. ASG Business Cards: Senator Gutierrez tells people to check mail box. c. ASG Nametags: President Spence explains that he will be working on that topic until minutes with monetary requests is approved. d. ASG Polos: President Spence explains that he has been talking with Senator Mayorga, he will be looking at any suggested shirts. Once he has the design he will bring it to the meeting for approval. Advisor Titus explains that it is important to consider the size for men and women. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Region X Constitution: President Spence explains that the Region X Committee has passed bylaws and constitution because they are attempting to amend them. There was a slight amendment done. They are requesting that all ASG in Region X look at these over. Amendments done: Having ten meetings per year instead of having one meeting per month, because they do not meet during the summer. They are requesting bylaws from ASG as well. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 3 March 9, 2016 The Governor of Region X meeting scheduled for May 13th. Will no longer be able to put the facility request. President Spence reads the email with information. Other amendment is that everyone standing not just an ASG member can run for an officer position. Motion: Move to approve Region X Constitution. (Caldwell/Mayorga/C/U) b. Region X Bylaws: President Spence explains that they have done minor adjustments as he previously read. Motion: Move to approve Region X Bylaws as is. (Mayorga/Hopp/C/U) c. ASACC Briefing on talking points: President Spence explains that they were not able to meet on Friday, this was the main presentation. o Americas College Promise, explained by Senator Caldwell. Federal government will cover 75% of the National Average College tuition. The state will be responsible for covering the rest. Gives statistics on the number of students who will benefit from this. Three states have done it on their own. Tennessee, Oregon and Minnesota. Their schooling is free for the community college. This must be for a first time student. First dollar grant. It can be combined with others. Reads over general requirements. President Spence explains that it is important to know who they will be addressing to. Advisor Titus encourages to learn who they are talking to, for they will be meeting with a federal, and California is a State that might be doing some of the activities already throughout similar projects. Be prepared to speak about those things, for they will question and state that California is already doing a similar activity. California is a pro Education State. Know that representatives are ready, recognize what California is doing and move on to the next point. Talking points that affect most of the students Nationwide. President Spence explains who they will be talking to. Student Loans is a big amount Nationwide. Interest rate is higher than any other loans. Making situation almost impossible for students to pay. Pretax dollars is a deduction. Advisor Titus, would you authorize those that went to DC to speak on behalf of Palomar College and the benefits of such pretax dollars, and benefits for students. o Senator Caldwell reads Cal grant five options and how they aim to support all students in Community Colleges. Does not include International Students, they have a different category for them. o Dream Act – President Spence. Since 2001 they have been trying to pass a Federal Dream Act, but it has not met the number of necessary votes. Gives an overview on what it considers. Support will increase the number of jobs, the negative is that it will increase illegal immigration. However it does consider that the person must ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 4 March 9, 2016 have come to the US before age 16. Advisor Titus considers taking into account all students, International, AB540 students, etc., in order to represent students. Why is it so important in the country to consider such matter? o Reauthorization – explained by Senator Hinch. Last time it was reauthorized was in 2013. Provides grants, work study and loans. Benefits low income and middle class students. It is in federal level. Advisor Titus if it does not get reauthorize how will it affect. What will students do? o Senator Caldwell explains that for Americas College Promise they do not have a restriction on what they can do with the money. President Spence explains that between Friday and Monday morning they will be talking to all the other college representatives at the event. Tomorrow everyone that has a talking point will be looking over the recommendations that have been given to them. d. Student Union Request Professional Development Event from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. on March 11th, from the English Department. President Spence reads the summary sent by the English department on the event, they could not be present since the meeting took place at the Escondido Campus. The aim is to reserve part of the Student Union for their professional development event, which is an opportunity of staff members to get together and discuss pedagogical issues to set student outcomes. Non-exclusive use. Motion: Move to approve Student union Request for Professional Development Event from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. March 11, non-exclusive use. (Hinch/Caldwell/C/U) Delegate Nagtalon inquires regarding the food. President Spence explains that it is catered by Aramark. Permanent point of privilege granted to Senator Contreras at 2:35p.m. e. Monetary Request –$200 for chalk paint, paintbrushes, liquid chalk markers, and other materials for sandwich boards. From ASG reserves. From ICC, most likely they will not spend that amount. It is to fix the Sandwich Boards. Motion: Move to approve monetary request up to $200 for chalk paint, paintbrushes, liquid chalk, markers and other materials to paint Sandwich Boards from ICC. From ASG reserves. (Mayorga/Hopp/C/U) f. ICC Reflection Room. Advisor Kretchman, explains that ICC wants to move this item to the ASG, in order to taking it further. There will be more information about it. They are willing to have something like this on Campus. