LEARNING OUTCOMES COUNCIL October 24, 2013 Minutes Approved – October 31, 2013 Co-Chairs: Present: Absent: Recorder: Berta Cuaron, Wendy Nelson, Katy French, Marty Furch Berta Cuaron, Melinda Carrillo, Michael Deal, Debra Doerfler, Erin Feld, Katy French, Marty Furch, Michael Gilkey, Masako Ikenushi, Cassondra Lochard, Leanne Maunu, Susan Miller, Norma MINUTES Miyamoto, Michael Mufson, Wendy Nelson, Brian Stockert Michelle Barton, Linda Cox, April Cunningham, Phil de Barros, Robert Deegan, MINUTES Gular Dinckan, Adrian Gonzales, Cheryl Kearse, Kevin O’Hara, Mollie Smith, Rocco Versaci Lani Fawcett Murders Vice President Cuaron called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m. APPROVE MINUTES – 9/26/2013 MSC: Miller/Miyamoto CHANGE AGENDA Marty Furch asked that the agenda be changed to include announcements. MSC Mufson/Maunu ANNOUNCEMENTS Marty and Wendy Nelson attended the Student Success Conference in San Francisco October 9. ACCJC representatives indicated that all proficiency reports submitted have been reviewed and feedback will be provided upon request. Palomar’s student SLO page was used as an example of how to reach proficiency and beyond. Palomar was also acknowledged for having an exemplary SLO website among the five or six colleges of note in the ACCJC summer 2013 newsletter. Michael Mufson shared information from the Performing Arts Department Berta introduced the new Dean of Counseling Services, Brian Stockert FINALIZE GE/ILO REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS The Workgroup Summary and Discussion of Findings report on the assessments of oral communication and critical thinking was discussed. Oral Communication Make the rubric available to all faculty members Provide PD training to faculty to help teach oral communication skills Offer speech preparation workshops for students in the TLC Create a learning module on dashboard for students on “how to prepare a speech” Learning Outcomes Council 2 October 24, 2013 Consider ideas for exploration - videotaping workshops to make available to other students Critical Thinking Revisit the definition and intention of the college’s critical thinking outcome. Consider creating more than one rubric or Consider using a standardized critical thinking test to assess critical thinking Clarify our expectations for faculty with respect to scoring the rubric Make the rubric available to faculty and students Offer PD workshops on critical thinking If rubrics are adopted and used – make them available for faculty to look at when they are mapping course SLO’s to GE/Institutional outcomes. GE/ILO ASSESSMENT DIRECTION AND PLANS FOR SPRING 2014 Part II: GE/ILO Assessment Process, Evaluation and Recommendations Improve cross-discipline representation of the curriculum to make the data more meaningful Look for ways to increase faculty and student participation Create a mini-lecture on the various rubrics and areas and how to assess. Put them in Blackboard; apply for SPFF funds to support the creation of a teaching/learning website. Continue to revisit the techniques used for training faculty how to use the rubrics and future GE/ILO assessments Continue to compensate faculty and add ongoing PD workshops CHANGES TO WRITING AND QUANTITATIVE RUBRICS Consideration of creating separate writing rubrics for GE and ILO was discussed. It was suggested that we consider assessing only those courses in the GE pattern with the identified rubric. The current rubric could be reorganized and expanded to be used for non-GE classes. Colleagues from other disciplines could be invited to give input. Wendy may put together a workgroup to address these ideas.. Strategic Plan Objective 1.9 The Strategic Plan for 2013 has been updated and completed, and the plan for 2016 has been adopted. The focus is on student success. Within the Strategic Plan are objectives, and objective 1.9 has been assigned to the LOC. It reads “Improve the understanding of the role and value of Institutional Learning Outcomes among faculty, staff, administration and students.” The LOC discussed activities to support the objective In addition to recommending activities to achieve the objectives, the LOC has the opportunity to submit request for SPPF Funding that will help support the implementation of these activities. Learning Outcomes Council 3 October 24, 2013 NEW STIPEND FOR DEPARTMENT CHAIRS Wendy distributed a portion of the PFF contract which deals with the stipend for Department Chairs for performing SLO work. The LOC did not participate in the language of the contract. LOC discussed the new language. Some questions arose, so these questions will be taken to the PFF for clarification. Meeting was adjourned at 3:37pm Next Meeting October 31, 2013 2:00 – 3:30pm AA-140