Science and Humanitarian Studies – Al-Ghat Institution: Academic Department : Department of English. B.A. in English. Program : Appreciating Poetry Course : Dr. Mohanad Sabha. Course Coordinator : Majmaah University Program Coordinator : …./ … / …… H Course Specification Approved Date : A. Course Identification and General Information 1. 1 - Course title : Appreciating Poetry Course Code: Eng 231 (30 Hours) 2. Credit hours : 3 - Program(s) in which the course is offered: B.A. in English. 4 – Course Language : English. 2. 5 - Name of faculty member responsible for the course: Enas Fawzy Abdel Aziz 3. 6 - Level/year at which this course is offered : Level Four/ 2nd Year 7 - Pre-requisites for this course (if any) : Preferably Eng. 181 8 - Co-requisites for this course (if any) : None. 9 - Location if not on main campus : ( Department of English) 10 - Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply) A - Traditional classroom B - Blended (traditional and online) D - e-learning E - Correspondence F - Other What percentage? 100 % What percentage? ……. % What percentage? ……. % What percentage? ……. % What percentage? ……. % Comments : ........................................................................................................... B Objectives What is the main purpose for this course? 1. 2. 3. 4. Define poetry as a specific literary genre and distinguish it from other literary genres. Paraphrase and summarize a poem in order to understand its meaning. Analyze imagery and figurative language as elements of poetry. Identify speaker, tone, situation, and setting as elements of poetry and connect these elements to the meaning of the text. 5. Analyze sound and rhythm as elements of poetry and understand their role in making meaning in the text. 6. Write an analysis of a poem in Standard English. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented : Increased use of audio visual presentations for poetry recitals. 2- Increased use of IT or web-based reference material 3- Increased use of power-point and projector in class Page 2 Of 7 C. Course Description 1. Topics to be Covered List of Topics What is poetry Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Eagle Imagery: William Shakespeare: Spring No. of Weeks 1 Contact Hours 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 Reading the Poem Philip Larkin: A Study of Reading Habits General exercises for analysis and Evaluation Denotation and Connotation: Emily Dickenson: There is no frigate like a book. Sylvia Plath: Mirror When My love swears she is made of truth, Reading Habits (Figures of speech, speaker, theme) 1st Midterm Imagery: Robert Browning : Meeting at Night , Parting in morning, Imagery: Those Sunday Morning Figures of Speech: Robert Francis: The Hound Langston Hughes: Dream Deferred 2nd Midterm William Blake: The sick Rose Jane Kenyon: The Letter Students' presentations /research papers/ or second midterm 2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester): Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Practical Other: Total Contact Hours 24 hrs 2 hrs None 4 hrs None 30 hrs Credit 24 hrs 2 hrs None 4 hrs None 30 hrs Page 3 Of 7 3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week. 3 hrs per week 4. Course Learning Outcomes in NQF Domains of Learning and Alignment with Assessment Methods and Teaching Strategy NQF Learning Domains And Course Learning Outcomes Course Teaching Strategies Course Assessment Methods 1.0 Knowledge 1.1 Poetry as a specific literary genre and what distinguishes it lectures 1.2 Imagery and figurative language as elements of poetry. Class discussion Class participation from other literary genres. 1.3 Midterms Assignments The concepts of speaker, tone, situation, and setting as Close reading Research papers elements of poetry and how to connect these elements to the and text analysis. and presentations meaning of the text. given in class 1.4 The sound and rhythm as elements of poetry and their role in Final written exam making meaning in the text. 2.0 Cognitive Skills 2.1 Ability to think critically and analytically 2.2 2.3 Lectures/ teaching students how to read attentively and critically Ability to do research and to make use of information from Discussions/ teaching primary and secondary sources in support of a valid thesis students to think independently and and argument engage in group discussions Encouragement of Students will be able to appreciate poetry students to be creative in their presentation 3.0 Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility 3.1 Students can complete both reading and writing assignments in due time 3.2 Students can participate in class discussion and think critically 3.3 Students can act responsibly and ethically in carrying out individual as well as group projects Page 4 Of 7 Lectures in which students are made aware of the significance of time management Discussions with students on ethical behaviour in conducting research Individual counselling on Class participation. Research papers and oral presentations Midterm and final exams Active class participation reflects the students’ ability to keep up with the reading schedule Research papers will attest to the student’s ability to fulfil assignments and respect dead lines Performance on midterms and final NQF Learning Domains And Course Learning Outcomes Course Teaching Strategies Course Assessment Methods research projects and writing difficulties exams are evidence of the student’s ability to recollect and synthesize information 4.0 Communication, Information Technology, Numerical Encourage 4.1 Ability to use literary and academic English. students to make use of material on the web 4.2 Search for material on the web. Use of PowerPoint and laptop – projector systems 4.3 5.0 Psychomotor 5.1 Not applicable. Assignments Encourage Class analysis students to consult the specialist in the computer lab for help on webbased material Require the use Exams of PowerPoint when giving presentations Not applicable Not applicable 5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester: Assessment task 1 2 3 All Along 10% 2 Midterms Week 8, 13 40% Final Exam End of Semester 50% Participation and Quizzes D. Student Academic Counseling and Support 6 hours per course per week; reachable via email Page 5 Of 7 Week Due Proportion of Total Assessment E. Learning Resources 1. List Required Textbooks : Sound and Sense (latest ed.) by Perrine 2. List Essential References Materials : A Dictionary of Literary Terms. 3. List Recommended Textbooks and Reference Material : A Research Guide for Undergraduates in English & American Literature. MLA, 2006 MLA Handbook (as reference guide on how to write a research paper). 4. List Electronic Materials : The most comprehensive Poetry website 5. Other learning material : Signed Student Code of honour explained during student orientation to university to protect against plagiarism F. Facilities Required 1. Accommodation Lecture rooms should be large enough to accommodate the number of registered students 2. Computing resources Laptop computer projector system 3. Other resources None G Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes 1 Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching: End of term college evaluation of course by students ( to be collected by the department) 2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Program/Department Instructor : Peer observation to benefit from colleagues’ objective feedback and suggestions for improvement. 3 Processes for Improvement of Teaching : Training sessions 2. Workshops to facilitate the exchange of experiences amongst faculty members 3. Regular meetings where problems are discussed and solutions given 4. Discussion of challenges in the classroom with colleagues and supervisors Page 6 Of 7 Encouragement of faculty members to attend professional development conferences Keep up to date with pedagogical theory and practice Set goals for achieving excellence in teaching at the beginning of each new semester after reviewing last semester’s teaching strategies and results 4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement Check marking of a sample of examination papers either by a resident or visiting faculty member 5. Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and planning for improvement : Compare syllabi and course description with other universities (including those on the net) Biannual meetings of faculty members to discuss improvement Have a curriculum review committee to review the curriculum periodically and suggest improvements Course Specification Approved Department Official Meeting No ( ….. ) Date … / …. / ….. H Course’s Coordinator Enas Fawzy Abdel Aziz Name : Signature : Enas Fawzy Date : 8/ 2 / 1436 H Page 7 Of 7 Department Head Name : Signature : Date : Dr. Mona Gaber .......................... …./ … / …… H