C.V. for Dr. Hassan Ibrahim Mohamed Prof., Civil Eng. Department, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. Currently: Prof. and Head of Civil and Environmental Eng. Department, Majmaah University, KSA. 1. Personal : Hassan Ibrahim Mohamed e-mail: hassanmohamed_2000@yahoo.com Date and Place of Birth 06-07-1968 Sohag-Egypt State: Married and have two children. Permanent Address: Civil Eng. Department-Assiut University-AssiutEgypt Tel.: +2 0882365268 or +2 0882411722 Mobile: +2 01009368450 Current Address: Civil Eng. Department, College of Engineering, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. Tel.: +966 595838496 Occupation: Prof. of Environmental Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering 2. Academic Education : Ph. D. degree: 2003 from Faculty of Civil Eng., Innsbruck University, Austria. Title of Thesis: Flow and stability aspects of block stones ramp. M.Sc. degree : 1995 from Assiut university, Egypt. Title of Thesis: Analysis of local scour phenomena around submarine pipelines. B.Sc. degree : 1991 from Assiut University with honors degree, Egypt. 3. Academic Experience: Teaching the following courses for uundergradaute students at Assiut University, Minia University, Al-Azhar University (Qena branch), Al-Tahadi University (Libya) and Majmaah University (KSA): 1. Fundimentals of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Engineering. 2. Open Channel Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines. 3. Engineering Hydrology. 4. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 5. Hydraulic structures. 6. Civil Engineering drawing 7. Groundwater Hydrology 8. Water Resources Engineering 9. Water Supply Engineering 10. Sanitary Engineering 11. Structural analysis 12. Highway and Traffic Engineering 13. Supervisor on hydraulic and water Eng. Projects students. 14. Methods and Equipments of Construction 15. Physics 16. Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Teaching the following courses for postgraduate (Diploma, M. Sc. And Ph.D.) students: 1. Advanced Hydraulics. 2. Hydraulic Modeling. 3. Environmental Hydraulics. 4. Computer Application in Hydraulic Engineering. 5. Advanced Hydrology 6. Groundwater Hydrology 7. Hydraulic Measurements 8. Fluvial Hydraulics and Sediment Transport 4. Major Research Topics Hydraulics, Hydrology, Water Resources, Environmental Hydraulics, Irrigation and drainage, hydraulic structures, pipes networks, groundwater recharge and wastewater reuse. 5. Professional Societies: IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research) Egyptian Engineering Syndicate. 6 . Publications in Journals and Conferences: 12- Mohamed, H. I.: “Impact of climate change on water resources in the Nile Basin and adaptation measures in Egypt”, (2013). Mohamed, H. I. and Ahmed, S. S. : “Assessment of hydraulic performance of groundwater recharge techniques”, 5th. Inter. Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environment, (2013). 3- Mohamed, H. I.: “Numerical simulation of flow and local scour at two submergedemergent tandem cylindrical piers”, submitted to Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 41, No. 1, Jan. (2013). 4- Mohamed, H. I., and Gad A. A. M. : “Effect of pipes networks simplification on waterhammer phenomenon”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 40, No. 6, (2012). 56- Mohamed, H. I.: “Design of alluvial Egyptian irrigation canals using artificial neural networks method”, Ain Shams Eng. Journal, (2012). Abozeid, G. A., Mohamed, H. I., and Mostafa H. I. : “Studying of waterhammer phenomenon caused by sudden variation of water demand at water supply pipes network”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. , No. , (2012). 7- 89- Mohamed, H. I., and Ahmed, S. S.: “Effect of simplifying the water supply pipe networks on the water quality simulation”, 1st. Inter. Conference for Water, Energy and Environment, Sharijah, UAE, Nov. (2011). Mohamed, H. I., and Ahmed, S. S.: “Future of on-site treatment and reuse of graywater”, 4th. Kuwait Waste Mang. Conf.&Exh., Kuwiat, 18-19 Oct. (2011). Mohamed, H. I.: “An investigation of turbulent accelerated flow along smooth prismatic chutes”, Water and Environment Journal, (2012). 