Worksheet Question 1 :- Choose the correct answer 1-The difference between the final position vector and the initial position vector ( Change in position vector ) (a)Velocity (b) Speed (c) displacement 2-Time derivative of the displacement (first derivative of the displacement) (a)Instantaneous Velocity (b) average Velocity (c)Speed 3-The Velocity change per time interval (Ratio of change in velocity to change in time ) (a)Constant acceleration (b) average acceleration (c) none of them 4-The absolute value of the velocity vector (Distance traveled per time ) (a)Distance (b) displacement (c) Speed 5- The absolute value of the displacement vector (a)Distance (b) position (c) a and b 6- Time derivative of the Velocity (Second derivative of the displacement) (a)Velocity (b) Instantaneous acceleration (c)distance 7-The ratio of the displacement per time interval (displacement per time) (a)acceleration (b) speed (c) average Velocity 8-Motion under the Sole influence of gravitational acceleration (a)Moti0n in Y axis (b)Free Full (c) a and b 9-The quantity that has both direction and magnitude (a)Scalar (b)Vector and scalar (c) None of them 10-The quantity that has only magnitude and no direction (a) Scalar (b) Vector (c)None 11-Second is the Unit of (a)electric current (b)Temperature (c) Time 12-Kelvin is the Unit of (a)Mass 13-Amper is the unit of (b)Pressure (a)electric power (c)Temperature (b)electric current (c) Volume 14-The unit system CGS is (a) Gaussian units (b) used mostly in chemistry (c) a and b 15-Scientific notation of number 356000000 = (a)3.56×108 (b) 356×10-8 (c)356×106 16- ................ are all examples of scalar quantities . a) pressure, Temperature and volume b) Mass, time, speed and distance c) a and b 17-One example of a vector is a)Speed b) displacement c) time 18-Abody exerts a force of 9×10-5 Newton in dyne equals (a)9 dyne (b)90 dyne (c) 900 dyne 19-Aacceleration of 50µm/µs2 is equal to (a)500000 m/s2 20-If X(t)=2t3+t2 (m) (a)20 m (b)50m/s2 (c)0.5m/s2 the distance in 2 second is (b) 16 m (c) 10 m