1 ASG Regular Meeting Minutes January 20, 2016 ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 1:03 pm b. Roll Call i. Present: Chair: President Spence Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine Senators: Caldwell Contreras Hinch Aguilar (Tardy1:07) Gutierrez Baugh Advisors: ii. Absent: Senator: Delegates: Kretchman Titus Osterlund Nagtalon c. President Spence welcomed all in attendance to the first meeting of the semester and year. d. Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Baugh 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. None Temporary point of privilege granted to Senator Baugh at 1:07 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday December 9th, 2015 Motion: To approve Minutes from ASG Meeting Wednesday December 9th, 2015 with corrections. (Contreras/Caldwell/C/U) President Spence explains that Senator Aguilar is no longer eligible to be a Senator, for he does not meet the established criteria according to ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 2 January 20, 2016 the bylaws. He has requested delegate position for which a point in the coming agenda will be considered. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Updating of ASG Electronic Media: Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. ASG Monetary Allocation – Discover Palomar event for 2016 Spring Semester. Not to exceed $1000. No action to take notice for the event has already taken place. b. ASG 2016 – 2017 Budget Senator Gutierrez will be talking about the budget in the coming meeting. Advisor Titus reminds about the importance of considering how previous budget has worked in order to determine which items need to remain or be removed in the coming budget. c. Campus Statistics and Opinions for GA Item requested by senator Baugh. Postponed until he returns to the meeting. d. Donuts with Deans (update) President Spence and Senator Aguilar went around the Campus in order to determine who would be interested in taking part of such event, there is a lot of interest. It is an event of students engaging with Deans, not necessarily from ASG. Advisor Titus reminds that some of the Deans’ positions have been filled with temporary or interns, in order to get in contact with them as well. 6. BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS a. Interview For Senate Position i. Chris Hopp Introduces himself to the group. His major is Engineering and Physics. Explains that he desires to be a Senator in order to get the most out of his college experience while helping students to get the most out of their college experience. Senators present share their experience as an ASG Senator, explaining that it is an interesting and motivating opportunity that does require time and commitment. Chris Hopp explains that he scheduled his time in order to be capable of attending to ASG requirements and events. Senator Baugh joins the meeting at 1:31 p.m. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 3 January 20, 2016 Chris Hopp states his commitment towards becoming an ASG Senator, assuming all the responsibilities and duties of such position. Motion: To approve Chris Hopp as an ASG Senator (Baugh/Gutierrez/C/U) President Spence takes the oath to Chris Hopp as an ASG Senator. Advisor Titus reminds him of the importance of asking questions whenever needed. Temporary point of privilege granted to Senator Contreras at 1:36 5. NEW BUSINESS c. Campus Statistics and Opinions for GA When attending previous GA meetings, people were requesting rather than sharing ideas from the students. The aim is to go with the ideas from the students, learn what they are saying and sharing such information. Senator Contreras joins the meeting at 1:40 p.m. In order to collect information from the students they are considering a method through which students may take questionnaires and give their opinion on a variety of topics such as Smoking Policy. Advisor Titus considers that they could use technology for such purpose, for instance they could create a survey using Survey monkey and have students complete it in the IPads. She considers that the ASG could consider purchasing IPads for such purpose, for this links with one of the setup Goals. President Spence mentions that this will be an item for the coming agenda. 6. BOARDS APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS b. Shared Governance Councils and Committees i. SSPC President Spence shares that he will not be able to attend to such meetings during this semester. Therefore a new Senator must be designated to attend. Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 4 January 20, 2016 Advisor Titus considers that it would important to consider all shared governance councils and committees again, taking into account schedules changes on behalf of current attendants. Senator Baugh requests members to email schedules in order to set up such responsibilities. Senator Caldwell reminds of the shared drive link that works for such purpose. Vice Chair Prefontaine explains that according to the Bylaws each Senator must attend two Shared Governance Councils and one ASG committee. President Spence mentions that this will be an item for the coming agenda. 7. VACANCIES/RESIGNATIONS a. Senate: We currently have seven (7) Senate seats available. b. Delegates: We currently have six (6) positions for delegates. 8. ABSENCES AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION a. None 9. OFFICIAL REPORTS a. Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. President Spence Welcomes attendants to the spring semester 2016. Attended Governing Board Meeting on the previous Tuesday. On January 5th there was a meeting in which they discussed their interest next hiring committee and what people they would like to come out that. What they would like to be reflected on their candidates. For those transferring it is important to continue studying and working towards such goal. The hiring committee is looking for one student representative, he will talking to President Gonzalez in order to figure out membership. He is looking for two, in case one drops out on any circumstance, there is still a representative of the students. ii. Vice President Prefontaine Greets and welcomes all attendants. No report to present. b. Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Lazzaric CaldwellReceived an email from Ernesto Fernandez an entertainer requesting an audience to perform. This email was sent to all members, he will research more on that matter. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 5 January 20, 2016 Regarding Shared Governance committees, please send an email mentioning in which committee they would like to be, as well as their current schedule in order to organize members according to their availability. ii. Armando ContrerasRequests to stay in the same committees for he already knows what each one does and wants. iii. Thomas HinchHas three set up goals for this semester: Attend a men´s golf tournament at twin oaks, a women´s beach volleyball and have a Super Smash Tournament monthly in the cafeteria. iv. Zach GutierrezRequests to stay in the same committees for he already knows what each one does and wants. Could not find Minutes for the Minutes corresponding to the first month in the shared drive account. Asks if he may go through the minutes for monetary requests done. v. Matthew BaughThree goals: Committees to outreach student equity, ASG to show leadership, Karaoke night and take donations for the Food Bank, and be the best ASG so in order to do so, continue with the work and interest. vi. Chris Hopp – Thanks the opportunity and looks forward to work and participate. vii. Stephanie Osterlund – Absent. No report c. Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Michael NagtalonAbsent. No report d. Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each i. Lindsay KretchmanThanks attendants for their attendance at Discover Palomar. The ASG office has recently acquired some IPads through SPPF funding almost two years ago, the purpose is to use them with a new app which allows to track Students Activity Cards, in order to determine how they are using the resources on Campus, if they can update, need more staffing in certain areas. The idea is to get used to swiping Student Activity card every time they access to an office. The aim is to export data out, to see exactly what resource service looks all over Campus. It is currently a Pilot program, looking forward to expand it all over Campus. Motivates members to get Student Activity Card for its multiple benefits. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 6 January 20, 2016 Include in Calendars Friday February 5th there is a student leadership meeting greet event, as a way to get to know the Club members and other people willing to get involved with leadership events in Campus. Event goes from 10:00 to 12:00. Taking into account that it is an election year, it is important for the ASG members to host voter registration events, or to figure out what can be done during events in order to involve community. Request an agenda item for all ASG upcoming events for this semester. Requests Senator Gutierrez a meeting in order to talk about the budget before the presentation, in order to go over the information and give any possible recommendations or adjustments. ICC agenda due tomorrow, first meeting next week. ii. Sherry TitusGreets attendants and recognizes the organization of the group. American Student Association information is provided to the ASG Board. Obama has just adopted America’s College promise, which is one of the topics they are to be talking about at the Conference. There is a link between what they do at the Conference and Palomar. It is a way of creating an impact at Campus. Back at DC, they will be talking about what the Campus is doing. Start considering such topics now. Temporary point of privilege granted to Senator Caldwell 2:15 p.m. Motivates members towards continuing with their studies, and complete all the necessary in order to help the ASG move efficiently. Senator Baugh requests information regarding the local retreat. President Spence explains that it has to be scheduled, probably within the third or the fourth week of February. To be considered as a coming agenda item. Vice Chair Prefontaine, considers the possibility of having an on Campus event, which may be easier for all attendants. President Spence will consider February 19 -20 or 26 – 27 as possible dates for the event. Senator Caldwell joins the meeting at 2:18 p.m. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 7 January 20, 2016 e. Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes Meeting came to an end before considering such reports. i. ICCInter Club Council. Will be meeting with Lindsay in order to plan the coming agenda. ICC members should be reinstated. There are no suspensions for the Clubs for they begin from zero during the spring semester. ii. PPERPolicies, Procedures and Executives Review. Go through the Bylaws in order to check the language so that everything makes sense. iii. LEACLegislation and External Affairs Committee. Consider Legislations on and off Campus. Getting to understand them to bring them back to Senators and Vice Presidents. They do not actually change anything. They bring them so that the President may take any action on such matter. Advisor Titus explains the process by which Policies may be changed beginning from reports done at such Committee. iv. CWACampus Wide Activities Currently the USB Flash drives are available to all students with a Student Activity Card. In charge of Twitter promoting the ASG. Current goal 300. 10. REQUESTS FOR REPORTS a. This item has not been used before. For the time there is none. 11. ADJOURNMENT a. Meeting adjourned at 2:34 p.m.