10- Mohamed, H. I., Gad, A. A. M., : “Effect of cold-water storage cisterns on drinking water quality”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, Sept. (2011). 11- Mohamed, H. I., Abozeid, G. A, and Shehata S. M. : “Hydraulics of clear and submerged overfall weirs with bottom circular-openings”, Ain Shams Eng. Journal, Mars (2011). 12- Mohamed, H. I., Abozeid, G. A. : “Dynamic simulation of pressure head and chlorine concentration in the city of Asyut water supply network in abnormal operating conditions”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 173-184, (2011). 13- Mohamed, H. I., and Ahmed, S. S.: “Management of industrial wastewater using internal water recycle”, 3rd. Kuwait Waste Mang. Conf.&Exh., Kuwiat, 6-8 April (2010). 14- Mohamed, H. I. : “ Flow over gabion weirs”, Jour. of Irrigation and Drainage Eng., ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 8, Aug. (2010). 15- Mohamed, H. I. : “Prediction of groundwater levels at areas affected by new Naga Hammadi barrage using ANN method”, 1st. Int. Conf. on Economics& Management of Water in Arab World and Africa (EMWAWA2009), Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, Nov. (2009). 16- Mohamed, H. I. : “Flow characteristics of partially vegetated trapezoidal channel cross-section with flexible vegetation”, 14th. Inter. Technology Confer., 14 IWTC2010, Cairo, Egypt, Mar. 2010. 17- Ali, N. A., Mohamed, H. I., El-Darder, M. E., and Mohamed, A. A. : “Analysis of transient flow phenomenon in pressurized pipes system and method of protection”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut university, (2010). 18- Abozeid, G. A., Mohamed, H. I., and Shehata S. M. : “Hydraulics of clear overfall weirs with bottom-openings”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 37, No.2, (2009). 19- Abozeid, G. A., Mohamed, H. I., El-Darder, M. and Nashaat A. : “Dynamic simulation of flow and water quality in pipes network of Assiut city at abnormal operation conditions”, 3rd Ain shams Univ. Inter. Conf. On Environ. Eng., April (2009). 20- El-Tuhami, A., Mohamed, H. I. :”Groundwater levels estimation at areas affected by New Naga Hammadi barrage using ANN method”, 12th International Water Technology Conf., IWTC, Alexandria, Egypt, Marsh (2008). 21- Abouzeid, G. A., Mohamed, H. I., and Ali, S. M.: “3-D numerical simulation of flow and clear water scour by interaction between bridge piers”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 891-907, (2007). 22- Mohamed, H. I.:”Egypt’s water resources management under pressure of development”, 1st Engineering Conference for Young Researchers, Assiut, Egypt, May (2007). . ر ر ح. ح.رحي اجححاد.د،رححح. كالت ححري."م.م..ص. ج،رححح.عبححا. أص. أ.محمد ح.مص،. م. ص، شححتة-23 .تحححةيل.ص،ت حح."ئحححجل ص.رحبححة مجيص.ح حححبةو.ر وح. رح لائحح.،م،رحمحححس.تال،"ححلي،.وئحححةوي.و. رح ايمحح .)م2007( 24- Mohamed, H. I.: “Hydraulic analysis of tapered and inclined sprinkler irrigation laterals”, 11th International Water Technology Conf., IWTC, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Marsh (2007). 25- Mohamed, H. I., and Hashem M.: “Estimation of longitudinal dispersion coefficient in rivers using artificial neural networks”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1341-1352, (2006). 26- Mohamed, H. I.: “An investigation of shallow water flow over permeable bed with reference to surface irrigation”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 423-439, (2006). 27- Hashem, M., and Mohamed, H. I..: “Using artificial neural network model as a new technique for simulating residual chlorine”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 735-743, (2005). 28- Mohamed, H. I.: “Discharge Measurement in Trapezoidal Lined Canals Utilizing Horizontal and Vertical Contractions of Cross-Section”, 9th. International Water Technology Conference, Sharm AL-Sheikh, Egypt, pp. 263-275, 17-20 March (2005). 29- Mohamed, H. I., and Abouzeid, G. A.: “Flow Behavior around Perforated Tile Drainage Pipes”, 9th. International Water Technology Conference, Sharm AL-Sheikh, Egypt, pp. 1117-1129, 17-20 March (2005). 