Course Content and Outcome Guide for BCT 213 Date: September 20, 2010 Course Title: Commercial Printreading Credit Hours: 3 Lecture hours: 30 Course Description Commercial Printreading covers typical commercial and civil construction plans and practices. Introduction to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Prerequisite: BCT 102 or instructor permission based on industry experience in print reading. Intended Outcomes for the course To perform commercial building and civil construction tasks, including project planning, materials identification and assembly by reading and interpreting architectural prints. To assess plans and specifications for adequate and or accurate information. To communicate information found in those documents. Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills) How does LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) effect the design of the building and the construction documents. Architectural standards symbols, markers, and abbreviations Working drawings and specifications Presentation drawings Commercial and civil building methods and materials Construction Specification Institute master format Civil, mechanical, structural, and trade prints Process Skills: 1. Recognize and interpret architectural dimensioning. 2. Use an architectural and engineering scale ruler to measure objects found in scaled drawings. 3. Use an architectural ruler to sketch scaled drawings. 4. Sketch to visualize and communicate. 5. Identify and sketch various architectural line types. 6. Identify and sketch various architectural symbols. 7. Identify and sketch architectural markers. 8. Interpret and evaluate information found within print schedules. 9. Recognize and sketch orthographic drawings 10. Identify materials and assembly systems using specifications. 11. Recognize abbreviations. 12. Recognize and use the CSI master format. 13. Work collaboratively with team member(s). Course Content bct213-2010 1