Using Social Media to Enhance your CTE Program

Using Social Media
to Enhance Your
CTE Program and
A Taste of Why and How….. A Brief Taste…
According to Michael Kristof of Kristof Creative
Why Use Social Media
Shea Bennett, Social Times,, January 20, 2014
Mobile Device Usage in the
 By 2020, 90 percent of the world's population over 6
years old will have a mobile phone, and smartphone
subscriptions are expected to top 6.1 billion
 Ericsson, Ericsson Mobility Report, 11/18/2014
Student Demographics of
Social Media
Ericsson, Ericsson Mobility Report, 11/18/2014
How to use
Assign a Social Media director from your program
 Possibly more than one
 Train them
 Monitor them
Know and understand the purpose and “rules” of each platform
Know the venue you’re working on
 Ask your students
General rules for all S.M,
 Be authentic
 Don’t share
 Political views
 Questionable humor
 Hacks and/or counter hacks
 Formulaic responses
 Personal information
 Don’t spam
Face Book General
25-34 year old – 29.5% of users
50% of FB users think it is better than websites
Can create a page for program using a personal account
 Can make someone an administrator without sharing your personal password
Can use hashtags
 As in Twitter
Make sure hashtag hasn’t been used
Or has been used with a topic that is conducive to your program’s
Provides some analytics
 Number of impressions seen
Can create a private group
Can have privacy settings
Security on FB
Refer to
Using Face Book
Banner - 851pixels x 315 pixels
Profile picture - 160 pixels square
 Can use same picture for tweeter
Provide news
Understand your audience
Updates of program
Ask them
Create engaging, sticky content
Builds interaction
Post 2 – 3 times a day
Keep updates short
 Shorter = increased engagement
Photos, videos and questions = increased engagement
Use full links – 3x more engagement
Post between 10:00 am – 4 pm Thursday and Friday
Use interesting networks, newsletters, etc. content
Have it pertain to your program
 3 times more likely to impact organizations on-line
 Create an account for alumni of program
 Stay in touch
 Can follow
 Other CTE programs
 Businesses that are aligned with what your program does
 Others that are related/have interest in program
 Can direct message other users
 DM@username
 Tweets can be bookmarked
 Hashtags #
 Create conversations around a topic
 Some analytics available
 Can redirect on website to Twitter
 Can use QR code and change info in it
Using Twitter
Build relationships
Don’t spam
Don’t direct message (DM) people you don’t know/never engaged with
Ask questions
Float ideas
Solicit feedback
Post links to things people would find interesting
Extend reach
Follow influential people
Comment when appropriate
Post multiple times a day (2-3) between 7-10 in different time zones
Integrate with other social media networks
Breakdown of posts
30% tips for better living
30% funny
25% compliments
10% info to keep viewers informed
5% what your doing
Keep updates short
80 characters or less
 39 million + students & recent grads
 Linkedin fastest growing demographic
 4 million + organizations/companies have pages
 Can have a upgraded account
 Follow people/companies that your program is interested
 Join or create groups
 Join groups that could or do have connection with your
 Make comments when appropriate
 Another place for alumni group
 Can follow their careers/education
 Could be possible resources for current students
Using Linkedin
 Business page information
 Optimize for search
 Complete profile
 Where to showcase
 Products
 Services
 Identify and connect with influential people in your
 Look at successful profiles
 High in google search
 Keep it business like
 Ask people you know for introductions to others before
direct messaging
 200 million users
 2500 brands on Instagram
 15 second videos can now be used
 Can add value to program
 Images
 Short videos
 Personalization is possible
 Linked to FB
 Usually shorter message than FB
 Can show up on FB feed
70 million active users
68% female
32% male
Images – add value
Uses boards with pins
Inspiration boards
Vision boards
Biggest uses
Wedding ideas
Retail products
Create boards for program
Children activities
Model making
Tiny houses
 If you have Google + account you have a Youtube
 18 – 34 watch this more than any cable network
 Can be used as a blog post
 Can use in the classroom
 Direct instruction
 Video of procedure
 PowerPoint of lesson
 PP 2010 and beyond have ability to turn PP with audio into a video
 Have students find an instructional video
 Create infomercials/commercials for program
 Can be embedded in
 Website
 Facebook
 Twitter
Posting on Social Media (setting
up and letting it do it)
 Create “recipes”
 Such as
 Posting Instagram photos as “native” Twitter posts
 Can also do this FB, Google +, etc.
 Can use pre-made recipes
 Can create your own recipes
 It’s free
 Can schedule posts for up to 2 or 3 years
 Can monitor posts before they are posted
IFTTT Page Example
Facebook Demographics
Irfan Ahmad, 10/13/2014, Digital Information World