30- Mohamed, H. I., and Gad, A.A.M.: “Optimum design of looped water distribution networks using a resilience index”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 419-431, (2005). 31- Mohamed, H. I.: “Effect of Lateral Variation of Roughness on Flow Conveyance Within A Trapezoidal Channel Cross-Section”, Journal of Eng. Sciences, Faculty of Eng., University of Assiut, Vol. 32, No. 5,pp. 1871-1885, (2004). 32- Gad, A.A.M., and Mohamed, H. I.: “A simple graphical method for designing all sewer types”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 1527-1537, (2004). 33- Mohamed, H. I., and Gad, A.A.M.: “An inverse method for determining unsaturated soil hydraulic functions from unsteady upward flow”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 1115-1128, (2004). 34- Mohamed, H. I., and Gad, A.A.M.: “Modelling of pollutants distribution in open streams using the control-volume method”, Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 883-899, (2004). 35- Mohamed, H. I., and Schoberl, F.: “Variation of Pressure and Velocity Correction Coefficients along Block-Stones Ramp”, 1st. Inter. Confer. of Civil Eng. Science, Assiut-Egypt, Oct. (2003). 36- Mohamed, H. I.: “Parametric Study for the Water Hammer Phenomena in Pipelines”, 1st. Inter. Confer. of Civil Eng. Science, Assiut-Egypt, Oct. (2003). 37- Schoberl, F., and Mohamed, H. I.: “Flow Characteristics and Stability of Crest Stones of Loose Block-Ramps”, 8th Inter. Symposium on river Sedimentation, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. (2001). 38- Schoberl, F., and Mohamed, H. I.: “Roughness Specification of Steeply Slope Channels”, 8th Inter. Symposium on river Sedimentation, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. (2001). 39- Ali, N. A., Mohamed, A. A., Mosia, H. O., and Mohamed, H. I.: “Analysis of scour phenomena around smooth and rough marine pipelines oblique to tidal flow direction”, Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 17- 24, (1996). Book Authoring: 1. Lecture Notes “Principals of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering”. 2. Lecture Notes “Surface Water Hydrology”. 3. Lecture Notes “Civil Engineering drawing”. 4. Lecture Notes “Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering Students”. 7. M. Sc. And Ph. D. Supervisor supervisor and member of examination committee for 6 Master degree students at Assiut University-Egypt (5 finished and the others under preparation). Reviewer of many researches for the following international journals and conferences. o Journal of Hydraulics Engineering (ASCE) o Journal of Irrigation and drainage Engineering (ASCE) o Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (ASCE) o Journal of Water Management (ICE) o African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology o Neural Computing& Application journal 8. HONORS AND AWARDS: 1. Scholarship for studying Ph. D. in Austria, 2000/2003. 2.Prize of best paper in Hydraulic Eng. At 10 th International water technology conference, Mars 2006. 3. Prize of best research in civil Eng. at year 2008/2009, Assiut university. 9. PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL I have attended and participated in the following conferences: 1. Water and horizon of future in south valley, workshop, Assiut University, Dec. 1997. 2. Eight Inter. Symposium on river sedimentation, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2001. 3. First Inter. Conf. in Civil Eng., Assiut, Egypt, Oct. 2003. 4. Eight Inter. Water Technology Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, Mars 2004. 5. Ten Inter. Water Technology Conf., Alexandria, Egypt, Mars 2006. 6. Eleven Inter. Water Technology Conf., Sharm El-Sheikh, Mars 2007. 7. First Eng. Conf. for youth researchers, Assiut, Egypt, May 2007. 8. Water and Wastes Conf., Assiut, Egypt, June 2007. 9. Twelve Inter. Water Technology Conf., Alexandria, Egypt, Mars 2008. 10. Inter. Summer Course for Sustainable Water Management & Technology in Urbanised Areas, sept. 2008, Belgium. 11. Third Inter. Environmental Eng. Conf., Cairo, April 2008. 12. First Inter. Conf. On Economics& Management of Water in Arab World and Africa, EMWAWA 2009, Assiut university, Egypt, Nov. 2009. 