Many large companies are getting more resumes than they have time to read. When this happens, they often scan resumes
into a database and set up a computer word search for desired criteria, related to their open position. Results are ranked by
how qualified the applicants are, and the finalists’ resumes are then sent to be evaluated by human resources personnel.
Employers extract resumes from their database by searching for the presence of key words. These words are called “buzz”
words or industry jargon. Use as many nouns as fits your experience to have the best opportunity for an interview.
For storage and sorting this type of standard text language is the simplest form and is called ASCII, meaning there is no
formatting mechanism within the document and is scanner friendly. This format also makes the application process via the
Internet or email successful for both the candidate and recruiter regardless of the computer platforms used.
Scannable Resume Tips:
Make your resume as plain as possible. Left justify. No tabbed indents at all.
Use the “key words” in areas of your resume such as the objective, work experience, course work,
and activities.
Use only white paper and print with a laser printer.
Put your name at the top using a much larger font.
If your resume is more than one page place your name at the top of each additional page
Maximum number of characters per line is 60-65 (partly dependent on type size)
Leave at least two lines between each section of your resume.
Fonts that are acceptable are Times New Roman, Helvetica, Courier, Futura, or Arial; keep the size
11-14 points. Utilize these different fonts to create distinctions in documental information and categories
Avoid ampersands, percent signs or foreign characters. (you can’t use the Ctrl or Alt key)
All capital letters on headings identify the information source. Eliminate italics, script, and underlining.
Don’t use any lines, borders, graphics, gray shading, parentheses, columns, bold, bullets, or text boxes.
Use standard 8 ½ x 11 paper, un-folded and include a cover page. When faxing your resume, set the
fax machine on “fine mode.”
You can use keyboard character – letter, number, symbol, or punctuation mark – in upper or lower case
Rows of character to create a “line” ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ or = = = = = )
Bullet substitutes such as plus sings (+), asterisks (*), or hyphens (-)
A good resume is intended to get you an interview, where you will have a chance to describe in person what you can
contribute to an organization. Therefore, the key is to keep your resume well-organized, concise, and easy-to-read.
Components of Resumes:
NAME: Your name should be at the top, capitalized, and in a larger font, and perhaps bolded.
ADDRESS: Current address including zip code, telephone number, and appropriate email address. If applicable, list a
permanent address (where mail or a message will reach you) with the same information.
OBJECTIVE: (optional) State your objective, which is an idea of your career or job interest. Make your objective as
specific as possible. The proper location is at the top of your resume.
EDUCATION: List your educational background with the most recent school noted first. List the name of school or
institute, location, date of graduation, degree or certificate, major and minor if applicable, and grade point average if
above a 3.0.
EXPERIENCE: You can draw from a variety of areas to develop this section. List relevant positions that you have held
starting with the most recent and state your accomplishments. Give a brief description of duties using a bulleted list. Begin
each statement with a power verb. Include company name, job title, location, and dates of employment.
HONORS/ASSOCIATIONS/ACTIVITIES: Include items such as memberships and offices held, social groups,
significant extracurricular activities, community involvement, professional development, honors received, papers
published, and recognition.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (optional) Any information which may enhance your candidacy, but does not fit
under any other captions. Examples: “Willing to relocate” and “Willing to travel,” military experience or computer skills.
REFERENCES: It is recommended that your references be listed on a separate page.