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 5 March 9, 2016 Senator Caldwell states that he has been in contact with the Club at the Hub, and explains that what they are willing to do is something common in California schools. President Spence, they have been very interested in having such space for Palomar. Request is to move forward with the proposal. Advisor Titus, there have not been given any specifics on the topics such as who will monitor it, which spaces to use, etc. Motion: Move to extend meeting from 2:45 to 3:00 p.m. (Caldwell/Gutierrez/C/U) Vice President states that it is important to consider aspects such as maintenance of the space. Also since it will overrun by a single group may seem exclusive to others. Delegate Aguilar, explains that it will not be considered for a specific religion. However if it is a group in charge such as the MSU it could lead into having such idea. Who would be in charge? Monitor, etc. Senator Caldwell, explains that he has been in touch with the MSU and they have never made reference to it as a religious space. Advisor Kretchman inquires if it is possible to assign an ASG in charge in order to get more information of the topic. President Spence, the room is on Palomar College District, the second it is turned into something exclusive, it may no longer be available. Delegate Aguilar, since presentation was done by a specific group we tend to associate it to a specific group. President Spence appoints without objection Senator Caldwell to get more information on the topic, to be presented on the meeting after spring break. Room, person in charge, etc. Temporary point of privilege granted to Senator Mayorga at 2:49 p.m. g. Operation Paint The Town (Comet) Red President Spence states that there is plenty of material at t heir office. The aim is that from Monday 28th to the 1st of April, to get all the information and other type of advertisement on Campus. h. Remaining semester event sign ups. o Voter registration event April 5th 10:00 to 1:00. President Spence requests ASG members to sign up for at least one event. o ASG Forum April 12th o Spring Fest April 13th and 14th 10:00 to 1:00 Delegate Aguilar requests information for the Donuts with the Deans event. President Spence requires facility and monetary requests, in order to bring it to the ASG. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 6 March 9, 2016 6. BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS (1:41.39) a. Interview For Senate Position - None b. Interview for Delegate Position - None c. Shared Governance Councils and Committees – i. Shared Governance Rundown Senator Caldwell, Vice President Prefontaine and Senator Wildschut have to establish and clarify information on assigned councils and committees. Motion: To extend meeting until 3:08 (Hopp/Mayorga/Favor 6/ Against 8. Motion carries) 7. VACANCIES/RESIGNATIONS a. Senate: We currently have six (6) Senate seats available. b. Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates. 8. ABSENCES AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION None 9. OFFICIAL REPORTS a. Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. President Spence Attended Governing Board Meeting the night before, there is a lot of tension between faculty and governing board, due to the presidential hiring. Three candidates did not pass, but they were eventually hired as part time faculty ACC-JC accrediting group was compared to Donald Trump as making good President. Attended a small business development workshop over Escondido Comet center, will share information when there is more time. ii. Vice President Prefontaine Sent an email about office hours. Hand back in order to notify that they have approved and been informed of the office hours. Position towards not renewing the Aramark contract. Opens the opportunity of getting individual vendors. Would be interested in getting a conversation started. President Spence states that as ASG they may share experiences on Aramark, but not a real position or sa b. Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Lazzaric Caldwell- No report ii. Armando ContrerasAbsent at the time of the report ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 7 March 9, 2016 Permanent point of privilege granted to Delegate Aguilar at 2:20 p.m. iii. Thomas Hinch- No report iv. Zach Gutierrez- No report v. Chris Hopp - Attended committee, testing for credit and how that is going to be handled through the college. There is a difficulty with Palomar taking these tests as course work. vi. Nedy Velasquez – Met with Lindsay on Tuesday, getting details Attended faculty Senate meeting. vii. Cesar Mayorga – No report viii. Laura Wildschut – ICOC meeting last Friday, updates on building projects. c. Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Michael Nagtalon- Requests information about ii. David Aguilar – Has some business to go over next meeting. iii. Eric Noriega – attended Diversity event, it was fun and successful. d. Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each i. Lindsay Kretchman- Service project next Friday, went to Dolores Huerta. Feedback on potential orientation. Election packages. 10. ADJOURNMENT : 3:08 p.m. i. Sherry Titusb. Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes Meeting came to an end before considering such reports. i. ICCii. PPERiii. LEACiv. CWAv. Elections – 11. REQUESTS FOR REPORTS a. This item has not been used before. For the time there is none.