13. Kuwiat third conf. for waste management, April 2010. 14. The 4th International Conf. on Water Resources and Arid Environments, Riyadh, KSA, Dec. 2010. 15. Kuwiat fourth conf. for waste management, Oct. 2011. 16. Internat. Conf. on Water, Energy and Environment 2011, American University of Sharjah, UAE, Nov. 2011. 17. The 5th International Conf. on Water Resources and Arid Environments, Riyadh, KSA, Jan. 2013. 10. TEACHING THE FOLLOWING TRAINING SHORT COURSES: 1. Conservation of river Nile and Naser lake from pollution : is given to engineers in ministry of irrigation and water resources (2003). 2. Agricultural Drainage (Planning, Design, Operation, Construction): is given to engineers in ministry of irrigation and water resources (2006). 3. Discharges Measurement in Pipes and Open Channels: is given to technician in ministry of irrigation and water resources (2007). 4. Future of water resources development in Saudi Arabia: Conservation and Reuse: is given in center for Engineering and Applied Research (2012). 11. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Working (from 1993-1997) at Consulting Office, Assiut, EGYPT as structural design engineer ”part time” for structural projects design. Taking part in design and planning of the following projects:1. Design of modern Irrigation network for Assiut Cement Co Farm, Assiut, Egypt, 19951998. 2. Design of protection measures of Assiut Cement Co from torrents disasters, Assiut, Egypt, 1998-1999. 3. Design of Artificial Irrigation Works for SOUTH KANTRA EAST project, Sinei, Egypt, 1997-2000. 4. Design of Sanitary drainage networks for industrial cities in Assiut, Egypt, 1999-2000. 5. Design of Wady El-Sheeh irrigation project, Assiut, Egypt, 1999-2000. 6. Design of Manqabad village sanitary drainage pipes networks and lifting pumping station, Assiut, Egypt, 2008. 7. Design of irrigation pipes network for trees forest on Sanitary drainage water, Sohag, Egypt, 2009. 8. Design and Supervised of Civil Eng. Labs Building (Majmaah University), 2010. 9. Consultant for Ghat Dam rehabilitation project, KSA, 2011. 10. Studying the efficiency of Majmaah wastewater treatment plant and reuse, 2012. 12. OTHER ACTIVITIES 1. Attending 14 workshop about development of staff member skills. 2. Taken apart in organizing two conference in Assiut university 3. Member of Civil Eng. department council, Assiut University. 4. Member of Committee of preparing of self evaluation report for accreditation (Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University) 5. Member of Committee of Civil Engineering laboratories development (Assiut university) 6. Member of scientific committee for irrigation and drainage courses, civil engineering department, Assiut university. 7. Member of center of engineering studies and consultants (Assiut university) 8. Member of Committee of Quality and development at college of EngineeringMagmaah University , KSA (1430/1431). 9. Member of electronics service committee, college of Engineering- Magmaah University , KSA (1430/1431). 10. Member of Academic Programs Development Committee, Magmaah University, KSA (1431/1432). 11. Coordinator of Labs and Maintenance Committee, Magmaah University, KSA (1431/1432), 1432/1433. 12. Head of Civil and Environmental Eng. Department, Majmaah University from 1434 till now. 13. Member of Engineering and Applied Science Research Center Committee. 14. Co-editor for journal of building technology. 13. FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS Corrosion and Potable Water Quality of Majmaah Region, North Riyadh- KSA. 2010/2011. Assessment of Groundwater Recharge Methods in Arid and Semiarid Regions. 2011/2012. DEWATERING SCHEMES AND THEIR EFFECTS ON THE VARIATION OF GROUNDWATER LEVELS AND UPLIFT PRESSURE UNDER BUILDINGS, 2013/2014. 14. REFERENCE PERSONS 1. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Sameeh Eid, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University. Tel.: 01223971686 2. Prof. Dr. Nashaat Abdel-Lah Ali, Former Vice Dean of Faculty of Eng., Assiut university. Tel.: 01006201785 3. Prof. Dr. Gamal Abozeid, Vice Dean of Faculty of Eng., Sohag University. Tel.: 01063572412 E-mail: gabozeid@yahoo.com